Showing posts with label BNP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BNP. Show all posts


BNP elected official gets arse kicked for telling porkies

Richard Barnbrook - the BNP's third highest elected official and their only member of the London Greater Assembly (pictured doing a Monty Python Holy Grail impression) - has been exposed fabricating two murders in a high profile BNP campaign. He has been found guilty of bringing both the Greater London Authority and the Barking and Dagenham Council into disrepute - his lies show the depths the BNP are willing to stoop to in their propaganda war.

Because of the severity of his lies, Barnbrook has been suspended by the Council for a month, forced to submit a written apology to the Greater London Authority and made to undertake "training." This is just the tip of the iceberg - the BNP has been capitalising on fear for years in an attempt to take over working class communitiues But this time is different - this time we have proof in black and white that their campaign is entirely based on fear, falsehood and hatred.

Barnbrook is right to be concerned about people in Barking and Dagenham who carry blades, and who think nothing at all about posing for pictures with them.


Advance copy of Identity

A friend on the "inside" copied me this. Click image to enlarge.


BNP finally come clean in Voice of Freedom

Click on image to enlarge

As referred to above, here is the Young, Nazi and Proud video. The ending, where Mr Collett is confronted with remarks that he made earlier in the programme, is classic - rather reminds me of something Omar Khayyam wrote: 'The moving finger writes; and, having writ moves on; nor all your piety nor wit shall lure it back or cancel half a line. Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.' Way to go, you Nazi bastard!


BNP Membership list now globally available

The worst kept secret of all time

The Guardian today and most papers this week have covered the BNP membership list leak. To the dismay of the BNP, their entire membership list, hitherto supposedly a secret on a par with the true assassins of JFK, was posted on the internet, allegedly by a disgruntled ex-member of high rank. The organisation, needless to say, has suffered a collective panic attack, afraid people will know who they are. I personally was surprised to see there were 25 listed in my Jarrow parliamentary constituency - I thought there were more judging by the numbers turning up at their local meetings.

The list has been kept a secret on the left with activists reluctant to share it – so much for free access to the benefits of civilisation (or in this case uncivilisation) – and, whilst it has been removed from UK sites, it is available from overseas sites via: The Wikileaks links to the said list have proved so popular that the site crashed tonight and the home page ran a
simple message: Wikileaks is overloaded by readers looking for the BNP membership list.

Whether this gauges the number of people curious to see if old Mrs Jones down the road is a closet storm trooper, or if the site is being accessed by BNP members keen to see their name in print is anyone’s guess.

The list is even available on the Pirate Bay and Minova torrent sites and as I write have 225 and 190 seeders respectively. News now is that the membership list will be given away free with The Sun this coming Saturday.

The membership list has now even been google postcoded. You simply type in your postcode and find out your nearest neo-nazi . Click on their name and a map appears directing you to their home. No doubt the members of Antifa are having a field day. Bloody marvellous when its easier to locate your closest fash than your nearest PayPoint outlet - you'll know what I mean if you're trying to get your gas card charged up in Hebburn

Of course, its not the socialist way to suggest BNP members are supporters are targeted. Whilst their ideas are noxious and abhorrent, they can never be countered by violence or the threat of it, regardless of the violence they are associated with, not least because they are a symptom of class society and the myriad social problems it throws up. The BNP can only be defeated on the battlefield of ideas and this site provides plenty of ammunition in this regard.

And if you believe that your average BNPer will give you an intellectual run for your money, consider this piece from the Scotsman, and reported on the Stop the BNP site:

"The brightest children go on to vote Liberal Democrat or Green, according to a survey.

"The study by Edinburgh University researchers has found that childhood intelligence is linked to voting preferences and political involvement in adulthood.The study – which looked at voting patterns in the 2001 general election – found that those with higher IQ ratings were more likely to vote Lib-Dem or Green in an election.

"The survey – including cognitive tests at ages five and ten – was followed up with a study of voting habits at 34. Those who voted Green had an average IQ of 108.3, with Lib-Dem voters just behind at 108.2.

"Conservative and Labour voters were further behind – with scores of 103.7 and 103.0 respectively, while voters for Welsh nationalist Plaid Cymru scored an average of 102.5. Scottish National Party voters had an average IQ of 102.2. The research also showed that British National Party voters had the lowest average intelligence – scoring just 98.4. Non-voters were found to have an average IQ of 99.7."

