- published: 23 Nov 2016
- views: 23242
Prod or PROD may refer to:
Dark Souls (ダークソウル, Dāku Sōru) is an action role-playing video game developed by FromSoftware. It was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and published by Namco Bandai Games internationally. A spiritual successor to FromSoftware's Demon's Souls and the second installment of the Souls series, Dark Souls began development under the working title of Project Dark. The game was released in Japan on September 22, 2011, and in North America, Australia, and Europe the following month. On August 24, 2012, the "Prepare to Die" edition of Dark Souls was released for PC, featuring additional content previously unavailable to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 users. On October 23, 2012, the additional content from the PC version was released as downloadable content for consoles under the title Artorias of the Abyss.Dark Souls takes place in the fictional kingdom of Lordran. Players assume the role of a cursed undead character who has been chosen to make a pilgrimage out of the Undead Asylum to discover the fate of the Undead.
Dark Souls III (ダークソウルIII, Dāku Sōru Surī) is an upcoming action role-playing video game being developed by FromSoftware. The fourth entry in the Souls series,Dark Souls III will be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in Japan in March 2016, and worldwide the following month. A comic is scheduled for release following in April 2016.
Dark Souls III is an action role-playing game set in a third-person perspective, similar to previous games in the series. According to director Hidetaka Miyazaki, the game's gameplay design "follows closely from Dark Souls II". Players are equipped with a variety of weapons including shortbows, explosives like fire bombs, greatswords and dual-wielding swords to fight against enemies, and shields that can be used to deflect an enemies' attack and protect the player from suffering damage. In addition, attacks can be evaded through dodge-rolling. Bonfires, which serve as checkpoints, return from previous installments. Ashes, according to Miyazaki, will play an important role in the game. Magic is featured in the game and the magic meter returned, similar to Demon's Souls. Each attack has two different styles. One of them is standard attack, while another provides power-ups to players, and is slightly more powerful. When performing miracles and spells, the players' magic points are consumed and decreased. In order to refill these points, they need to consume an "Ash Estus Flask". There are two different Estus Flasks in the game. One of them can help refill magic points, while another refills hit points. Combat and movements were made faster and more fluid in Dark Souls III. Several players' movements, such as backstepping and swinging heavy weapons, can be performed more rapidly, allowing players to deal more damage in a short period of time.
Dark Souls 3 PvP - Prod VS HyperSouls - Some Fun In The Arena!
Dark Souls 3: Crystal Sage Rapier PvP - Salty Prod Using A Shit Weapon (Pick My Weapon #109)
BANDURA X BETEO X HELLFIELD - Feniks (prod. CrackHouse)
Prod Face Reveal #2...I Guess - 7 YEARS ON YOUTUBE!
FabuloZu - "Anoni Mato" [Prod. Primeiro Suspeito]
ПИКА - А Я ДА (prod.by NZVSTN)
סטטיק ובן אל תבורי - טודו בום | (Prod. by Jordi)
Rimas Gerais - Mini (Dogtown), Well, FBC (DV), Chris | (Prod Mirral)
A2H - De Juillet à Septembre (Clip Officiel) (Prod A2H)
Check Out Hyper’s POV & Sub To Him! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_I5UEC4G7s https://www.youtube.com/user/HyperSouls DROP A LIKE & Subscribe FOR MORE DARK SOULS 3 videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Check Out My NEW PVP SERIES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJq_3Hh4C1Q WATCH ALL MY DARK SOULS 3 PVP VIDEOS HERE! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91eVOMavxA9BiZoIheGoYUJF Subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx follow me on twitter & Twitch https://twitter.com/xProdz_ https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_
