White ppl in Hollywood ensuring (yet again) that black actors are relegated to portraying slaves. PROFOUNDLY insulting.
It's not white people. Jews control Hollywood. Blame them.
So on one hand you're upset about a TV show insensitively dealing with black people but OTOH you're fine with posting an anti-Semitic remark
Truth can't be bigoted.
however, it is possible to be very, very, very stupid
Statistically a fact that Jews are hugely over represented in Hollywood
% in Hollywood vs % in general population doesn't mean they run it. Also, only relevant if you think they're influencing content for evil.
Are the movies more wholesome or less wholesome than in previous generations?
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Except I believe CSA was actually written and directed by a Black man
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Who the fuck approved this? How you gonna go from having a show with NO BLACK people to one where the black people are slaves in 2017? FOH
"funny" that both characters started their arcs on the show as literal slaves
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Only thing I care about: don't fuck up final season of GOT!
Guess I've ascended, pal
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