Brisbane Times

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Brisbane cyclists protest council's plans for shared pedestrian lane

Toby Crockford

Published: July 22 2017 - 2:42PM

Brisbane cyclists "died" for a few minutes on the Victoria Bridge during Saturday morning, in protest against Brisbane City Council's plans to create a shared cyclist-pedestrian lane on the bridge.

About a hundred pedal-powered protesters closed the general traffic lanes of the bridge, as they held a minute silence for fallen cyclists and a temporary "die-in" by mimicking the carnage of a major crash, which they believe will happen more often under proposed changes.

The future of one of Brisbane's main river crossings is unclear as buses, cyclists, pedestrians, green cabs and the planned Brisbane Metro compete for space within the bridge's proposed new design.

The $944 million Brisbane Metro project would change the use of the bridge, with Brisbane City Council proposing to turn the bridge "green", which would remove general traffic and double public transport capacity.

Under this plan, green cabs, cyclists and food delivery riders would be forced into a single shared pedestrian path on the upstream side of the river, while the downstream pedestrian path would be widened by 1.2 metres to allow even more people to use it.

Rolf Kuelsen, who has been a cycling commuter in Brisbane for almost 40 years, said he was "fairly frustrated" by the council plans and what he believed was a lack of cycling facilities in Brisbane, unlike European cities.

"It's all about prioritising, and from a health and traffic point-of-view, cycling and cycleways are a lot safer ways to do things," he said.

"Having been cycling for all these years, both here and in Europe, I know the split lanes are a much better way to go for us and pedestrians as well."

Mr Kuelsen said he has a near-miss encounter during his morning commute every couple of days, with the latest coming on Friday when a car had to slam on the brakes after trying to come up the inside of Mr Kuelsen.

Cyclists doing temporary "die-in" protest on Victoria Bridge, demanding dedicated cycling lanes. #victoriabridgeblockade @brisbanetimes

— Toby Crockford (@tobycrockford23) July 22, 2017

Greens councillor for The Gabba Ward Jonathan Sri said he was pleased the Brisbane Metro plans were moving forward, but said the proposed changes to the Victoria Bridge were a "lost opportunity".

"We have seen other cities around the world transition from a car-dominated transport network to one that prioritises walking, cycling and public transport – and that's what we need to do here in Brisbane," he said.

"I think council has made the mistake of focusing too heavily on current cyclist numbers, rather than recognising that cyclist numbers will continue to grow in the future.

"All we are suggesting is that council converts that widened pedestrian-only lane, which will be almost four metres wide, to be shared by bikes and pedestrians and that will address a lot of our concerns."

However, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the numbers of cyclists who use the bridge simply "can't compete" with the projected public transport boom.

"The reality is that this administration has done more to advance cycling in this city than any other time in the city's history," he said.

"We are looking at the projected number of public transport users and they are by far massively greater (than cyclist numbers).

"If we are going to tackle traffic congestion, we have to look after public transport users as well."

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