Subscribe FOR MORE DARK SOULS 3 videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Check Out My NIOH PLAYTHROUGH! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91c5CDZtbXy7rjHJUWRvNQah follow me on twitter & Twitch https://twitter.com/xProdz_ https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ Thumbnail art http://kinwii.deviantart.com/art/Crystal-Sage-609358166 WATCH ALL MY DARK SOULS 3 PVP VIDEOS HERE! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91eVOMavxA9BiZoIheGoYUJF
Najnowszy teledysk BANDURA X BETEO X HELLFIELD - "Feniks"! Kolaboracja reprezentantów ekipy CrackHouse - Bandury i Hellfielda z członkiem SB Maffija - Beteo. W kawałku Bandura rozlicza się z przeszłością, nawiązuje do minionych wydarzeń i zaczyna nowy rozdział na swojej drodze. Utwór zakopuje wszelkie spekulacje na temat toporu wojennego na linii Bandura - SB Maffija. Jeden Dom. Skład. Zajawka. #CrackHouse Słowa: Bandura, Beteo, Hellfield Produkcja: CrackHouse Mix i mastering: CrackHouse Teledysk: BassMedia.pl FB Bandura: www.facebook.com/BanduraCrackHouse FB Beteo: www.facebook.com/BeteoBejbi FB Hellfield: www.facebook.com/HellfieldCrackHouse FB CrackHouse: www.facebook.com/CrackHouseBeatz FB SB Maffija: www.facebook.com/SBMaffija Instagram: BANDURA ➡️ @bandura_crackhouse HELLFIELD ➡️...
Well here it is! Not sure why you would want this, but if this video gets close to 3000 likes i'll try and do one of these every month Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ MY DISCORD! - https://discord.gg/7YWbbaK Twitter - https://twitter.com/xProdz_ OFFICIAL MERCH! - https://teespring.com/stores/prod-shop Watch ALL My PvP videos with the new DLC Weapons! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91d49FWHRF8TH6XV0txWRYT3
"Anoni Mato" - Segundo o artista uma "DISS PARA AS DISS" uma resposta para "Sulicídio", "Sultavivo", "Disscarrego" as tretas , e tudo que vem acontecendo na cena atual.{FabuloZu}. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5XItTxaloELNjP1TW6UaLm RAP BOX Video clipes, músicas, entrevistas e entretenimento. Valorização e fomento à cultura hip-hop. LOJA: http://www.rapbox.com.br Nossas redes: http://www.facebook.com/rapboxoficial http://www.instagram.com/rapboxoficial http://www.instagram.com/leocasa1 http://www.facebook.com/leocasa1oficial http://www.instagram.com/marcioconradocunha Realização e produção: CASA1 /2017 ®Todos direitos reservados http://www.casa1.com.br Direção e apresentação: Léo Cunha - @leocasa1 Roteiro: FabuloZu Edição e Pós-produção: Victor Ambrosio Contato Profission...
по орг.выступлений Марк http://vk.com/markusnvntven +7(915)214-19-45 nvnbooking@mail.ru пика/pika ep album "go" - а я да (prod.by nzvstn) Download on iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/go/id1259606901?l=en Download on GooglePlay : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Пика_Go?id=B35myp3poxusbndjo3tso6kue4a&hl;=ru Director/Camera instagram : @ lyuartwork / / vk - https://vk.com/theindigoflow / vk - https://vk.com/lyuartwork Edit instagram : @ daniil_roganskiy / vk : https://vk.com/danylio Pika instagram : @ pikaofficial.alfa / vk https://vk.com/pika_official
ניהול אישי וייצוג בלעדי-אורון כלפון&יואב גרוס להזמנת הופעות ״גאגא בוקינג״-036056511 |אופיר- 0508499347 | חי- 0524249735|שבי-0504000721| יחסי ציבור : זיו פתרונות מיתוג 0549909906|office.zivpr@gmail.com מנהל הפקה – סטיב 0549467131 סטטיק פייסבוק : https://www.facebook.com/static.muzic סטטיק באינסטגרם : static_official סטטיק בסנאפצ'אט: static_official בן אל פייסבוק : https://www.facebook.com/BenelOfficial בן אל באינסטגרם : beneltavori בן אל בסנאפצ'אט: beneltavori מילים ולחן: לירז רוסו, בן אל תבורי עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית: ירדן "ג'ורדי" פלג גיטרות: שמעון יחיא כלי הקשה נוספים: דדי אלון ברימבאו: רגב סימבה מלובני קלידים ותכנותים: ירדן "ג'ורדי" פלג מיקס ומאסטרינג: ירדן "ג'ורדי" פלג בטוקדה אמזונס (Batucada Amazonas)-תופים ברזילאים: תומר רז ואייל איזיקוביץ' Apito ,Tamborim, עמוס פרידלין-Repinique, ...
