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John Neal's accident-prone insurer QBE hits another profit downgrade

Insurers are meant to be dull entities, but the top brass at QBE obviously didn't get that memo.

It is nearly a year to the day since the insurer's shares took a steep dive when the Brexit vote took an unexpected detour.

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ASX winners and losers - a snapshot

The stand out listings traded on the ASX captured at key moments through the day, as indicated by the time stamp in the video.

In February there was the abrupt departure of its fast-tracked chief operating officer, Colin Fagen, with no clear explanation.

This was soon followed by the news that his boss, John Neal, got his bonus docked by $550,000 for not not disclosing a romantic relationship with his executive assistant.

The board was informed of this relationship just before Fagen's departure. Not that the two events were related, QBE assured the public.

And now we have a return of the whoopsies.


QBE shares were tanking again on Wednesday after another profit downgrade – from the South American arm of its global empire – really spooked the market.

Everyone would have been hoping this kind of surprise was in the company's past after Neal experienced a string of profit downgrades when he first joined the group.

Needless to say, it will be heads down, bums up at QBE this weekend, but the task will be more enjoyable for some than others.

Neal will be too busy to make it across the ditch to watch his beloved British and Irish Lions take on the All Blacks this Saturday.

Given QBE is one of the major sponsors, QBE's other top Brit, Patrick Regan, will be attending instead.

And let's hope QBE manages to negotiate some sort of exit package with Fagen before its accounts close on June 30.

Master's Apprentice

What happens when Celebrity Apprentice star, Mark Bouris, crosses paths with legendary corporate raider, Sir Ron Brierley? We might be about to find out.

Sir Ron's current corporate toy, Mercantile Investment, has emerged with a substantial stake in Bouris' wealth-deflating business, Yellow Brick Road.

At first blush it's good news for the embattled wealth group. Its shares soared more than 20 per cent to a high of 13¢ Wednesday morning.

Mercantile has picked up most of its shares in recents months, taking advantage of a record low share price at Yellow Brick Road which traded below 10¢ recently.

It means Sir Ron picked up 4 per cent of YBR for a paltry $1.27 million.

CBD could not get any word from Sir Ron's associates as to what he's up to. Bouris' mob seemed non the wiser either.

So is Sir Ron looking to agitate, as he did recently at caravan maker, Fleetwood, or is it a more passive investment in the mould of his successful punt on fintech player, Afterpay?

He will have a hard time agitating for change given Bouris, Hugh Marks' Nine Entertainment and Nic Moore's Macquarie Group control more than half the share register.

But he might find a sympathetic ear with the latter two investors given Macquarie and Nine were topping up their stakes at up to 70¢ a share.

YBR is now worth $30 million, which is a tad less than Moore's $180 million stake in Macquarie.

At least it gives Bouris plenty of wise heads to turn to for advice if the stock continues to stall at these levels.

Lone Rat

Another member of the RatPac entourage has officially left the building with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, confirming he has sold his stake stake in RatPac-Dune Entertainment.

It was a side venture to James Packer's former JV with Brett Ratner, RatPac which recently funded Wonder Woman.

It is interesting to note that Packer's departure from RatPac does not seem to have diminished its interest in China.

"RatPac has partnerships with Warner Bros. and China Media Capital in a Chinese Capital Fund, an investment platform positioned and exclusively focused on capitalising on the growth of media, entertainment and related industries targeted at the Chinese consumer, as well as a separate Chinese Creative Fund dedicated to identifying, producing, financing and capitalising upon Chinese language content in film, television, digital and live entertainment," said a statement on its web site.

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