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Weather News

Wednesday July 19, 2017

West Australian farmers grow feed in refrigerated cabinet to keep stock fed during dry winter conditions

09:06 EST
Farmers in Western Australia's eastern wheatbelt are trying to drought proof their farm by growing sheep feed in large refrigerated cabinets on farm.
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Tuesday July 18, 2017

Winter takes a break in Qld, NSW

17:03 EST
It was a spring-like day in parts of Queensland and NSW today, although a return of wintry weather is just around the corner.
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Another turbulent day in South Australia

14:11 EST
Strong winds continue to buffet South Australia today following the heaviest rain in more than a year in some parts of the state.
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Brisbane to weather more bus driver strikes, as fog compounds industrial action

ABC licensed image 12:38 EST
Bus drivers are expected to strike again tomorrow in Brisbane after a two-hour strike today, with commuter disruptions compounded by a thick, slow-moving fog.
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Monday July 17, 2017

Earthquake near Sydney

16:54 EST
A small earthquake occurred off the coast of Sydney this morning.
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Wintry week in southern Australia

11:15 EST
A series of complex low pressure systems, fronts and troughs will bring cold, wet and windy weather to southern Australia this week.
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Sunday July 16, 2017

Coldest morning of winter for NSW Alps

14:57 EST
In Thredbo, Perisher and Cooma, this morning was the coldest it has been all winter.
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Stormy and Stunning Skies across southeast QLD

11:56 EST
Summer-like storms have flashed across the skies of Queensland, leaving a rare fogbow in its wake.
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Canberra in winter: A handy survival guide for newcomers

ABC image 11:33 EST
There is no denying it - winter has definitely come to Canberra.
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Saturday July 15, 2017

Cold front set to impact WA and SA before reaching the east next week

15:32 EST
With very little time between recent rainfall events, southwestern parts of Western Australia are feeling the cold and wet from another front this weekend.
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Highs, lows and snow for the southeast

15:32 EST
A freezing Sunday morning coming up for much of the southeast before another cold front kick starts the working week with gusty showers and healthy snowfalls over the Alps.
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Cyclone Debbie: Federal Government offers $29m, not $110m in recovery payments

ABC licensed image 14:33 EST
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has abandoned Queensland in its time of need after Cyclone Debbie, the State Government says, by refusing to pay tens of millions requested as disaster funding.
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Friday July 14, 2017

NZ wild weather on its way out

17:11 EST
After a three-day battle against the worst weather that winter can bring, there is some reprieve on the cards for New Zealand.
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A bit of wet with the cold

11:44 EST
More winter showers are forecast for parts of southern Australia over the weekend, in addition to the already cold temperatures expected.
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Thursday July 13, 2017

Far west NSW graziers destock as dry season presses on

ABC image 15:06 EST
Graziers in far west New South Wales are starting to destock, with station dams running low because of a dry season.
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Somewhat snowy weekend for alps

14:00 EST
A cold front leading to a cold morning over parts of southeastern Australia is set to deliver snowfalls over the alps.
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Weekend of cold mornings for the southeast

12:10 EST
The southeastern states are in for cold mornings this weekend following a trend of below average mornings this July.
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Great Barrier Reef photos show 'striking' damage to coral after Cyclone Debbie

ABC licensed image 06:11 EST
It could be a decade before the southern Great Barrier Reef recovers from the destruction caused by Cyclone Debbie, scientists have said.
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Wednesday July 12, 2017

State of Origin forecast

13:50 EST
Tonight's deciding match in this year's State of Origin series will see Queensland's Maroons take on the New South Wales Blues at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane.
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Rainy respite from frosty mornings

11:45 EST
Australia's southeast will be given a chance to thaw out during the next couple of mornings following a string of frosty starts.
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Tuesday July 11, 2017

Study suggests Perth uses double the water of other capitals, but is that the whole story?

ABC image 16:33 EST
A Monash University study has concluded that Perth residents use twice as much water per capita as those in Melbourne and Brisbane, but the water authority says that is not the full story.
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Frequent frosts replace absent rainfall

15:19 EST
Locals in NSW may have taken a while to thaw out today after some areas experienced their coldest morning in seven years.
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Seasonal affective disorder: Tips to avoid SAD and beat the winter blues

ABC image 14:52 EST
The cold, dark, grey days of winter can be depressing.
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Cyclone Debbie, three months on: How storm-hit towns in Queensland and NSW are recovering

ABC image 12:25 EST
It has been almost three and a half months since Tropical Cyclone Debbie slowly hit the coastline of Queensland carrying windspeeds of 260kph.
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Wild week of weather in New Zealand

11:42 EST
A series of intense weather systems will produce a four-day spell of wild wintry weather in New Zealand this week.
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Psychologists warn emotional impact of Cyclone Debbie is far from over, three months on

10:04 EST
Two community recovery psychologists dispatched to North Queensland this week say the emotional effects of Tropical Cyclone Debbie are far from over, three months on from the weather event.
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Monday July 10, 2017

