Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Buy The World Is Not Where We Are on CD

It's on the sidebar and now it's here too.

Prices (all incl P&P)

Sunday, 30 April 2017


Downloads of The World Is Not Where We Are

Go to the bandcamp for the download only option.... I'm not selling the CD via there, only on here for the moment... But if you preorder from me, I'll send you out a link to the mp3 files...

The World Is Not Where We Are

The new IX Tab album, The World Is Not Where We Are is available to pre-order now. Look to your right, it should be there.

After the unexpected success of R.O.C., IX Tab went into hibernation. To some extent, we’re still there. It was cold outside then, and it’s colder now. Still, it’s time to wake up.

The World Is Not Where We Are completes a trilogy of IX Tab albums and, while clearly cut from the same dirty cloth as Spindle & The Bregnut Tree and R.O.C, it is something of a departure in that, this time around, there is manifestly an acceptance of the feminine into the harte of the wud. The World Is Not Where We Are is moon-driven and burnished in silver. It’s anima(listic) and tidal, altogether more graceful in it’s movements. 

This time around, IX Tab features Eli Murray aka Gentleforce and Joan Pope of The Whip Angels, two collaborators from across the seas who instinctively understood the ritualistic nature of IX Tab and the strong sense of place. Gentleforce released arguably the best ambient album of 2016 in Refuge From The Great Sadness, while Joan Pope’s audio-visual sex cult, sexdeathrebirth, is in the process of taking all the worlds by storm. 

Other things have remained the same: old energies pushed in new directions. Lyrics by Kant by way of the Noumenal; songs by W.B. Yeats and Colette; atmospheres and sex magick exercises from Israel Regardie and Pope Joan; drones made from creaking swings and squeaking munkins; folk dirges and shotgun fire; wassails & poetic re-imaginings of lost causes. We know it’s an increasingly unpopular opinion, but we don’t believe that any music speaks for itself. 

As ever, the IX Tab universe spills out into a 16-page full colour booklet bursting at the seams with esoteric ephemera, loose psycho-geographical details, lyrical shards, totems and potentially libelous slurs against 18th C portrait artists.


In The Orchard Dream
The Sexing of the Pope
The Smoke & The Birds
A Meeting in a Roofless Church
The Tired Synths
The World Is Not Where We Are
The Interval
The Holy Roman Empire

Saturday, 29 April 2017

IX Tab is coming very soon

IX Tab is coming... very soon. Keep watching the gutters.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Woebot Mix

Woebot already said nice things about the IX Tab / Hoofus thing here and now he's included one of my tracks in one of his mixes... there's a lot of good stuff on here and if you're already IX Tabbed out then skip my bit and listen to the rest.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

IX Tab's Apology

You didn't ask for another trailer for the forthcoming The Blow, but you shall have one anyway. Many thanks to Mr Sebastian for this.

Friday, 13 May 2016

New Release... IX Tab and Hoofus

There's a new IX Tab split release with Hoofus on the every reliable Front&Follow;, the first in a series of collaborative things... Here's the jazzy one, at some point I did warn you there'd be flutes... Apart from this obvious exception, I'm thinking of this as the IX Tab party album.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Hello Darkness My Old Sample

