
Money features


The superannuation lobby's field of straw men

It's an uncomfortable truth that ASFA's measure of a "comfortable" retirement supports an affluent lifestyle more luxurious than most Australians experience during their working lives.

Ten-year investment returns will look better as the GFC recedes from view.

Beware of bragging money managers

​Investing is one of the most accountable pursuits you can undertake in one important way: the scoreboard is - metaphorically - 40 feet high and unavoidable.

Damian Worsdell is a 22-year-old customer service officer who saves $100 a week to invest in exchange-traded funds.

Damian's $100-a-week 'play money' habit

When Damian was born, his grandmother bought him a couple of hundred dollars of Telstra shares. Now at 22, he has $25,000 invested in index funds.