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Universities spend millions preparing for wave of sexual assault reports

Australian universities will spend millions of dollars on counselling services as "a wave of victims" are expected to come forward following the release of the world's largest report into sexual assault on campus.

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University students have protested on the lawns of Parliament House ahead of the release of a landmark report into sexual assault on campus

The report, due to be published on August 1, is expected to show widespread sexual abuse across the tertiary education sector and will raise questions about institutional duty of care and what legal avenues are available to the victims who are among the 37,000 students taking part in the Australian Human Rights Commission survey.

The impending release has sent universities scrambling to provide enough frontline services for the additional students expected to need counselling, and to radically alter the culture of their campuses.

In April, following reports from Fairfax Media, every one of Australia's universities committed to releasing data on sexual assaults after they were accused of "actively covering up sexual abuse" in the wake of revelations there had been six expulsions in the past five years from 145 reports of rape.


RMIT University will set a nationwide precedent by committing to a process of restorative justice for victims of sexual assault and peak body Universities Australia will establish a national round-the-clock 1800 hotline for student survivors.

"Our adversarial justice system produces a McDonald's, one-size-fits-all approach, but the justice needs of victims are far more complex than that," said RMIT's adjunct professor Rob Hulls.

"It's been estimated that fewer than 1 in 100 cases of sexual assault result in a conviction. That means 99 per cent of victims are missing out on some form of justice and never have an opportunity to convey the impact the assault has had on them."

For the first time, students at the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney are set to complete an online sexual consent course, while more than 300 staff and students have been trained in counselling at UNSW.

Universities Australia chief Belinda Robinson said she "fully expected the results to be challenging".

"Sexual assault is a despicable crime," she said. "From past research, we know that one in five Australian women experience sexual violence during their lifetime."

On Friday, the Network of Women Students called on the government to go further.

More than 60 students with mattresses covered in anti-rape messages protested in front of Parliament demanding the establishment of an independent tribunal to allow survivors to dob in universities that mishandle sexual abuse.

"While the counselling hotline represents an important step in the right direction, there is till a huge amount of work to be done," said End Rape on Campus ambassador and sexual assault survivor Nina Funnell. "Ultimately we need to stop sexual violence at its source."

The industry's peak body, Universities Australia, has partnered with not-for-profit Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia to deliver the 1800 hotline after a campaign from End Rape on Campus

The decision follows allegations raised by End Rape on Campus of counsellors at the government's 1800RESPECT service run by Medibank Health Services, dumping their own trauma on victims and concerns over rape victims calls being recorded.

Transcripts of calls seen by Fairfax Media also show counsellors revealing details of other victims trauma to survivors seeking counselling in a clear breach of confidentiality.

In one instance a counsellor divulges the abuse of an eight-year-old to a survivor seeking help.

Social Services Minister Christian Porter has consistently defended the 1800RESPECT service and labelled the campaign against it by advocates as disgusting.

"The [triage] reforms were based on a review which highlighted serious deficiencies in the service, including wait times of more than 10 minutes and 67 per cent of calls being abandoned by frustrated callers who were getting no answer," he said in a statement last month.

"Since our reforms, average call wait times have reduced to 45 seconds with 80 per cent of calls answered in 20 seconds. There has been a huge improvement in the service."

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732. In an emergency contact 000.

An earlier version of this article suggested Universities Australia would deliver "a stunning show of no confidence" in the 1800RESPECT line and was "denying them the contract" for the new hotline to support sexual assault survivors.  These statements are incorrect and we regret the error.

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