- published: 27 Jul 2012
- views: 1160404
WHOIS (pronounced as the phrase who is) is a query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a domain name, an IP address block, or an autonomous system, but is also used for a wider range of other information. The protocol stores and delivers database content in a human-readable format. The WHOIS protocol is documented in RFC 3912.
When the Internet was emerging out of the ARPANET, there was only one organization that handled all domain registrations, which was DARPA itself. The process of registration was established in RFC 920. WHOIS was standardized in the early 1980s to look up domains, people and other resources related to domain and number registrations. As all registration was done by one organization at that time, one centralized server was used for WHOIS queries. This made looking up such information very easy.
Responsibility of domain registration remained with DARPA as the ARPANET became the Internet during the 1980s. UUNET began offering domain registration service; however they simply handled the paperwork which they forwarded to the DARPA Network Information Center (NIC). Then the National Science Foundation directed that management of Internet domain registration would be handled by commercial, third-party entities. InterNIC was formed in 1993 under contract with the NSF, consisting of Network Solutions, Inc., General Atomics and AT&T. The General Atomics contract was canceled after several years due to performance issues.
Ashta Lakshmi, also spelled as Ashtalakshmi (Sanskrit: अष्टलक्ष्मी, Aṣṭalakṣmī, lit. "eight Lakshmis"), are a group of eight Hindu goddesses, secondary manifestations of Shri-Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, who preside over eight sources of wealth: "Wealth" in the context of Ashta-Lakshmi means prosperity, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny, and power. The Ashta Lakshmi are always depicted and worshipped in a group in temples.
The prayer Shri Ashta Lakshmi Stotram lists the Ashta Lakshmi as follows:
Lakshmi (Sanskrit:लक्ष्मी, lakṣmī, ˈləkʂmiː) is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual). She is the wife and active energy of Lord Vishnu. Her four hands represent the four goals of human life considered important to the Hindu way of life – dharma, kāma, artha, and moksha. Representations of Lakshmi are also found in Jain monuments. In Buddhist sects of Tibet, Nepal, and southeast Asia, goddess Vasudhara mirrors the characteristics and attributes of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi with minor iconographic differences.
Lakshmi is also called Sri or Thirumagal because she is endowed with six auspicious and divine strength even to Vishnu. When Vishnu descended on the Earth as the avatars Rama and Krishna, Lakshmi descended as his respective consorts: Sita (Rama's wife) and Rukmini (Krishna's wife). In the ancient scriptures of India, all women are declared to be embodiments of Lakshmi. The marriage and relationship between Lakshmi and Vishnu as wife and husband, states Patricia Monaghan, is "the paradigm for rituals and ceremonies for the bride and groom in Hindu weddings."
Gajalakshmi, that is Lakshmi with elephants, is one of the most significant Ashtalakshmi aspects of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi. In this aspect, the goddess is depicted seated on a lotus, flanked on both side by an elephant (gaja). She is shown as seated in Padmasana yogic posture, and has four arms. In each of her upper pair of arms, she carries a lotus, and the lower hands are generally shown in abhya and varadamudra. The elephants flanking her are shown as pouring water from their trunk over the goddess. This aspect like most other aspects of Lakshmi is representative of prosperity, good luck, and abundance; and the Gajalakshmi motifs are very common in Hindu and Buddhist iconography.
The earliest available depiction of Gajalakshmi appears on a coin (3rd century) from Kausambi. One or two elephants depicted alongside a woman symbolized the birth of Gautam Buddha.
