Federal Politics

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Malcolm Turnbull, the sensible centre and the pain of sitting astride the barbed wire fence

The wets, the dries, the Bronweenies, the Soft Left and the Shoppies - politicians aren't home unless they've found the right tribe.

The sensible centre.

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Turnbull's swipe at Tony

While giving a speech in London, Malcolm Turnbull has criticised Tony Abbott and other conservatives, saying the Liberal Party should sit in the sensible centre.

It lacks the alliterative allure of the lunatic left or the rabid right, but we get it.

We really do.

A political party formed 73 years ago, which is currently in government - and has at one time or another been Australia's ruling party for 46 of the 68 years since it won its first federal election - has lost its memory.

What other reason could a Liberal Prime Minister have for reminding everyone in 2017 where the party is supposed to stand?


"Sensible centre". Plaster it on your nursing home door. Just so, you know, when you get to wandering aimlessly...

The problem is that large numbers of the PM's colleagues never did grow up.

Remember when it was crucial to define yourself as a mod or a rocker, a bodgie or a widgie, a sharp or a stylist, a hippie or a yippee or a punk or a new romantic?

Precisely. You were at the time a spotted youth without many clues.

You grew out of it.

Not your average pollie.

The Liberals decide in their childhood whether they're wet or dry, moderate or what used to be called Bronweenies (the fervid little followers of Bronwyn Bishop), progressive or regressive, small "l" liberal or capital "C" Conservative, left or right...and then stick to their tribe, gradually forgetting they joined a party called The Liberals until they can no longer recall whether they're Arthur or Martha.

A sub-group from Adelaide choose between a toga party or a romper stomper gathering but that's another story best told in the privacy of one's favourite bar.

It's not an affliction limited to the Liberals, of course.

The Labor Party divides itself into the Left, the Right, the Hard Left, also known as the Socialist Left, the Soft Left, aka the Progressive Left, the Centre-Right, which, hilariously, calls itself Labor Unity in Victoria, and the Religious Right, otherwise known as the Shoppies. Scrunch all the sub-factions together and try to follow them to their genesis (the Albanese Left, anyone?) and you'd be better off unravelling a ball of wool.

Tribalism is one of the reasons Labor has been in government so fleetingly since the 1950s.

Everyone got to hating everyone else back in the day, when communism was about, to the point the whole show split apart, with the Democratic Labor Party heading off with the nearest archbishop and, it is said, Tony Abbott.

It wasn't until Bob Hawke and Paul Keating came along, post-Whitlam, and taught the bruvvers the value of a good suit and a shoulder hug with the bosses that Labor got the show properly on the road. But then, Paul got to hating Bob and Paul didn't have much left once he'd dispensed with Bob and the weirdest Liberal of all, John Hewson.

And then there were Kevin and Julia, but that's like a toga party and a romper stomper outing mixed into a Shakesperean stew, and certainly best told in whispers.

Bill Shorten is now doing his best to revive the value of a good suit, having long perfected the art of cheerily slapping the bosses on the shoulder, and he doesn't want anyone shouting that stuff about the AWU and Labor Unity, let alone Kevin and Julia.

He's undoubtedly thrilled that Malcolm is being forced to get all Menzian without the flourish that attracted all those forgotten people for so long.

Sensible centre.

It's the place you go when you've lost your way and the Adams Family of Sky TV - Peta and Andy Bolt and a former radio jock named Paul Murray - spend all their time yelling that "the base", which is to say, the forgotten people gone feral, are running off with Cory and Pauline.

Pity Malcolm.

He's surrounded by kiddies who have no memory, one of whom belongs in the DLP, and he dearly wants to give them all a jolly good talking to.

But it's hard when you're standing painfully astride a barbed wire fence and all you've got to offer is the message that this, children, is the sensible centre and you've got nowhere to move.

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