

Why you need to see ... Bongo's Bingo

Jonny Bongo.

Two years ago, Irishman Jonny Bongo was running a pub quiz in Liverpool, England, but not your average pub quiz. "It had loads of stupid elements to it, and the night would always end with a rave, dance offs and the stupidest questions I could think of."

Still better than Hoobastank

D D Dumbo (EG, June 16)

What's in a name? Oliver Perry is anything but dumb, his musical life as D D Dumbo about to go worldwide. Because, or despite, the name?

All-women's festival Electric Lady shocks the system

"An all-woman lineup just needs to do its job, not go above and beyond," says Ali Barter.

A peace symbol and an anarchy sign combine to form an arrow. That's the logo of The Hopeless Utopian, the production house formed by Sydney-based musician Holly Rankin, and it's indicative of her desire to disrupt the music industry – in the most gracious way possible.

Making good with Goodrem: Handlin officer in honours

Denis Handlin has been appointed as an officer in the Order of Australia.

In 1970, when Denis Handlin began working for CBS Records, it was indeed records – seven-inch singles, 12-inch albums, the very occasional 10-inch EP – they sold by the score every day. Elsewhere, Sony made hi-fi product no one thought would best the American, European and British brands, and Delta Goodrem's parents were new to school and yet to meet.