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Minneapolis police chief quits, residents demand mayor goes after Justine Damond's death

Libor Jany, Andy Mannix and Eric Roper

Published: July 22 2017 - 1:42PM

Minneapolis:  Many people in Minneapolis are not happy. Two hours after the resignation of the city's police chief over the death of Australian woman Justine Damond, protesters drowned out a press conference with Mayor Betsy Hodges demanding that she resign as well.

Ms Hodges was reading a statement about the departure of Police Chief Janee Harteau on Friday night, US time, when a small group of protesters disrupted the event.

Ms Harteau resigned at the mayor's request after the fatal shooting of the 40-year-old by a police officer which the top cop on Thursday said should not have happened. Ms Harteau had been criticised for remaining on holidays for four days in the aftermath of Ms Damond's shocking death.

Last Saturday, Ms Damond called 911 to report a possible sexual assault near her home in south Minneapolis, and one of the responding officers, Mohamed Noor, shot her from the squad car. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating the shooting.

"Bye, bye, Betsy," protesters chanted, while others waved signs saying "Messy Betsy" and "You are next" to resign.

After trying unsuccessfully to speak to the angry crowd that has vowed to camp outside the mayor's office until she goes, Ms Hodges gave up and left..

Ms Hodges had issued a statement immediately after Harteau's announcement, saying she asked for the chief's resignation.

"Last Saturday's tragedy as well as some other recent incidents have caused me to engage in deep reflection. The recent incidents do not reflect the training and procedures we developed as a department. Despite the MPD's many accomplishments under my leadership over these years and my love for the City, I have to put the communities we serve first," Harteau said.

"I've decided I am willing to step aside to let a fresh set of leadership eyes see what more can be done for the MPD to be the very best it can be. The city of Minneapolis deserves the very best.

"As far as we have come, I've lost confidence in the Chief's ability to lead us further - and from the many conversations I've had with people around our city, especially this week, it is clear that she has lost the confidence of the people of Minneapolis as well," Hodges said. "For us to continue to transform policing - and community trust in policing - we need new leadership at MPD.

"In conversation with the Chief today, she and I agreed that she would step aside to make way for new leadership. I asked Chief Harteau for her resignation, she tendered it, and I have accepted it," Hodges said.

Earlier on Friday, members of the Minneapolis City Council turned up the heat on the city's police department in their first meeting since Ms Damond's death.

Several council members said during the meeting and in subsequent interviews that they would like to oust Chief Janee Harteau or amend the city charter to give the council oversight of the department.

"We literally have more oversight of potholes than we do our own police. I think that's wrong. I think that needs to change," said Council Member Andrew Johnson.

The city's charter gives the mayor "complete" control over the department and its policies, making it distinct from other city departments. Council Vice President Elizabeth Glidden said Ms Damond's shooting rebooted conversations to change that, likely via a public referendum. It would take a majority vote of the council to put it on the ballot, or a unanimous vote to make the change outright.

"With a charter change like that, essentially we would then be able to have the kind of oversight that happens with every other department," Ms Glidden said.

Council Member Cam Gordon said that would allow the council to better address the department's use of force and body camera policies, among others.

"I'm more excited about looking at this than ever before," Mr Gordon said, "because I now think there's an appetite out in the community to say we need some bigger kind of changes."

Others on Friday aimed their criticism at Ms Harteau, who has come under fire for not returning soon enough from a vacation following the incident.

Council Member Linea Palmisano, who represents the ward where the shooting occurred, expressed frustration that the chief still hasn't called her about it.

"I think her not calling speaks volumes," Ms Palmisano said. "You can say I'm calling for her removal because I'm still waiting for her call."

During Friday's meeting, Ms Palmisano said Minneapolis needs to change how police operate in the city.

"If this means a change of police leadership, or a change in management structure, then so be it," Ms Palmisano said. "Because we have a systemic problem. We are not setting up officers to come into this line of work with the best of intentions for success."

Council Member Jacob Frey agreed.

"We need new leadership. We need a new chief," said Frey, who is running for mayor.

Star Tribune, New York Times, AAP

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