Sydney's forgotten mid-century modernists

The Stroud house in Sydney's Clareville, designed by Hans Peter Oser and Jean Fombertaux, showed how well modernism, ...
The Stroud house in Sydney's Clareville, designed by Hans Peter Oser and Jean Fombertaux, showed how well modernism, with its clean lines and functionality, fitted into the Australian landscape. Max Dupain & Associates

When Rebecca Hawcroft was studying for her masters in architecture at the University of Sydney in the early 2000s, she was puzzled by one thing. Her lecturers never mentioned the names of men like Henry Epstein or Hans Peter Oser.

Nor furniture designers like Paul Kafka, George Korody and Susan Kozma-Orlay.

And that left her puzzled.

"My grandfather was Italian and we lived in the eastern suburbs, in Paddington. To me, modernism was the style of my grandparents and all their European friends," she says.

Writer and designer Eva Buhrich and architect Hugh Buhrich. The Buhrichs fled the Nazis and were stateless before they ...
Writer and designer Eva Buhrich and architect Hugh Buhrich. The Buhrichs fled the Nazis and were stateless before they were funded to emigrate to Australia. Both qualified architects, they found Australia less than welcoming to their credentials. Courtesy Neil Buhrich

"But when I was taught about modernism, these Europeans weren't mentioned."

Yet these are all architects and designers who had a lasting impact on Sydney's culture and look. Several had studied with the masters of modernism in the great European universities before fleeing to Australia as the influence of Nazis in Germany grew, and then spread.

The paradox set Hawcroft off on a path which has now led to an exhibition at the Museum of Sydney, The Moderns: European Designers in Sydney, which opens Saturday, and a book to be published in September by NewSouth Books, The Other Moderns: Sydney's Forgotten European Design Legacy.

Forgotten legacy

For the truth is, most of the names – apart from that of Harry Seidler – are still forgotten even though the homes they built are now recognised as significant examples of modernism in this country: the Hillman House in Roseville designed by Henry Epstein; the Franklin house in Waverley, by Hugh Buhrich; the Magett House in Bellevue Hill by Hugo Stossel; the Stroud House, in Clareville, by Hans Peter Oser and Jean Fombertaux. Many were photographed by Max Dupain at the time.

Hugh Buhrich believed in the complete design picture, which included interiors. He took chances with form as with this ...
Hugh Buhrich believed in the complete design picture, which included interiors. He took chances with form as with this staircase in the first home he built for himself and his wife, Eva, in Sydney's Castlecrag. Max Dupain & Associates

The second home Hugh Buhrich built for himself and his wife Eva at 375 Edinburgh Road, Castlecrag, is now recognised as one of the finest modernist houses in Australia. Yet neither of the Buhrichs, who had studied with German expressionist architect Hans Poelzig in Berlin, were able to get registration as architects in Australia when they arrived.

In that, they weren't alone in the migrant community. In this case, Eva Buhrich turned to architecture journalism, writing for The Sydney Morning Herald as well as House and Garden, and Hugh, no doubt swallowing hard, worked as a "planning consultant".

After years of designing buildings and homes for other European immigrants, he eventually gained registration in 1971, says Hawcroft, when his beautiful, clean, functional houses became such obvious achievements it was embarrassing not to recognise him.

Modernism, as Sydney Living Museums' director of strategy and engagement, Dr Caroline Butler-Bowdon, puts it in an essay about the exhibition, is about "clean lines, uncluttered open-plan layouts, fluidity of outdoor and indoor space, flat or angled roofs … Underpinning these was the modernist belief that technology can improve the quality of life through functional and flexible design".

The Mansfield house was designed by Dr Henry Epstein, a name curator Rebecca Hawcroft never heard in her architecture ...
The Mansfield house was designed by Dr Henry Epstein, a name curator Rebecca Hawcroft never heard in her architecture lectures. That set her off on her quest to save the legacy of Sydney's modernists. Max Dupain & Associates

Emigre bond

Up against a society that wouldn't recognise their credentials, and professional journals that then failed to record their achievements anyway, the emigres stuck together.