It's a post lifted from An Idiot's Guide To Dreaming because it has some vague relevance to here. Some good stuff here about Voodoo Ray from Woebot on hardcore vocal samples. I didn't know it was Peter Cook but it seems perfect that it was. The best thing about those early acid / hardcore tracks was the entirely odd choices of sample material and the dullest thing about what came later was the insistence on 'obscure' horror samples or bits of Blade Runner - Tricky is the exception there, since the Blade Runner sample sounds like it couldn't have been absent... and in fact Tricky's use of Japan's Ghosts was one of the more interesting things about his first album; that kind of non-more-white(skinned) Newpop framework wrapped itself around Tricky in an almost sinister, post-colonial way... I like most of his stuff but none of the later albums seemed willing to disengage from the musical frames that Tricky ought to have been in (Specials, Ganja boys, Grandmaster Flash, Jungle)and so failed to sound. And when we're talking about vocal samples, I guess this ought to be mentioned because I vaguely remember the moment I first heard this and started giggling uncontrollably for reason I mow really question:
In fact, Woebot's point about the odd nature of vocal samples very much affected my choices of vocal samples on the IX Tab albums - bearing in mind that most of the reviews of both albums focus on the avant-garde / occult nature of the music, the vocal samples are generally utterly prosaic (I can't mention all the sources, for reasons) seem many of them are utterly, and very deliberately prosaic: Dangerous Liasons, Hollywood after Oscar parties, Children's TV, TSW News, Gus Honeybun, Hal from 2001 (yawn!), ITV Drama Specials... It's a kind of occult banality that interests me. that feels truly occult because it's truly personal; it's the detritus of everyday lives that make it occult. I mean, I love all that Crowley / OTO / Hellraiser guff but using it as it is a resource seems totally beside the point. Simon and Garfunkel, half-heard on my parents stereo

Monday, 3 August 2015

An IX Tab Bungalow Conversion

An IX Tab Bungalow Extension by S****R**** on Mixcloud

A little mix I did during some lost time today... features some new/old IX Tab tracks and some flutters of other things.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Down Fall We / Walking With Jesus

Well, this was a kind of accident... I was reconfiguring Down Fall We, a track that dropped off ROC for some reason (a specific one: it didn't fit anywhere and made everything wrong) when it accidentally rubbed up against a cover of Spacemen 3's Walkin' With Jesus (I added the g because grammar) which I'd also abandoned because it sounded like The Doors... Too. Much. Abandonment. Bowlby would have a field day. So, it's here: Probably won't be anywhere else, least not in this form... Actually, quite like The Doors. And, yeah, I'm thinking of suing myself for not sounding like IX Tab but there really aren't any rules, peeps... No genre to work with / on / in, no one to please but myself.

Monday, 2 March 2015

A Statement on R.O.C

Thanks to all the people who've bought ROC so far. It is flying off the shelves, like a Jungian dream. Hope you're enjoying it...

This blog  is currently the only place you can buy ROC. The old Exotic Pylon versions seems like it's still all over the place and all over the World but you simply can't buy ROC from anywhere else except here (and very soon Norman Records). If what you're trying to buy doesn't have the track A Tricylic Race on it then it's not an IX Tab product...

Exotic Pylon have nothing to do with ROC. You know I'm sad about this but it's true. They can't sell ROC because they have no copies of it.

There is also currently no way to buy ROC as a download (I don't like downloads); if you've bought one from iTunes etc then it's not from me.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

A Few Moments with ROC

Here's a few samples of the tracks from ROC: This was partly created live because of a fuckload of sampled birds playing over a quiet bit of my set at the brilliant Hacker Farm curated Salvage; I needed to counter with my own and so this little Loplopping song was born. ROC himself features heavily, of course; a gentle, powerful guy. Who liked a bit of Stockhausen on the side too. This is the opening track of ROC. There's about a million different versions of this (there's five) and most will eventually see the light of the day. ROC gets the 'car crash' version because, well, you know why...

Thursday, 5 February 2015

New (improved) IX Tab album. R.O.C.

