The World Socialist Party of the United States Turns 100

From the July 2016 issue of the Socialist Standard It is now just a century since the World Socialist Party established itself in the USA. Other such organizations arose at about the same time in Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere, from similar circumstances: SPGB comrades became world travelers to escape conscription in The Great War, […]

The Theoretical System of Karl Marx (1968)

Book Review from the  1968 – number 3 issue ofThe Western Socialist   The Theoretical System of Karl Marx by Louis B. Boudin, Monthly Review Press, $7.50 The reprint of this book, sans introduction and hence free of possible reader misdirection, should be warmly received by all students of Marxism not having the good fortune […]

The Yom Kippur War (1973)

From the 1973 – number 6 issue of The Western Socialist There are several ways of looking at a problem, depending upon one’s point of view. Take an example such as the latest Arab-Israeli War, the so called Yom Kippur War. The case for the Arabs rests upon their assertion that Israel is a nation […]

The Mind of a Social Democrat (1966)

Book Review from the 1966 – number 5 issue of The Western Socialist   The Accidental Century by Michael Harrington (New York: Macmillan Co., 1965) Next to the world-wide Moscovite movement, the largest phony “socialist” tendency is that which is frequently referred to as “social democratic,” or, unfortunately, as “socialist.” The Scandinavian social democratic parties, […]

What about the Meantime? (1955)

From the March-April 1955 issue of the Western Socialist. To the Editors: I read your magazine regularly and find it interesting, informative and also puzzling. What puzzles me is that you advocate socialism and at the same time oppose social reforms. I always thought that socialists saw nothing inconsistent in working for the establishment of […]

A Witness At Ludlow (1965)

From the 1965 -number 3 issue of The Western Socialist Edit. Note: In The Western Socialist, No. 3-1965 there appeared an article entitled,The Ludlow Massacre (1913) – fifth in a series entitled, Gems From American History. The Ludlow article evoked the following letter from an old-timer member of the World Socialist Party who was a […]

The Wildcat Strike (1953)

From the July-August 1953 issue of the Western Socialist (EDITORIAL NOTE: A wildcat strike is a work. stoppage which has taken place in violation of a contract with management, or which has not received official sanction from the authority – usually the International Executive Board – established under the Union’s constitution. The author of this […]

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