
The National Front and its influence among French workers (2015) - Part 2

This National Front is a political UFO... A very dangerous one: even if specialists and militants don't agree about what should be the right label: fascist? postfascist? national-populist? It's a very dangerous enemy for the working class...

What's new in France for the Left ? Presentation and table of contents


This collection of articles deals mainly with problems which have been intensely dividing the “revolutionary ” Left in France recently: some are relatively new (the growing social and political importance of a foreign-born population, the growth of Islam, the clash between identity politics and French Republicanism), some are indeed quite old: the attitude of the workers movement towards national identity, religion, French nationalist form of universalism, the bourgeois state, electoral politics, anti-Semitism and the “Jewish question,” Zionism, the nature and role of Trotskyism, political violence, etc.

No borders no fatherland

Virino de la Pariza Komuno: A.I. Molok

Informoj pri la virinoj en la Pariza Komuno. Tradukis Ninelina

Jean Grave

Biografio pir la vivo de la fama anarkiisto Jean Grave.

Le Pen or Macron: plague or cholera for the working-class in France and Europe

Plague or cholera.

The French presidential election in 2017 marks a profound change in the European political situation and the approach; generalized crisis in political dominance of ruling classes and political elites over social fabric.

Sebastiano Faŭro

Biografio pri la vivo de Sebastiano Faŭro Francio anarĥiisto.

France: Tower occupation could win migrant workers their right to stay

A victory for 105 migrant workers could be on the cards following their two-week occupation of Semmaris Tower in Paris demanding they and 23 other comrades be regularised and given full rights at work.

Critique of Sartre’s Philosophy in relation of Marxism: Can they coincide?

It is clear that from the theoretical frameworks of the two guiding philosophies, that we cannot reconcile these two ideologies together

Pri la historio de CNT-Francio - Ivo Peyraut

La historio de CNT-Francio. La plejparte de la pli poste informo en ĉi tiu teksto estas pri la CNT-Francio (Vignoles).