"The architects kept to themselves and were often employed by the European developers who had migrated here," says Hawcroft, noting fondly how many of the portraits of the time show the men with distinctly un-Australian pipes and bow-ties.

The Europeans also brought ideas about furniture and fittings. They were used to designing or shaping the entire home, from lighting to furniture to built-in cabinets and how the curtains were hung, a concept called Gesamtkunstwerk or "total work of art".

A dining chair designed by Viennese born furniture designer Paul Kafka, circa 1958.
A dining chair designed by Viennese born furniture designer Paul Kafka, circa 1958. Jamie North/Kafka Furniture

Artes Studios, which employed George Korody, an architect in his native Budapest, as its designer and Kalmar Interiors, run by another Hungarian, Steven Kalmar, became the go-to stores for modern furniture in Sydney. Meanwhile, the emigre architects and their often European clientele commissioned fine furniture from either Paul Kafka or Michael Gerstl; cabinetmakers who had migrated from Vienna.

Susan Kozma-Orlay came to Australia in 1947 and found work as an interior, furniture and graphic designer. A walnut drinks trolley designed by her in 1938-39 now sits in the Victoria & Albert Museum. 

For some emigres, the move to Australia proved life-saving, but catastrophic. Ernst Korner, hugely successful in Czechoslovakia, designed just one house and one apartment building before he died here in 1966.

Hawcroft remarks that when Australian Architecture 1901-1951: Sources of Modernism was published in 1980 as a definitive reference work, the only European modernist designer working in Sydney who was named was Harry Seidler.

Hugh Buhrich also designed this Franklin House, for Sydney's Waverley. It has since - sadly - been demolished.
Hugh Buhrich also designed this Franklin House, for Sydney's Waverley. It has since - sadly - been demolished. Max Dupain & Associates

Information scant

It's salient typing these names into google even now: information is scant with most entries from special interest bloggers, Pinterest or from Rebecca Hawcroft herself.

After her eye-opening experiences at university, Hawcroft started collecting any articles that mentioned these Europeans, and soon other people in the field started sending them to her as well. "And eventually I thought, there's enough here for an exhibition with Sydney Living Museums," Hawcroft marvels.

The exhibition she has curated is part of a modernism season staged by Sydney Living Museums. As well as The Moderns, a second show featuring the work of Australian modernist interior designer Marion Hall Best, curated by Michael Lech, starts August 5.

Some of the most touching exhibits in Hawcroft's show are the detailed, do-it-yourself plans for modernist furniture that Eva Buhrich faithfully – if optimistically – put together for House and Garden's Australian readers who were more used to buying mass produced chairs, sofas and tables.

Over a few months, the idea was you could build yourself a houseful of wooden furniture; a radiogram, a couch, a child's pullout desk …The pages are a reminder that, like so many refugees, Eve Buhrich never lost her faith that things could and would change for the better.

The Moderns: European Designers in Sydney, Museum of Sydney, Corner Phillip and Bridge Streets, Sydney City, July 22 to November 26.

Paul Kafka's exquisite cabinetry was in demand by hotel chains as well as Sydneysiders who appreciated the new modernism.
Paul Kafka's exquisite cabinetry was in demand by hotel chains as well as Sydneysiders who appreciated the new modernism. Max Dupain & Associates
Hungarian designer Susan Kozma-Orlay was well imbued with the modernist idea that everything should be in harmony.
Hungarian designer Susan Kozma-Orlay was well imbued with the modernist idea that everything should be in harmony. Courtesy Peter Orlay
Susan Kozma-Orlay also worked as a designer for David Jones.
Susan Kozma-Orlay also worked as a designer for David Jones. Courtesy Peter Orlay
Ernst Korner, hugely successful in Czechoslovakia, designed just one house and one apartment building in Australia.
Ernst Korner, hugely successful in Czechoslovakia, designed just one house and one apartment building in Australia. Peter Frank