Primeira edição do projeto Rimas Gerais, que consiste em unir diferentes artistas de rap de BH em uma única música. Se inscreva no canal e aguarde as novidades SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/1LoaKkgHnatYJvAmGkRlIS (DISPONÍVEL TAMBÉM EM TODOS OS SERVIÇOS DE STREAMING) FICHA TÉCNICA Direção/Filmagem - Rodrigo Noronha (@rodrigo_noronha) Edição/Finalização - Rodrigo Noronha (@rodrigo_noronha) Letra - Mini, Well, FBC, Chris Produção Musical - Mirral (@themirasss) Mixagem - Jão Beatz | Estúdio Rec16 (@jaobeatz) Masterização - Pedro Peixoto | Medisen Studios (@medisenstudios) Produção Executiva - Estúdio Rec16 (@estudiorec16) Apoio - Rec16 Apparel ESTÚDIO REC16 facebook.com/estudiorec16 instagram.com/estudiorec16 REC16 APPAREL Camisas em breve à venda MINI (DOGTOWN) @minidogtown @...
"Summer Stories Kushtape, Vol.3" dispo ici : https://A2H.lnk.to/SummerStoriesKushtapeVol3 Prod : A2H Mix & Mastering : AK Studios (Paris) Clip réalisé par : Riggsovitch Suivez A2H sur : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/A2H-Palace-194864947231979/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/__A2H__ Instagram : A2hpalace Snapchat : a2hpalace
LIL SCAR - STRASBATTI (PROD. DEMO) - Lil Skvr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lil_skvr -Million Clique FB: https://www.facebook.com/MillionCliqueBaby/ Executive Producer: Demo @ StudioOstileGenova SO FB: https://www.facebook.com/Studio.Ostile/ Demo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demito_loco/ Written by: Pabloyoungblood e Lil Scar Direct e edit by: Pabloyoungblood e Yuridelamaison Segui 'Pablo Youngblood' su IG: @pabloyoungblood Segui 'Yuri Delamaison' su IG: @yuridelamaison Si ringrazia Papillon Boutique per la disponibilità
Check Out Hyper’s POV & Sub To Him! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_I5UEC4G7s https://www.youtube.com/user/HyperSouls DROP A LIKE & Subscribe FOR MORE DARK SOULS 3 videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Check Out My NEW PVP SERIES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJq_3Hh4C1Q WATCH ALL MY DARK SOULS 3 PVP VIDEOS HERE! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91eVOMavxA9BiZoIheGoYUJF Subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx follow me on twitter & Twitch https://twitter.com/xProdz_ https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_
Subscribe FOR MORE DARK SOULS 3 videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Check Out My NIOH PLAYTHROUGH! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91c5CDZtbXy7rjHJUWRvNQah follow me on twitter & Twitch https://twitter.com/xProdz_ https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ Thumbnail art http://kinwii.deviantart.com/art/Crystal-Sage-609358166 WATCH ALL MY DARK SOULS 3 PVP VIDEOS HERE! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91eVOMavxA9BiZoIheGoYUJF
Najnowszy teledysk BANDURA X BETEO X HELLFIELD - "Feniks"! Kolaboracja reprezentantów ekipy CrackHouse - Bandury i Hellfielda z członkiem SB Maffija - Beteo. W kawałku Bandura rozlicza się z przeszłością, nawiązuje do minionych wydarzeń i zaczyna nowy rozdział na swojej drodze. Utwór zakopuje wszelkie spekulacje na temat toporu wojennego na linii Bandura - SB Maffija. Jeden Dom. Skład. Zajawka. #CrackHouse Słowa: Bandura, Beteo, Hellfield Produkcja: CrackHouse Mix i mastering: CrackHouse Teledysk: BassMedia.pl FB Bandura: www.facebook.com/BanduraCrackHouse FB Beteo: www.facebook.com/BeteoBejbi FB Hellfield: www.facebook.com/HellfieldCrackHouse FB CrackHouse: www.facebook.com/CrackHouseBeatz FB SB Maffija: www.facebook.com/SBMaffija Instagram: BANDURA ➡️ @bandura_crackhouse HELLFIELD ➡️...
