It Matters to Us

The Kingston Whig-Standard used to speak to, for and about our community. It gave us news we wanted and needed. It cared about journalism and invested in a quality product that featured local columnists and investigative reporters. It published in-depth coverage of local issues, politics, business, arts and culture.

It can be that way again. An improved Whig would benefit all of us: readers, the community, the newspaper’s staff and owners. It would strengthen local democracy by keeping citizens informed about what’s really happening in their town, stimulate discussion about local issues, and focus public attention on matters that need it.

Quebecor, the corporate media giant that owns the Whig, says it cares about Kingston and local news. It’s time for Quebecor to prove it. Help make that happen by joining our campaign to show Quebecor that Kingston wants not just a better Whig – but a Great Whig.