Class Warfare can only lament that no socialist was included in the research


BNP - the split widens

For several weeks this blog has kept a watchful eye on the BNP and its internal shenanigans since the expulsion of two of is senior members and which led to some 60 officials and BNP councillors resigning their positions. The next six months look to be just as hectic for Britain's favourite neo-nazis, with a leadership challenge on the cards.

By all accounts, things have hotted up since the infamous bun fight in Leeds and widened the chasm between Griffin and the Yorkshire membership in particular. The news is that The BNP officials in Hull have resigned their positions en masse ready to contest the coming local elections as Independent Nationalists.

The rebel leaders have in the past couple of days created a new website entitled Voice of Change, with the by-line “Taking British nationalism to new heights of success.” There’s not much up on this site at the moment, certainly none of the bean-spilling savoury stuff that lefties clamour after – that stuff is still up on the regularly-updated Enough is Enough, Nick website.

In a statement posted on the aformentioned they said:

“We recognise the success which Nick Griffin has achieved for the BNP throughout his tenure of the past seven years, but the extraordinary sequence of events of the past few months can only lead a rational observer to conclude that Mr. Griffin is now unfit for that position.

“The internal management of the Party has been revealed to be fundamentally flawed and repeated calls for change have been ignored by the leader. Thus the only possible course of action to save the Party and secure a future for our people is to launch a leadership challenge.

"The foundation of the existing deceitful and corrupt cabal is money and in order to bring about change it is essential to starve Central HQ of funds. Therefore we call on members not to make donations to central office above and beyond the membership fee.

“Everyone has a fundamental choice regarding their own position but individuals who stand on, promote and fund the Griffin BNP by default support the bugging of officials, illegal entry of homes, theft of personal possessions, threats of violence, immorality, perversion, incompetence in staff, lies and smears, witch hunts against members the leadership don't like, mismanagement and wastefulness of funds and personnel, unconstitutional sackings and expulsions, a tyrannical approach and decades of anti-Semitic and Neo-Nazi baggage the Party cannot afford to carry if it aims to be a serious political party."

The new Voice of Change site states how it was formed “as a reaction to the purges of key personnel from the British National Party in December 2007 by tyrannical leader Nick Griffin who seems hell-bent on destroying the Party.”

It goes on to list the nine members who were expelled just before Xmas and “purged for standing up to the tyranny of Nick Griffin and questioning his constant defence of Mark Collett (graphic designer) and Dave Hannam (regional treasury official); two individuals who have done more to wreck the BNP than any former State asset could have hoped for.”

Though the rebels claim that they will challenge Griffin in a leadership election in June, it is apparent that none of the nine sacked party officers believe that they have a chance of being reinstated for the time being or that they would stand a chance in any leadership contest, not least because it is Griffin himself, as party fuehrer, who is allowed to decide on the election rules and which, in last year’s contest, included the banning of any campaigning! How the BNP must love their democracy!

The site, which still announces its loyalty to the ideas of the BNP, claims it is “an umbrella group to assist candidates who wish to stand as independent nationalists in the local elections in May 2008” and “a group which will seek to depose the discredited Nick Griffin in a leadership challenge as well as exposing the truth about the man himself and those coterie of ‘yes men’ who he has surrounded himself with.”

The message continues: “Nick Griffin arrogantly told some of the expelled personnel to get on with their 'non-political lives', as if he has a monopoly of nationalist politics. Thankfully for the future of our people and our country Mr. Griffin deludes himself; the movement is much bigger than one man's ego and the Voice of Change will take the nationalist message to new levels of success without the sleaze, immorality and financial corruption of Griffin's cabal, a message which millions of our beleaguered kinfolk are eager to heed.”

As the Stop the BNP site observes:

“This will badly affect the BNP in Yorkshire, the East Midlands, Scotland and Greater Manchester. In Yorkshire, which has been their most powerful region within the party for some time, there appears only one or two branches which remain loyal to the current leadership. Support for the rebellion is fairly solid across Scotland, though this is a far less important region for the party electorally. The strong East Midlands region will also be affected. While the region is split over support for the rebellion the loss of many of its key organisers, such as Sadie Graham and Wayne McDermott, the region’s competent election organiser, will be a severe blow to BNP in the short term.