Well here it is! Not sure why you would want this, but if this video gets close to 3000 likes i'll try and do one of these every month Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ MY DISCORD! - https://discord.gg/7YWbbaK Twitter - https://twitter.com/xProdz_ OFFICIAL MERCH! - https://teespring.com/stores/prod-shop Watch ALL My PvP videos with the new DLC Weapons! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91d49FWHRF8TH6XV0txWRYT3
"Anoni Mato" - Segundo o artista uma "DISS PARA AS DISS" uma resposta para "Sulicídio", "Sultavivo", "Disscarrego" as tretas , e tudo que vem acontecendo na cena atual.{FabuloZu}. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5XItTxaloELNjP1TW6UaLm RAP BOX Video clipes, músicas, entrevistas e entretenimento. Valorização e fomento à cultura hip-hop. LOJA: http://www.rapbox.com.br Nossas redes: http://www.facebook.com/rapboxoficial http://www.instagram.com/rapboxoficial http://www.instagram.com/leocasa1 http://www.facebook.com/leocasa1oficial http://www.instagram.com/marcioconradocunha Realização e produção: CASA1 /2017 ®Todos direitos reservados http://www.casa1.com.br Direção e apresentação: Léo Cunha - @leocasa1 Roteiro: FabuloZu Edição e Pós-produção: Victor Ambrosio Contato Profission...
по орг.выступлений Марк http://vk.com/markusnvntven +7(915)214-19-45 nvnbooking@mail.ru пика/pika ep album "go" - а я да (prod.by nzvstn) Download on iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/ru/album/go/id1259606901?l=en Download on GooglePlay : https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Пика_Go?id=B35myp3poxusbndjo3tso6kue4a&hl;=ru Director/Camera instagram : @ lyuartwork / / vk - https://vk.com/theindigoflow / vk - https://vk.com/lyuartwork Edit instagram : @ daniil_roganskiy / vk : https://vk.com/danylio Pika instagram : @ pikaofficial.alfa / vk https://vk.com/pika_official
ניהול אישי וייצוג בלעדי-אורון כלפון&יואב גרוס להזמנת הופעות ״גאגא בוקינג״-036056511 |אופיר- 0508499347 | חי- 0524249735|שבי-0504000721| יחסי ציבור : זיו פתרונות מיתוג 0549909906|office.zivpr@gmail.com מנהל הפקה – סטיב 0549467131 סטטיק פייסבוק : https://www.facebook.com/static.muzic סטטיק באינסטגרם : static_official סטטיק בסנאפצ'אט: static_official בן אל פייסבוק : https://www.facebook.com/BenelOfficial בן אל באינסטגרם : beneltavori בן אל בסנאפצ'אט: beneltavori מילים ולחן: לירז רוסו, בן אל תבורי עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית: ירדן "ג'ורדי" פלג גיטרות: שמעון יחיא כלי הקשה נוספים: דדי אלון ברימבאו: רגב סימבה מלובני קלידים ותכנותים: ירדן "ג'ורדי" פלג מיקס ומאסטרינג: ירדן "ג'ורדי" פלג בטוקדה אמזונס (Batucada Amazonas)-תופים ברזילאים: תומר רז ואייל איזיקוביץ' Apito ,Tamborim, עמוס פרידלין-Repinique, ...
