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  1. a redistribuit
    9 nov.

    Facebook and other social media companies give governments free reign to censor political dissent on their websites – and that is not “fake news.”

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  2. acum 8 ore
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  3. 10 nov.

    A Berkeley team of scientists published a 2017 study in which they said: “Zika is, and will continue to be, a disease of the urban poor.” A group of physicians from Argentina and Brazil had already explained why...

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  4. 9 nov.

    The situation in Central America is a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis largely caused by US policies in the region. The immigrants fleeing those countries are desperate human beings wanting survival for their families. They are not security threats.

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  5. a redistribuit
    9 nov.
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  6. 9 nov.

    If House Democrats aggressively call Trump to account, much good could come of it – perhaps enough to keep a lot of really bad stuff from happening. That is a big if, however. As a rule, Democrats are feckless cowards.

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  7. 9 nov.

    Facebook and other social media companies give governments free reign to censor political dissent on their websites – and that is not “fake news.”

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  8. a redistribuit
    9 nov.
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  9. a redistribuit
    9 nov.

    Dangerous, Expensive Drugs Aggressively Pushed? You Have These Medical Conflicts of Interest to Thank by

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  10. 9 nov.

    Economic sanctions as a weapon of coercion has shown that the suffering caused to innocent children can be catastrophic to the point of genocide. But that hasn't stopped the US from using them.

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  11. a redistribuit
    9 nov.

    One of the NGOs responsible for understating war deaths in Yemen has acknowledged that it was underestimating them by at least five to one.

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  12. 9 nov.

    It seems like everybody got something out of the midterms, except one lonely man. Nancy Pelosi won. Mitch McConnell won. Trump got a split decision. But Chuck Schumer got creamed. Has the senator from Citibank resigned yet?

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  13. 9 nov.
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  14. 8 nov.

    On November 11, 2018, France commemorates the one hundredth anniversary of the Armistice, the victory of the French troops and their allies (including soldiers from its African and Asian colonies) in the First World War.

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  15. 8 nov.

    This year Facebook filed two very interesting patents in the US. One was a patent for emotion recognition technology; which recognises human emotions through facial expressions, assessing what mood we are in at any given time.

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  16. 8 nov.

    The victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential election last week has won Israel a passionate new friend on the international stage. The world’s fifth-most populous nation will now be “coloured in blue and white”, an Israeli official said.

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  17. 8 nov.

    Early morning November 7th delivered jolly good news for Wisconsin. The butler to Wichita’s dirty oil and coal billionaire Koch Brothers, Governor Scott Walker, lost his re-election bid.

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  18. a redistribuit
    8 nov.

    Want a real democracy in the US? Abolish the Electoral College AND the Senate. Oh, and yeah it’d also be nice to end all corporate donations to political campaigns. Publicly funded candidates only. One can dream!

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  19. a redistribuit
    7 nov.

    We’ve been enduring a constitutional crisis since 9/11

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  20. 7 nov.

    So far, 19 governments have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It will come into force after 50 states ratify.

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