Entertainment Weekly's Scores

For 5,961 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 68% higher than the average critic
  • 2% same as the average critic
  • 30% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 3.1 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Movie review score: 66
Highest review score: 100 Lincoln
Lowest review score: 0 Eight Crazy Nights
Score distribution:
5961 movie reviews
  1. A graceful, unsentimental, well-made movie.
  2. Once in a long while, a fresh-from-the-headlines movie - like "All the President's Men" or "United 93" - fuses journalism, procedural high drama, and the oxygenated atmosphere of a thriller into a new version of history written with lightning. Zero Dark Thirty, Kathryn Bigelow's meticulous and electrifying re-creation of the hunt for Osama bin Laden, is that kind of movie.
  3. Don't tell Walt Disney, but Hayao Miyazaki really holds the keys to the magic kingdom.
  4. The power of The Social Network is that Zuckerberg is a weasel with a mission that can never be dismissed. The movie suggests that he may have built his ambivalence about human connection into Facebook's very DNA. That's what makes him a jerk-hero for our time.
  5. Memento, which may be the ultimate existential thriller, has a spooky repetitive urgency that takes on the clarity of a dream.
  6. Brie Larson, as the caring but tormented Grace (who's pregnant and doesn't know if she has the faith to have her baby), and John Gallagher Jr., as her gentle-dweeb fellow worker Mason (who fears his love can't save her), show you what emotionally naked acting is all about.
  7. E.T. is ultimately a tale of love, and the film becomes a cathartic leap into pure feeling. [2002 re-release]
  8. Searing, powerful, and morally entangled.
  9. The Wrestler is like "Rocky" made by the Scorsese of "Mean Streets." It's the rare movie fairy tale that's also a bravura work of art.
  10. The rare Hollywood epic that dares to entertain an audience by engaging the world.
  11. Hoop Dreams is an astonishing emotional experience — it has highs, lows, and everything in between.
  12. Erupting like a scalding geyser from the ground right beneath our feet, Spike Lee’s daring, dizzying, sympathetic, symphonic, vital, vehement Chi-Raq is the most urgently 2015 movie of 2015.
  13. May be the first movie to fully capture the way that drugs dislocate us from ourselves.
  14. DuVernay has done a great service with Selma. Not only has she made one of the most powerful films of the year, she's given us a necessary reminder of what King did for this country...and how much is left to be done.
  15. An extraordinary film; it may be the most haunting documentary since ''Crumb.''
  16. As riveting as its title.
  17. There’s enough slapstick and silliness to keep kids entertained.... But the film also has a bittersweet streak about the loss of innocence and the fleetingness of childhood.
  18. What's on screen will leave you in a state of wonder. The sweeping cinematography surveys the cracked earth and Davidson's chapped skin with equal intensity, as if to remind us how vulnerable we puny mortals are.
  19. Extraordinary new documentary that turns Robert Crumb's twisted life story into a disturbing, exhilarating work of biographical art.
  20. The nervy style of this newfangled Western, with its eerie, insinuating score by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, is so effective that long after Pitt and Affleck have left the screen, emotional disturbance lingers like gun smoke.
  21. Mesmerizing.
  22. She's an Everywoman you can believe in, showcased in the kind of deft comedy of feminine passion - where deep despair meets Wilson Phillips - that a great many people have been waiting for. Now that Wiig and company have built it, will they come?
  23. Damien Chazelle's extraordinary black-and-white retro dream of a feature debut.
  24. Without ever dipping into indignity among wet, half-naked men, Shower sparkles with joy.
  25. Beautiful, compassionate, articulate domestic drama.
  26. Filmmaker Yung Chang finds a sad and beautiful way to glimpse the big picture of dislocation through an exquisitely poised small study.
  27. It's an intoxicating feeling when a movie excites and enlivens us like this -- and there's a particular giddiness to be had in thinking about what movies can (but don't often) do for one's soul after imbibing such a fine vintage.
  28. This beautiful, terrible story is not easily forgotten.
  29. Between clips of the concerts Seeger staged as hootenanny hosannas, the film chronicles how the blacklisted star stuck true to his beliefs -- which were more patriotic than those of his accusers.
  30. A haunting and incandescent work of art.

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