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  • June 12, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Foreign forces kill 2 children after convoy runs over mine in East Afghanistan
    Xinhua: Two Afghan civilians were killed in shooting after the convoy of the U.S.-led coalition forces ran over a mine in the eastern Nangarhar province on Monday, spokesman for provincial government Attaullah Khogiani said. “A mine planted by militants struck the convoy of foreign forces in Shirgal area of Ghani Khil district this morning and the foreign soldiers in retaliation opened fire and killed two children each eight and 10 years old in the area,” Khogiani told reporters.      Full news...

  • May 24, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    War in Afghanistan Is Killing Children in Record Numbers in 2017
    Truthout: Four-year-old Alisina was playing in the fields outside her house in the Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan, located 80 kilometers from the capital city of Kabul, on a mid-April morning. Only vaguely aware of the constant war that surrounds them, Alisina and her friends didn’t know the large metal object they found in the field that day was in fact an unexploded ordnance left behind by one of the warring parties.      Full news...

  • May 14, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Child Soldiers Reloaded: The Privatisation of War
    Al Jazeera: From opportunistic guns for hire on the fringe of domestic conflicts to a global force operating within a multibillion-dollar industry - the private military sector seems to be flourishing. As armies and war increasingly become “outsourced”, private military companies have taken on a wider increasing range of responsibilities, from security and intelligence analysis to training and combat roles.      Full news...

  • April 28, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Child Malnutrition Mounts in Afghan Province
    IWPR: Rising numbers of children in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar are suffering from malnutrition, according to local health officials, with more than 36,000 in need of assistance. Ahmadullah Faizi, head of public nutrition at Kandahar’s department of public health, told IWPR that their most recent figures, from December 2016, showed that 20,157 children were suffering from moderate malnutrition.      Full news...

  • April 11, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    4 Children Killed, 7 injured in Kunduz Mortar Blast
    The Killid Group: Security officials in Kunduz reported that 11 children were killed or injured in a mortar explosion yesterday evening. Mahfozullah Akbari, spokesman for Spenghar 808 Zone, said that the incident happened in Chardara district in which four children were killed and seven others were injured.      Full news...

  • April 5, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Child Labour in Afghan Coal Mines
    IWPR: Shir Ahmad, 12, spends all day working in the pitch darkness of a coalmine in the Dara-e Suf district of northern Samangan province. His face black with dust, he said he spent his time loading a donkey with coal to then transport to the surface. The work was dangerous, Ahmad explained, continuing, “Once a big piece of coal fell on my head and I was in bed for ten days.”      Full news...

  • March 22, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Seven-Year-Old Badakhshan Girl Raped Badakhshan residents have slammed local police for not having arrested the man who allegedly raped a seven-year-old Faizabad girl earlier this week. The incident reportedly took place on Monday when the suspect raped the child in her home. The man allegedly entered the girl’s house while she was home alone and then tied her up and raped her.      Full news...

  • March 21, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    UN: Conditions in Afghanistan Deteriorating, Kids at Great Risk
    VOA: The United Nations reports humanitarian conditions in Afghanistan are deteriorating, with children at great risk of dying at an early age from lack of health care and proper nutrition. The United Nations reports 9.3 million people in Afghanistan will need humanitarian assistance this year. The world body has appealed for 550 million USD to support 5.6 million of the most vulnerable people.      Full news...

  • March 6, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Attacks on Afghan hospitals hit children the hardest
    IRIN: An Afghan father recently described how his 15-year-old son lost both feet after stepping on a mine. He couldn’t get proper care in Kunduz City – the only trauma centre there had been destroyed – so he took a taxi more than 200 miles to Kabul. By the time his son received treatment, it was too late.      Full news...

  • March 2, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Boys Sold for Sex in Afghan Province
    IWPR: The majestic blue-tiled Hazrat e-Ali mosque complex in the centre of Mazar e-Sharif serves as a recreational space as well as a place of worship for many of the city’s residents. But Ahmad Javed, (not his real name), lounging on a chair near the public toilets, was there for business. The 15-year-old was waiting for customers looking for sex at the shrine, revered as the burial place of Ali, the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad.      Full news...

  • January 26, 2017 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Snow, Cold Snap Leave 27 Children Dead In Northern Afghanistan
    RFE/RL: Heavy snowfall and freezing weather has killed 27 children in a remote district of northern Afghanistan, an official says. Fifty centimeters of snow blocked roads in Darzaab in northern Jawzjan Province as temperatures plunged to minus 10 degrees Celsius, district Governor Rahmatullah Hashar said on January 26.      Full news...

  • December 7, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Children Targeted by Drug Gangs
    IWPR: Activists and officials in the Afghan province of Herat have warned that rising numbers of children are being recruited to work as drugs mules by local trafficking networks. Street children are particularly vulnerable, amid a massive rise in addiction among minors in the western province.      Full news...

