
Simple sabotage field manual

Simple sabotage manual cover

A manual for sabotage at the workplace, originally published in 1944 by the CIA's predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services for citizens of Nazi-occupied countries. It still has relevance for workers today who wish to sabotage their employers.

Captain Swing was here!

An example of a Captain Swing letter

A short history of the 1830 Swing riots by Stuart Booth. Farm bosses would receive threatening letters from a fictional “Captain Swing”, and if they didn’t submit to the demands their premises would be attacked.

The international McStrike, 2002

McStrike in Germany, 2002

A collection of writings and reports of an attempted international strike of McDonalds workers called by McDonalds Workers Resistance on 16 October 2002.

Take the power back: breathing space, friendliness and solidarity at work

We felt like writing a basic article about workers' solidarity and daily resistance. It addresses the atmosphere we face at work, where the management regime is so rigid that even small collective steps seem like minor revolutions. The article will be published and circulated in our newspaper WorkersWildWest no.5

The Luddites: machine-breaking in regency England

Cartoon depicting the fictional Luddite leader Ned Ludd

A historical overview and analysis of the Luddite movement 1811-1816 which swept parts of the UK as workers smashed machines to defend their jobs, pay and conditions.

Revenge of a Citibank worker

Saboteur from Office Space

An IT worker with Citibank was jailed last week for deliberately downing 90% of the bank's network, following an unfavourable review with a manager.

The Destructive Urge

Marxism's greatest discovery is that it cannot prescribe any science of revolution, any fail-safe program. On the contrary what it provides is a new question, a new responsibility to make a choice..

Coalminers strike against Pittston Company in Virginia, 1989-1990

Striking miners rally

A short history of the successful 10 month long strike at Pittston Coal against cuts to retirement and health benefits, which included mass sit-ins and sabotage.

Reflections on sabotage, theirs and ours - Jeff Shantz

An illustration of 'the leisure class'

On capitalist and worker sabotage in environmental struggle.

The SS Columbia Eagle mutiny, 1970 - Steven Johns

A short history of the most spectacular American naval mutiny during the Vietnam war, where two sailors hijacked a ship full of napalm and sailed it to Cambodia.