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Major archaeological dig under way in Melbourne's CBD

In a dark room in the earliest days of settlement in Melbourne, a gold nugget and a lice comb fall unnoticed through a crack in the floorboards.

For more than 150 years they were forgotten in the gloom, until unearthed from the rubble of the Mistletoe Hotel as part of a major archaeological dig in the CBD.

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Artefacts discovered at gold rush pub

Archaeologist uncover more than a quarter of a million artefacts right in the middle of Melbourne.

The relics were discovered in one of the most significant archaeological digs in Victoria's history. Around 250,000 artefacts have been excavated from the former pub site in MacKenzie Street and dated back to within 20 years of Melbourne's founding by European settlers.

The collection is the state's largest assemblage of business-related artefacts, preserved for the last 55 years under an asphalt car park. Previous large excavations, such as the Little Lon dig, have focused on former residential areas.

The relics include what could be one of the first pieces of ANZAC memorabilia – a distinctive rising-sun badge, perhaps from World War I, supposed to have been picked up by a rat one day and deposited amongst gnawed animal bones under the kitchen floor.

A cesspit, which still carries the mild pong of 19th-century sewage, has yielded broken emu eggs and one of the earliest models of a plastic toothbrush.


One of the oddest discoveries was a ceramic jar for "Russian bear grease", which was an early treatment for hair loss.

A small, rusted revolver was found in the basement, a hint at the establishment's colourful and dangerous history.

In 1879, burglars reportedly broke into the premises by removing slates from the roof and using a rope to abseil into the proprietor's bedroom, where they stole £200. A number of years later the proprietor, Charles Wright, reported to police that he had shot his pistol at five "larrikins" who had thrown stones at the doors and windows at the pub after being refused service.

There are also references in historic newspaper articles to prostitution at the Mistletoe. An 1855 piece in The Argus describes a man who was somehow "inveigled" by a woman into her tent at the back of the hotel.

"While he was there, a nobbler of liquor was given to him, from the effects which he immediately sank into a slumber. While he was in this state, £40 in notes and £3 in sovereigns were abstracted from his belt," the article said.

"The tent was a notable resort for prostitutes and bad characters." A number of feminine items were found during the dig, including pins for sewing.

"It certainly backs up the idea of a poorly lit place where you couldn't just return to search for a lost item," Heritage Victoria's principal archaeologist Jeremy Smith said.

The Mistletoe Hotel site is now hemmed in by office towers and will soon be become home to a 38-storey apartment building. Malaysian developer UEM Sunrise has funded the excavation.

While it's hard to believe now, the pub could once boast views of the Yarra River and the ships arriving at Australia Wharf. "It was bustling and it was busy, but the building of the city hadn't really started," Mr Smith said.

"It was such a different place."

The dig has been led by archaeological consultants Terra Culture and ArchLink, who will now spend another six months cleaning and analysing the items that have been collected.

Eventually, some of the artefacts may go on display in the new tower, reclaiming those city views in the process.