Primeira edição do projeto Rimas Gerais, que consiste em unir diferentes artistas de rap de BH em uma única música. Se inscreva no canal e aguarde as novidades SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/1LoaKkgHnatYJvAmGkRlIS (DISPONÍVEL TAMBÉM EM TODOS OS SERVIÇOS DE STREAMING) FICHA TÉCNICA Direção/Filmagem - Rodrigo Noronha (@rodrigo_noronha) Edição/Finalização - Rodrigo Noronha (@rodrigo_noronha) Letra - Mini, Well, FBC, Chris Produção Musical - Mirral (@themirasss) Mixagem - Jão Beatz | Estúdio Rec16 (@jaobeatz) Masterização - Pedro Peixoto | Medisen Studios (@medisenstudios) Produção Executiva - Estúdio Rec16 (@estudiorec16) Apoio - Rec16 Apparel ESTÚDIO REC16 facebook.com/estudiorec16 instagram.com/estudiorec16 REC16 APPAREL Camisas em breve à venda MINI (DOGTOWN) @minidogtown @...
"Summer Stories Kushtape, Vol.3" dispo ici : https://A2H.lnk.to/SummerStoriesKushtapeVol3 Prod : A2H Mix & Mastering : AK Studios (Paris) Clip réalisé par : Riggsovitch Suivez A2H sur : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/A2H-Palace-194864947231979/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/__A2H__ Instagram : A2hpalace Snapchat : a2hpalace
LIL SCAR - STRASBATTI (PROD. DEMO) - Lil Skvr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lil_skvr -Million Clique FB: https://www.facebook.com/MillionCliqueBaby/ Executive Producer: Demo @ StudioOstileGenova SO FB: https://www.facebook.com/Studio.Ostile/ Demo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demito_loco/ Written by: Pabloyoungblood e Lil Scar Direct e edit by: Pabloyoungblood e Yuridelamaison Segui 'Pablo Youngblood' su IG: @pabloyoungblood Segui 'Yuri Delamaison' su IG: @yuridelamaison Si ringrazia Papillon Boutique per la disponibilità
Subscribe FOR MORE DARK SOULS 3 videos! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Check Out My NIOH PLAYTHROUGH! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91c5CDZtbXy7rjHJUWRvNQah follow me on twitter & Twitch https://twitter.com/xProdz_ https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ Thumbnail art http://kinwii.deviantart.com/art/Crystal-Sage-609358166 WATCH ALL MY DARK SOULS 3 PVP VIDEOS HERE! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91eVOMavxA9BiZoIheGoYUJF
This is my full playthrough of the ringed city from the LIVESTREAM with subs. Watch as my subs try (and sometimes fail) to protect me as we make out way through the world being invaded non stop Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_
KAARIS - On s'fait une prod ? ( Kaaris Type Beat ) ►Abonne toi pour plus de vidéos ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0sJGKRwQgY8WXYDfzjAZ8g ✅ www.newstreetmelody.com ✅ ►Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Zony-Officiel/134827629912784 ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/newstreetmelody ►Instagram: https://instagram.com/newstreetmelody/ ►Snapchat: Zonybutler 🔴 BEATSTARS: http://newstreetmelody.beatstars.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔥 ENVOIE TON TUTORIEL FL STUDIO ( 20 MINUTES MAX ! ) À CETTE ADRESSE ! 🔥 👉🏼 tutoflstudio@hotmail.com - Excellente qualité image et son - Bonne élocution - Aborde un sujet que tu maitrises parfaitement - Montage dynamique - Va à l'essentiel ! - Utilises un langage simple ---------------...
