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Fund flows into continental equities highest since Macron victory in France

Wide-ranging political powers over court system stir fears for independence of judges

Leila de Lima denies charges and says president is ‘rather obsessed’ with her

Nestlé, P&G; and Unilever all under pressure to improve performance

As Lucy prepares to leave the FT, we asked readers to pick their favourites

Analysis Automobiles

As road deaths rise, software is being developed to deal with distracted drivers

Two dead and many injured after tremor shakes Bodrum and island of Kos

Threat of food crisis as early-season crop harvest hit by dry spell

Vittorio Colao dismisses claims of unfair advantage as ‘fiction’

PM tells first meeting of Number 10 business council she is aiming for transition deal

Single bottle of 1951 Penfolds sells for A$52,000 as Aussie winemakers tap high-end

US News

Veteran is a critical vote in Congress and a vocal critic of the Trump administration

Billionaire takes to Twitter to lobby for approval to build superfast train tunnel

Software group’s Azure business doubles revenue in the last quarter

President criticises Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from Russia probe


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Market interprets dovish tone from president of ECB

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From Beckett to Simone de Beauvoir, a new book explores why an author’s clothes are as revealing as their prose

The stand-up talks about her identity issues and being booed off stage

More licences are granted for office hits — but ‘Metal Mondays’ are not for everyone

Markets News

Traders are emboldened after ECB chief Draghi fails to talk down the currency


Fund flows into continental equities highest since Macron victory in France

Ninth consecutive day of gains pushes S&P; 500 IT index into virgin territory


Cash offer the latest in a string of buyouts for payments processors

Analysis Automobiles

As road deaths rise, software is being developed to deal with distracted drivers

Life & Arts