
The Hermit

Australians want a PM like Putin, don't they?

Australians, we are told, are just crying out for a PM like Vladimir Putin. But should they?

Australians, are tired of politicians who pussy foot around.  We want decisiveness.  What we want, we are told, is not just strong leadership, but a leader like Vladimir Putin.

School uniforms as important as student laptops

Abolishing school uniforms would lead to discrimination, says Bill O'Chee.

More than 533,000 students will commence or resume their schooling at Queensland state schools this month. At the same time, another 116,000 students will walk through the gates of Queensland's independent schools.

What if someone cancelled Christmas?

Christmas especially is when many of us stop thinking of ourselves and think of others instead.

When Islamic State seized a large swathe of Iraq in 2014, Mosul's many Assyrian Christians were condemned to a living hell that made our petty Christmas squabbles in Australia seem insignificant.