A hint of Worlds End at Selfridges

vivienne-westwood-selfridgesSome of you may have heard it already, when we asked you to send in your pictures. Selfridges has currently 4 window displays on Worlds End and Vivienne’s political work.  Unfortunately there is no “Friends Window” with all of your images.
This is simply because we didn’t have enough pictures in the end. But thanks to all of you who’ve sent something in. We are aware of the amount of time and work you spent.
There will be more opportunities in the future to enrol.
The black Clint Eastwood Bomber on the top picture is part of the new arrivals.

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4 thoughts on “A hint of Worlds End at Selfridges

  1. Would be great to see the Clint Eastwood Bomber and how much to buy… Come on worlds end give me some new clothes to buy .. Pirate shirts think I will only buy worlds end and gold label now… Bought a wicked gold label cardigan from Manchester . The style is so different.