AMP rocked by life insurance losses

New spinner at AMP.
New spinner at AMP. Bloomberg

Media scrutiny of the life insurance scandals that have plagued Commonwealth Bank of Australia helped trigger for an explosion in insurance claims at AMP, prompting $1.3 billion of write-downs and losses by Australia's biggest listed wealth company.

The losses and the forecast of a $90 million hit to profits next year sent AMP shares tumbling 9 per cent on Friday and prompted the company to reassure its 800,000 shareholders that there would be no automatic cut to the dividend.

AMP, one of Australia's most widely owned companies, also indicated it would return up to $500 million to investors next year as the result of a reinsurance deal.

Losses from higher claims and lapsed policies were far worse than expected in the third quarter as more customers lodged claims, increasingly citing mental health problems and back pain. In a perfect storm for Australia's largest retail insurer, there is little prospect of a rise in premiums to compensate for the higher claims.

AMP chief Craig Meller attributed the company's latest woes, at least in part, to the heavy media attention surrounding unethical behaviour at CBA's insurance arm.

"Two years ago you never read about life insurance. Now the industry is on its nose. The increase in claims has coincided with some of the issues in the industry," Mr Meller said.

"We've seen consistent deterioration in the insurance sector over the course of 2016 and despite the progress on claims transformation to date, it has significantly impacted the performance of the wealth protection business," he said.

Over the past three years the life insurance industry has been battling soaring claims, triggered by greater awareness of the role of life insurance, encouragement from lawyers, changes to workers' compensation rules and a weaker ­economy, which has led to a rise in stress and depression­-related illnesses. Industry experts say that AMP, as well as rivals MLC and CBA's CommInsure, have been particularly hard hit because they have a disproportionate number of older customers who are more likely to fall ill. Furthermore, older customers are more likely to ditch their policies because their annual premiums are more expensive.

Making matters worse, AMP does not expect to be able to raise premiums to compensate for the increase in claims because of the tide of foreign insurers, which have lower internal financial hurdles to meet, entering the local market.

"We have seen a lot of international players with lower return requirements come to Australia. They are lowering the margins available to players in the market," said Mr Meller.

In an effort to offset some of the risk in the life insurance division, AMP, which has repeatedly warned of losses from the unit since 2013, announced a reinsurance deal with one of the world's largest reinsurers, Munich Re. The deal covers 50 per cent of $750 million of annual premium income and will release an estimated $500 million in capital, assuming regulatory approval is forthcoming. The company is expected to return the capital to shareholders in 2017.

The insurance division has had a horror 12 months. While Mr Meller does not expect any further deterioration in the claims experience, nor is he forecasting any improvement in the near term.

"AMP has come to the view that the current trends are structural in nature," the company said.

Meanwhile, an initiative announced three years to try to get customers who have claimed against income protection and disability policies back to work has taken longer than expected to implement.

Losses from claims in 2016 are expected to be $117 million more than expected, against an $11 million gap last year.

AMP said profits would be $90 million lower in 2017 because of the expectation that the rate of claims would remain at elevated levels and the reinsurance deal. Losses from this year are included in the $1.2 billion of writedowns.

Mr Meller sought to calm nerves that the losses and writedowns would not automatically lead to a cut to the dividend. "The board intends to exclude the impacts on current profit and to consider both the enhanced capital strength of the group and future earnings sustainability when determining the 2016 final dividend," he said, adding that the dividend payout ratio of between 70 per cent and 90 per cent of underlying earnings remained intact.

The shares fell 47 cents to $4.68, their lowest point since early 2014.