LAG....I Hate you so much. If you want to see what else got patched in the newest...patch watch this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaTy3AYagLE Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx Follow Me On Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ JOIN MY DISCORD! https://discord.gg/7YWbbaK follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/xProdz_ Watch ALL My PvP videos with the new DLC Weapons! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91d49FWHRF8TH6XV0txWRYT3
YOUNG THUG - On s'fait une prod ? (Young Thug Type Beat) ►Abonne toi pour plus de vidéos ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0sJGKRwQgY8WXYDfzjAZ8g Écoutes la prod finale ici :) ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yYK-xr7_bA&t;=78s ►Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Zony-Officiel/134827629912784 ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/newstreetmelody ►Instagram: https://instagram.com/newstreetmelody/ ►Snapchat: Zonybutler Jette un œil sur mon site www.newstreetmelody.com ! (De temps en temps il y a de bons petits trucs à télécharger gratuitement ;)) YOUNG THUG TYPE BEAT 2017 RAP HIP-HOP BEAT INSTRUMENTAL TRAP MUSIC TRAP BEAT TRAP INSTRUMENTAL HOW TO MAKE YOUNG THUG TYPE BEAT INSTRU TYPE YOUNG THUG
PNL - On s'fait une prod ? [PNL Type Beat] ►Abonne toi pour plus de vidéos ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0sJGKRwQgY8WXYDfzjAZ8g ►Facebook: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Zony-Officiel/134827629912784 ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/newstreetmelody ►Instagram: https://instagram.com/newstreetmelody/ ►Snapchat: Zonybutler Jette un œil sur mon site www.newstreetmelody.com ! (De temps en temps il y a de bons petits trucs à télécharger gratuitement ;)) PNL TYPE BEAT RAP HIP-HOP BEAT INSTRUMENTAL TRAP MUSIC
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Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ Thank you to everyone who came out to the livestream! yes...some salt occurred in this one but that's mage prod for ya Subscribe to my channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/lprod_ Wondering why i am called "The Thicc Hunter"? Well see for yourself https://twitter.com/xProdz_/status/887658754761670662 Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/codprodigyx MY DISCORD! - https://discord.gg/7YWbbaK Twitter - https://twitter.com/xProdz_ Watch ALL My PvP videos with the new DLC Weapons! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQfQMybYw91d49FWHRF8TH6XV0txWRYT3
コンパクトカメラをクラシックな外見で包んだような限定品のフィルムカメラです。面白い外見はデジカメを入れても面白そうですし、レンズも他に流用しても面白そうです。千円の元が取れるかなあ。 AFは2点だけなんて想像してみましたが、、、中身はなんだったんだろう。 - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/junk-daito-camera
Emotions inside us, troubling.
The hatred inside us, escalating.
The sickness inside us, keeps you weak.
The masses inside of us suffering, they are bleeding.
The calling inside us, sick with greed.
The voices calling to us, deafening we're not listening.
Cannot receive the obvious,
Line up cattle and cut the neck,
Swat at the flies omit disgust.
The leaders inside us, posturing.
The pollution inside of us, suffocating me.
The science inside us, menacing.
The will that's inside of us, its dying end is coming.
Cannot receive the obvious,
Line up cattle and cut the neck,
Drain us of life and cleanse the mess.
cleanse the mess...cleanse the mess...
cleanse the mess...cleanse the mess.
Wash me off inside, wash me off inside
We're killing ourselves, we're killing ourselves,
we're killing ourselves, killers.
Goddamn we fucked up the circumstance,
Too late to save us from ourselves,
Callous minds against trust and confidence,
Too late to give a damn, now.
Too late too save us from ourselves, too late to make it all go away,
Too late to beg pardons from the mother, too late to give a damn.
Its too late to save us from ourselves,
Its too late to make it all go away,
Too late to beg pardons from the mother
Its too late to give a damn now we'll sit and wait
Wait for the coming, of the end
Wait for the coming, the killing, the ending, the plight of man
Deserving, no mercy expelling by god's hand,
It's okay the ending it's over, no more pain.
No more pain...No more pain...
Emotion the hatred, the sickness, the calling.
Cannot receive the obvious,
Line up cattle and cut the neck,
Swat at the flies omit disgust