

Abishabis Five on the Fifth

Elementary Satellite Two Sundog Lit “Really Good Story. Kind of Heartbreaking.” @JellyfishReview

Confidential Report on the Disturbance at Big Echo Yellow Mama

Heaven by Storm On Spec Vol. 24, No. 1 [Purchase] “A joyous steampunk extravaganza” SFcrowsnest

Saint Ouroboros’ Day The Colored Lens

The Dream Eaters Menacing Hedge

Z Rats!  decomP magazinE Best of Net Nominee


All That You Are The Molotov Cocktail

Winnipeg 200 CCs

Pennywhistle Cease, Cows

How to Find God in a Dyson Sphere Polar Borealis [PDF]

Portrait of the Invincible Overlord as a Young Man Fiction on the Web

Unmathematical Space Squid

Fiddler’s Bend Typehouse [PDF] Pushcart Nominee

Teenage Cosmonaut Suicide Love Song and Time Dilation Club Daily Science Fiction

Bad Shit Drabblecast

Jerusalem Necessary Fiction

The Queue Allegory (Spring/Summer, 2016)

Clean Dark Lane Anthology Vol. 3 [purchase]

Li Po Drowned in the Moon Monkeybicycle The Best Small Fictions Nominee

So You’ve Decided to Invest in a Religion The Fable Online


Tineola Bissellellia Pidgeonholes Vol. 3 [PDF]

I Am Problem Solving Astronaut: How To Write Hard SF Blue Monday Review Vol. 2, No. 2 [purchase]

Götterdämmerung AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review

Fighting in the Streets of the City of Time Bewildering Stories


Adiophoria Bastion Science Fiction Magazine [purchase]