

Sign on Hong Kong border

Here are several issues of the "Minus" magazine produced in Hong Kong in the late 1970s.

Freedom (New York)

A very partial online archive of anarchist journal Freedom, published in New York 1933-1934.

Red & black: an anarchist journal

Issues of Red & black

A very partial online archive of some articles from Red & black, an anarchist journal published in Australia from 1964 until at least 1992, by exiled Bulgarian anarchist Jack Grancharoff.

The Party Organizer

The Party Organizer began being published in 1927 and was the main internal organizing paper for the CPUSA. It functioned as a tool to guide party activists and can provide clearer insights for present day communist organizers.

SLAP! - Squatters of London Action Paper

SLAP! (Squatters of London Action Paper) is a monthly DIY newspaper for squatters in London. It is available in print and online as a PDF. The paper combines news, pictures, analysis and humour and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organising.

Gay Left: A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay Men

This is a socialist journal edited by gay men. We have a two fold aim in producing this magazine. First, we hope to contribute towards a marxist analysis of homosexual oppression. Secondly, we want to encourage in the gay movement an understanding of the links between the struggle against sexual oppression and the struggle for socialism.


Rebel Roo

Online archive of Rebel Roo, and industrial bulletin produced by Plan C for Deliveroo and other food delivery riders in the UK.

BICHO MAU nº1 (informativo classista libertário - inverno de 1985)

Número 1 do informativo BICHO MAU, publicado no inverno de 1985.

Not the Coorier: The open bulletin of the libertarian socialists

Partial online archive of the newsletter of the Tayside Libertarian Socialist Group in the 1980s.

The Commonweal

An incomplete archive of the publication The Commonweal produced by the Socialist League which was one of the earliest socialist/anarchist organisations in the UK, and edited by William Morris.