R.O.C. is re-released on Twiggwytch Recordings,
February 14th 2015...
This is the album that might have been. It almost was. It sort of has-been. On one level, it’s been out for a few months now but there’s been some slippage. Exotic Pylon imploded, it seems; I’m not exactly sure what happened - they were one of my favourite labels. But... no one could get hold of the album. It didn't appear in places you might have expected. It existed as a kind of benevolent rumour, a ROC-tease, an in-joke. People said nice things about it if they managed to hear it, people were very kind.
R.O.C. attempts to understand the frequencies of all manner of things, blending folk and glitch, noise, drone and electronica, alongside spoken word and even some happy little slices of 90s rave, ambient and 4th World trance.
Ted Hughes duets with my three year old munkin, Jung and Stockhausen don’t really get on, drones are made from the amplified hums of surrealist films. Max Ernst’s Loplop plays with Bertrand Russell, Descartes paints rainbows, ASMR artists vie for attention with sinister hypnotists, pretty Christmas songs and ancient folk hiccups. It’s all a bit sidereal, if we could remember what that really meant...
It's due out on 14th February 2015, though will probably be available a little before then and makes for an ideal Valentine's gift for all your loved ones.
There's a buy it now button to your right... How about treating everyone you know?
The first 50 copies will come with a free badge, specially designed by 2ndFade.
The IX Tab universe spills out into a completely redesigned 16 page booklet stuffed full of esoteric ephemera, psychogeographical details and quite possibly incorrect assumptions about the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685. The cover by 2ndFade is a minor triumph, even if he says so himself. R.O.C. ought to be regarded as an escapee, a phoenix without flames. It is here now in a form it has never taken. The track lost from the original release - A Tricyclic Race - has been reintroduced in its proper place.
A Drunken Bone (Of Chrome)
I M Wh U Mk Ov M
A Wasp in the Queen's Skull
St James & The 28 Pieces
A Tricyclic Race
The Sutton Wytch Found-Fox
The Sweet Track
A Prayer to the Head
Blowm (For Alan Turing)

Monday, 27 October 2014

IX Tab - Dance Dance Dance

A short promo to nothing, using a mostly instrumental version of St James & The 28 Pieces that I found around the house plus some video snips and bites from the usual suspects: Children of God, Weathermen etc

Dance, dance, dance.

Ix Tab Loves You All.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Hacker Farm / Somerset Arts Week

Going here tonight... Missed the last few performances of these guys through one minor calamity or another so really looking forward to this.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Unofficial Video for Parhelion

Now with added Gus Honeybun, for reasons I can't ever explain.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

A genesis of sorts: how we lost the Dada

Now the second album is almost on you (in you, perhaps), I thought it's time to revisit some of the early attempts at being IX Tab... none of them ever made it off tapes given to friends (some of those tapes have been incorporated in the Spindle & The Bregnut album, a few others in R.O.C.) but they are the history of the current incarnation and the reason IX Tab had to be called IX Tab, against my better instincts. The first is documented here and the second, then called Dada IX Tab, is documented here. A third version existed in a kind of dream-space between Spacemen 3, Psychic TV, The Butthole Surfers and Big Black but only lasted for two practices because none of us could carry my bass amp. If you care, that one featured an early incarnation of Kemper Norton on imaginary keyboards. You'll have to ask him. It was all so long ago.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

ROC is here...

ROC is: Robert Oglivie Crombie; the Royal Observer Corps; the mythical Persian bird (the legend and the cracked eggs of The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad); maybe a form of the mysterious Redeeming Our Communities (or a lost cousin); the literary initials of an old friend who dragged around donkeys and threw stones at himself.

All and more. No one seriously believes in accidents in this (acid) house.

It's available here

Here's the opener:

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Two Magicians - Derek and Hazel Sarjeant (Exmoor Song)

A magick sung from Somerset.

Yeah, the Current 93 version, but this is the (water) Dog's. Without Tibet, the strangeness seems to seep through the walls of this place; the reflections in the mullioned glasses, the smell of pipe-smoke and smoked bracken. This is embedded folk weirdness that can't be replicated or transformed or accommodated.

A little digging on the author from here:

William Sparks (1854-1916) was born and spent all his life in Minehead, at 1 Middle Street, Higher Town. His father John was a blacksmith and William followed in the trade, though he is also said to have rented properties to holiday makers. His song ' The Two Magicians' was the only item Cecil Sharp collected from him, but it was unique in Somerset and rare elsewhere. William became ill 1916 and died in Taunton Hospital.
We need our own Cecil Sharp, travelling the hills and glades of Soundcloud and Bandcamp and Rasperry Pi networked microwebs. Hang on a sec, I'll just get me boots...