  • November 7, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Child Marriage Rife in Northern Afghanistan
    IWPR: An investigation by IWPR has revealed that child marriage remains rampant in the north of Afghanistan, with the local authorities warning that they are powerless to combat the practice. Dozens of fathers and tribal elders interviewed in Balkh, Faryab, and Jowzjan provinces all said that most girls in their communities were married off between the ages of nine and 14.      Full news...

  • September 6, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Early Marriage is Cruel Form of Violence in Afghanistan
    Sputnik: According to a recent UN study, Afghanistan is amongst 41 countries in which at least 30 percent of women enter marriage as a minor. “Early marriage creates preconditions for gender inequality and young families have no stable material grounds.,” Nabila Mosleh, director of Ministry of Women’s Rights, told Sputnik.      Full news...

  • August 21, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Girl Dies In Iran Because Of Transplant Law Latifa Rahmani, a 12-year-old Afghan immigrant died in an Iranian hospital on Friday afternoon after being denied the opportunity to undergo liver transplant surgery. Latifa died in the Namazi Hospital in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz from liver failure, Iran media reported.      Full news...

  • August 17, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan: Rise in Military Use of Schools
    HRW: Afghan security forces are increasingly using schools as bases during military operations in Taliban-held areas, putting children at risk and depriving thousands of an education, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Afghan government should take immediate steps to curtail security force use of schools for military purposes.      Full news...

  • August 1, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Child marriage still a challenge for Afghan girls
    VOA Dari (Translated by RAWA): More than half the girls in Afghanistan are married before the age of 19, about 40 percent are married at an age between 10 to 13 years, 32 percent at age 14, and 27 percent at age 15. These are the findings of the UNFPA which were published in a report titled “Invest in Teenage Girls for a More Just, Stable and Peaceful World” on the World Population Day.      Full news...

  • July 29, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Ghor Cleric Arrested On Charges Of Marrying 6-Year-Old Police in Ghor province on Friday reported that security forces have arrested a 60-year-old man for allegedly marrying a six-year-old girl, whose family claims she was abducted by the man. The man, named Mohammad Karim, has claimed that the girl was offered to him as a gift by her father while he was teaching her.      Full news...

  • July 18, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Four Children Killed Playing with Rocket in Baghlan Nearly four children were killed and three others wounded after a rocket tip exploded while they were playing with in Baghlan province, local officials said Sunday. The incident took place in the capital city of Baghlan, Pul-e-Khumri on Saturday while children were playing with the rocket.      Full news...

  • July 5, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan: Sold for a Herd of Cows
    IWPR: Human rights organisations and local officials say that they are powerless to act against a tradition in a west-central Afghan province that means women are being sold into marriage in return for cows and sheep. Ghor, with a population of nearly 300,000, is one of Afghanistan’s most underdeveloped provinces. Some remote areas are ruled by armed groups and entirely out of government control.      Full news...

  • June 28, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan to investigate child sex slavery as Taliban exploit practice to launch insider attacks on police
    Mail Online: The Afghan government says it will punish police officers involved in the institutionalised sexual abuse of children after an AFP report found the Taliban are exploiting the practice of paedophilic “bacha bazi” - literally “boy play” - to launch insider attacks. Militants in Uruzgan province have killed hundreds of police after turning their child sex slaves against them, exploiting a centuries-old practice in Afghanistan that observers call one of the most egregious violations of human rights in the country.      Full news...

  • June 2, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    64 school girls poisoned in central Maidan Wardak province
    Khaama Press: At least 64 schoolgirls were poisoned in central Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan on Wednesday, the education officials said. An official in the Ministry of Education Kabir Haqmal said the incident took place in a girls school in Behsud district. He said the students were immediately taken to hospital for treatment and the health condition of them has been reported satisfactory.      Full news...

  • May 6, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Open the world of education to girls
    The Killid Group: Nearly a third of girl students drop out of school mid-way. The reasons could vary from lack of security to discriminatory social customs. Mujib Mehrzad, spokesperson of the Ministry of Education, says traditional ways have sunk deep roots in society. Even where schools may be close to their homes, families do not let their daughters study after middle school.      Full news...

  • April 19, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Kabul Attack Kills Dozens, Including Women and Children
    Common Dreams: At least 28 people are dead and hundreds are wounded after a suicide bomb and gun assault on a government security building in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday morning. The Taliban has reportedly claimed responsibility for what Reuters called “the most deadly single attack in the Afghan capital since 2011.”      Full news...

  • April 17, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Rape and brutal murder of 6-year-old Afghan girl in Iran sparks anger
    Khaama Press: A horrific report has emerged from Iran regarding the brutal murder of a 6-year-old Afghan girl who was initially raped by a teenage Iranian. The brutal murder of the girl, Setayish Quraishi, has sparked anger both in Afghanistan and outside, with the local media reports in Iran saying the perpetrator was a 17-year-old Iranian national.      Full news...

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