Vijayalakshmi or Vijayalakshmy (Hindi : विजयलक्ष्मी) is a Hindu Indian feminine given name or surname, which means "goddess of victory". The name may refer to:
Ashta Lakshmi Stotram || by Nityasantoshini With English Lyrics II Sumanasavandita ||
Shree Ashtalakshmi Stotram [Full Song] I Sri Goravanahalli Mahalakshmi Darshana
Ashtalakshmi Stotram (with sanskrit sub titles)
Sridevi Nrithyalaya - ASHTALAKSHMI STHOTHRAM - Full dance
Sri Ashta Lakshmi Stuthi
Astalakshmi stotram by Bombay sisters
Sri Ashta Lakshmi Stotram - with subtitles
Ashtalakshmi Stotram (Full Song) With Lyrics | Powerful अष्टलक्ष्मी स्तोत्र
Ashtalakshmi Stotram with English Lyrics By Bellur Sisters I Juke Box I SOWBHAGYE MAHAMAYE
Sridevi Nrithyalaya - Ashtalakshmi Sthothram - LIVE performance Full video
On auspicious eve of Varalakshmi Vratham get blessed with the grace of goddess lakshmi by listening to the Ashta Lakshmi Stotram. Click Here to Share on Facebook:http://goo.gl/u9RUPh Song Name : Sumanasavandita Album Name : Devistotramalika Sung by : Nitya Santhoshini Music by : Satyadev.J Lyrics : Traditional . ------------------------------------------------------------ Enjoy and stay connected with us!! ►Subscribe us on Youtube : http://bit.ly/AdityaDevotional ►Like us : http://www.facebook.com/adityamusicdevotionalnclassical ►Like us: http://www.facebook.com/adityamusic ►Follow us : http://www.twitter.com/adityamusic ►Circle us : https://plus.google.com/+adityadevotional SUBSCRIBE Aditya Music Channels for unlimited entertainment : ► For Latest Telugu Music : https://www.youtube.co...
Subscribe Our Channel for more Updates: http://www.youtube.com/tseriesbhakti Lakshmi Bhajan: Shree Ashtalakshmi Stotram Album Name: SRI GORAVANAHALLI MAHALAKSHMI DARSHANA Singer: S. JANAKI, NARASIMHA NAYAK, B.R. CHAYA, SHEELA, BELUR SISTERS Composer: B.V. SRINIVAS, M.S. MARUTI Lyrics: SRI CHANDRU Music Label: T-Series If You like the video don't forget to share with others & also share your views. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/tseriesbhakti Bhakti Sagar: http://www.facebook.com/tseriesbhaktisagar For Spiritual Voice Alerts, Airtel subscribers Dial 589991 (toll free) To set popular Bhakti Dhun as your HelloTune, Airtel subscribers Dial 57878881
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DivineTemplesDotCom/ For authentic spiritual and religious products visit https://www.divinetemples.com/ Please visit below link to watch video along with Hindi/English Lyrics and Meanings. http://shravanmanyam.blogspot.in/2014/01/AshtalakshmiStotram.html
Choreography - Smt.Sheela Unnikrishnan Dancers - Harinie Jeevitha, Bhairavi Venkatesan, Shreya Rajagopalan, Kameswari & Sanjena Ramesh Singer - Smt. Sowmya Ashta Lakshmi Stotram Adi Lakshmi: Oh Adi Lakshmi the primordial goddess, protect me always. Pious hearted devotees bow to you. You are beautiful spouse of Madhava, sister of moon, golden, worshipped by sages and bestower of salvation. Your speech is sweet. You are extoled by vedas. You stay on lotus flower. Devatas worship you. You shower virtues. You are serene. Victory, Victory to you the dear consort of Madhusudana. Dhanya Lakshmi: Oh Dhanaya Lakshmi who makes our granary full, you are destroyer of evils of Kali age. You are vedas personified. You are born in milk- Ocean. You are in auspicious Mantras and you are worshipped b...
