Nathaniel St. Clair


Editor at CounterPunch. Let's get it together... Let's make something happen...

Portland, Or
Beigetreten März 2009


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  1. hat retweetet

    This is what happens when society is ruled by government, rather than the government being run as a voice of the people.

  2. vor 44 Minuten

    The bureaucratic mindset on both sides of the aisle embodies the same philosophy of authoritarian government.

  3. hat retweetet

    If unions are pro-active, they can demonstrate their importance as one form of protection against sexual abuse.

  4. vor 18 Stunden

    Women working at a brick kiln in India. Photo by Tejal Mewar.

  5. vor 23 Stunden

    One reason overt racism has become so popular has to be because the opinions take so little effort to craft. It's the laziest "ideology"

  6. vor 23 Stunden

    Scott Pruitt has appointed a person to the EPA Science Advisory Board that thinks the air is actually TOO clean.

  7. 31. Okt.

    Pretty soon our national parks will be like sports arenas, sponsored by and named after corporations.

  8. 31. Okt.

    One big advantage the war party has is the public’s ignorance about the activities of the far-flung American empire.

  9. 31. Okt.
  10. 30. Okt.

    Not only is the planet dripping wet with chemicals, it is largely being done in the blind.

  11. 28. Okt.

    Granville Redmond - California Poppy Field (1926)

  12. 27. Okt.

    Both parties would much rather keep focus on Trump’s Tweets, and far away from the true scope of America’s vicious intrusions in Africa.

  13. 26. Okt.

    A plastic factory has been on fire in West Virginia for 5 DAYS. The health impacts are "to be determined"

  14. 26. Okt.

    Life in the American police state is an endless series of don’ts delivered at the end of a loaded gun...

  15. 25. Okt.

    The disaster response to Puerto Rico after it was hit by hurricane Maria shows how ruthless capitalists can be to those low on their ladder.

  16. hat retweetet
    24. Okt.

    Scotland’s global energy reach making waves worldwide 👍🏻

  17. 24. Okt.
  18. 24. Okt.

    It is time to stop venerating a federal agency whose abuses have perennially menaced Americans’ constitutional rights.

  19. 23. Okt.

    The head of the Environmental Protection Agency wants more money to protect himself, but not more money to protect the environment.

  20. 23. Okt.

    We are making vast tracts of land inhospitable, and if we lose insects then everything is going to collapse.

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