Widespread winter rain soaks Central Australian properties

ABC image 16:01 EST
A wet weekend in Central Australia has seen several properties throughout the region soaked, with rain falling in areas that had not seen any for six months.
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Pyrocumulus cloud: How fires can create their own weather systems

ABC licensed image 15:58 EST
As the old saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire.
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NT flood threat

11:22 EST
Parts of Australia's interior are on flood watch today following four month's worth of rain 24 hours.
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Sunday July 9, 2017

A year makes a lot of difference in regional NSW

12:43 EST
Last year, New South Wales enjoyed its third wettest winter on record, but this year is leaving the ground dry as chips.
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Stormy Night for New Zealand

10:56 EST
Thunderstorms have flashed across the North Island overnight as a low pressure system bears down on Aotearoa.
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Saturday July 8, 2017

SA starts July with some healthy rain

14:58 EST
After a very dry June, the southeastern parts of South Australia are receiving a good dousing.
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Flight chaos after Brisbane fog forces airport to cancel services

ABC image 14:24 EST
There has been more flight chaos in Brisbane today after heavy fog caused the cancellation of scores of services out of the city's airports on Friday night.
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Sunny weekend for Sydney, but rain on the horizon

09:37 EST
Pleasant sunny skies will dominate this weekend, before conditions deteriorate into next week.
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Friday July 7, 2017

Outback flooding looms

16:09 EST
Heavy rain will develop in parts of central Australia this weekend, bringing a risk of flash and riverine flooding from Sunday.
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Warm and stormy night in Queensland

12:36 EST
It was a wet and warm night in parts of Queensland as a band of cloud drifted over the state, triggering storms in the south.
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Thursday July 6, 2017

Cyclone-ravaged farmers get help from city slickers to rebuild after devastation

ABC image 16:32 EST
The road to recovery for a small central Queensland community after Cyclone Debbie has been long and difficult.
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Struggling snow season on the mend

13:01 EST
Australia's alps have been transformed by the first decent snowfall of winter this week.
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Dry season in Western Australia a crisis for farming family

ABC image 09:47 EST
Jane Keune and her son Perry St Quintin have been working the land on Anthill Farm near Yuna, 125 kilometres north-east of Geraldton, for 22 years.
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Wednesday July 5, 2017

Welcome winter rain in Victoria

21:06 EST
Parts of Victoria have seen more rainfall during the last 24 hours than the entire month of June.
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Eyre Peninsula farmers put faith in late rain after dry June, as they face prospect of financial losses

ABC image 18:40 EST
The driest June on record in South Australia has forced grain farmer Mark Modra to rethink the crops on his Eyre Peninsula property.
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Snow chasers race to Bluff Knoll in WA's Great Southern region in search of snow

ABC image 18:16 EST
Families on school holidays are flocking to the Stirling Ranges in the Great Southern region of WA, where there has been a light fall of snow, the second this week.
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Week's second snowfall in southern WA

12:56 EST
Western Australia could see its second snowfall in under a week as a blustery cold front crosses the state's southwest today.
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Man trapped in China flood incredibly rescued by colleagues with only moments to spare

12:47 EST
An incredible act of bravery and ingenuity has saved a trapped man from rapidly rising flood waters with only moments to spare.
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Crash driver's lucky escape posted on Facebook by Tasmania Police in plea to motorists

ABC licensed image 10:54 EST
A male driver has miraculously walked away from a crash with a cut on the back of his head, with Tasmanian police posting a photo of the wreck on Facebook in a plea for people to slow down in adverse conditions.
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Cyclone Debbie good news: Kid farmers pick pumpkins and donate their profits to the SES

ABC image 10:34 EST
Two North Queensland siblings have donated the money they earned from farming pumpkins to the SES, to repay the volunteer group for clearing their yard after tropical cyclone Debbie.
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Tuesday July 4, 2017

Snowy start to July

16:21 EST
The snowiest week so far this season has begun in the alps.
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Roll cloud stuns locals near Qld/NSW border

11:51 EST
A rare roll cloud was seen drifting over the Queensland and New South Wales border this morning.
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Grain growers miss out on overnight rains as Adelaide Hills cop drenching

08:27 EST
Rain-starved farming districts have missed out on heavy rain in parts of South Australia overnight despite more than 30 millimetres falling in the Adelaide Hills.
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Dry June breaking winter records in Tasmania in contrast to 2016 deluge

07:43 EST
Parts of Tasmania have recorded their driest June on record, with no strong signs of above average rain for the coming months, the Bureau of Meteorology says.
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West Australian farmers grow feed in refrigerated cabinet to keep stock fed during dry winter conditions

09:06 EST

Farmers in Western Australia's eastern wheatbelt are trying to drought proof their farm by growing sheep feed in large refrigerated cabinets on farm.

Winter takes a break in Qld, NSW

17:03 EST

It was a spring-like day in parts of Queensland and NSW today, although a return of wintry weather is just around the corner.

Another turbulent day in South Australia

14:11 EST

Strong winds continue to buffet South Australia today following the heaviest rain in more than a year in some parts of the state.