Shree Ashta Lakshmi Stuthi. Shree Ashta Lakshmi Stotram. ashtalakshmi stotram. ashta lakshmi song. ashta lakshmi mantra. For More Telugu Devotional Songs Subscribe to us : http://goo.gl/WXlXN4
AshtalakShmi stotram AdilakShmi sumanasavandita sundari mAdhavi candra sahodari hemamaye | munigaNamaNDita mokShapradAyini ma~njuLabhAShiNi vedanute || paN^kajavAsini devasupUjita sadguNavarShiNi shAntiyute | jayajaya he madhusUdana kAmini AdilakShmi sadA pAlaya mAm || 1 || dhAnyalakShmi ayi kalikalmaShanAshini kAmini vaidikarUpiNi vedamaye | kShIrasamudbhava maN^galarUpiNi mantranivAsini mantranute || maN^galadAyini ambujavAsini devagaNAshrita pAdayute | jayajaya he madhusUdana kAmini dhAnyalakShmi sadA pAlaya mAm || 2 || dhairyalakShmi jayavaravarNini vaiShNavi bhArgavi mantrasvarUpiNi mantramaye | suragaNapUjita shIghraphalaprada j~nAnavikAsini shAstranute || bhavabhayahAriNi pApavimocani sAdhujanAshrita pAdayute | jayajaya he madhusUdana kAmini dhairyalakShmi sadA pAlaya mAm || ...
1....Shree Adhi Lakshmi Victory and victory to Adhi Lakshmi Oh, darling of the killer of Madhu, Who is worshipped by all good people, Who is pretty and sister of the moon,, Who looks as if she is made of gold, Who is saluted by all groups of sages, Who grants salvation, Who talks sweet words, Who is praised by Vedas, Who lives on the Lotus flower, Who is worshipped by all devas, Who showers good qualities on people, And who is the personification of peace, Please protect me always. 2....Shree Dhanya Lakshmi [Lakshmi of Grains]: Victory and victory to Danya Lakshmi Oh darling of the killer of Madhu, Who destroys bad effects of kali yuga, Who is most desirable god, Who is personification of Vedas, Who is pervaded by the Vedas, Who arose out of milk, Who is the fo...
Play this absolutely mesmerizing and popular Devi mantra, Ashtalakshmi Stotram and sing along with the help of lyrics only on Rajshri Soul. Ashtalakshmi who is eight different forms of goddess Lakshmi namely, Aadi Lakshmi, Dhanya Lakshmi, Dhairya Lakshmi, Gaja Lakshmi, Santhana Lakshmi, Vijaya Lakshmi, Vidhya Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi, Adi Lakshmi, Dhanya Lakshmi. Ashtalakshmi Stotram is sing in praise of these eight forms of goddess Lakshmi. Buy on iTunes - https://goo.gl/R3zxmR Hear it on Saavn - http://goo.gl/LcBlfw Share on Facebook - https://goo.gl/AN7hYO Tweet about this - https://goo.gl/twpT0V Language: Sanskrit Artist: Rajalakshmee Sanjay Composer: Rajalakshmee Sanjay Lyrics: Traditional Music Producer/Arranger: Sanjay Chandrashekhar Sound Engineer: Mayur Bakshi VFX Producer: Tanma...
Deepawali Special...Maa Lakshmi is commonly known as Goddess of wealth. Ashta Lakshmi are a group of eight goddesses, who preside over eight sources of wealth and thus represent the powers of Lakshmi. Thus, the ‘Ashta Lakshmi’ are considered secondary manifestations of the Goddess Lakshmi. 'Wealth' does not mean just money, in the context of Ashta-Lakshmi it means prosperity, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny, and power.Lakshmi Bhajan: Shree Ashtalakshmi Stotram The most popular forms are those found in the Shri Ashtalakshmi Stotram and they are : •Aadhi Lakshmi (The primal mother goddess) •Dhana Lakshmi (One who showers wealth) •Dhaanya Lakshmi (Food – one who eliminates hunger) •Gaja Lakshmi (Power and Strength) •Santhana Lakshmi (Children) •Dhairya Lakshmi (Courage and Strengt...
Choreography - Smt.Sheela Unnikrishnan Vocal - Smt. Sowmya Dancers - Harinie Jeevitha, Bhairavi Venkatesan, Kameswari, Shreya Rajagopalan & Sanjena Ramesh This Sthothram is on Goddess Lakshmi the bestower of all wealth to the devotees...