“The rebels were left with little option but to begin the move towards a separate party. Since announcing their decision to challenge Griffin’s leadership a week ago it is clear that many of their supporters recognised the futility in all this. Over the last 48 hours Searchlight received information from within Yorkshire BNP that many of its key organisers were preparing to make a break. The officers of Hull BNP has been the first to declare themselves as ‘Independent Nationalists’ but we expect others to follow shortly. “

“The move to support rival candidates will also be music to the ears of Nick Griffin. Whilst he must recognise that the party will suffer in May’s local elections in Yorkshire, and that he is likely to lose the vast majority of the region, he will also know that in the all-important London and European elections, both contested under PR, the internal problems within the BNP is unlikely to affect their vote.

“He must also know that any move to support candidates against the BNP will immediately lead to expulsions.

“The rebels, now operating under the banner Voice of Change, plan to hold a conference in the East Midlands on Sunday 27 January. Much will become clearer at this event but it is now already evident that the rebels have given up on wrestling control of the BNP away from Griffin and the split has occurred.”

Meanwhile Griffin has also incurred the wrath of the more unsavoury characters in the neo-nazi movement. The Final Conflict website carries a revealing attack upon Griffin written by Steve Cartwright of Blood and Honour. Cartwright not only announces that there is a photo in existence of Griffin making a nazi salute – which, incidentally, every newspaper is desperate to get their hands on - but he outlines Griffin’s former links to Combat 18, the openly nazi Blood and Honour scene and foreign nazis.

This looks to be one interesting six months for BNP watchers and perhaps a little messy, nay a bloody annus horribilis, for Griffin and his loyal entourage. As the left continue to feast on the crap that emerges from the widening split within the BNP, you really have to wonder how any member could put up with the sundry revelations that have arisen, not least being this gem from Matt Single and posted on the Enough is Enough, Nick site:

“One example of the level of contempt he has for his minions, can be realised fully from this quote he made at a recent meeting in Leicester while answering Sadie on the top table ‘Look girl, you’re about to be a mother; so you’re now effectively useless’. A little glimpse of his true colours I believe."


More BNP Shenanigans

Sadie Graham shoots straight (picture courtesy of Indymedia)

Class Warfare has discovered that just before Xmas, the house of Sadie Graham (pictured above) and her boyfriend Matt Single was raided by a large number of police. The couple, recently expelled from the BNP for plotting against Nick Griffin (allegedly!) had their house in Church Lane, Brinsley, near Nottingham turned over by police - looking for weapons! Seems it was only just over three weeks ago that that ex-BNP Group Development Officer Sadie called in the police over the removal of property from her home. Seemingly BNP storm troopers entered her house on Saturday 8th December and seized, without her permission, her laptop and printer (and apparently bugged her phone too). For more info on this saga click here: Poor Sadie should be getting paranoid just about now, wondering who else is gonna raid her home.

Indymedia comments: "It seems that Single (ex BNP security team) rather than Graham was the real target of the raid (Graham must have hidden her rifle somewhere else!).

"Question : Why would anyone be surprised that prominent fascists - whose political strategy depends upon trying to look like any other political party whilst secretly encouraging racist violence - are interested in, and probably possess, weaponry?"

Meanwhile, the BNP finally published its 2006 accounts days before the fine for their late submission to the Electoral Commission would have doubled to £2,000. They make interesting reading, Stop the BNP takes up the story here.

Just before Xmas, a notice was posted on the BNP website demanding that any errant official who had made a posting on the rebel ‘Enough is Enough, Nick’ blog or declared their support on the blog must phone Nick Griffin and pledge their allegiance by the evening of Christmas Eve, December 24th or face expulsion. So far, it would appear none of the 60 rebels made that phone call and offered to kiss arse and neither does it appear that the miscreants have been punished.

Stop the BNP comments: “The failure of Griffin to follow through his threat has left his leadership in a weaken position and this is now being exploited by his rivals. Just when it seemed that the rebellion was running out of steam, the rebels have seized on Griffin’s lack of action as further proof, if proof was needed, of the mismanagement at the top of the party.”

The writers of the “Enough is Enough, Nick” blog, picking up on Griffin’s expulsion threats , say the episode is: "another example of the confusion, muddled thinking and disastrous decision making that is the hallmark of the current administration who have made mistake after mistake in this whole sorry and totally avoidable debacle since day one.”

Its not just Griffin and his loyal entourage who are guuilty of "confused, muddled thinking". The term can be hurled at every BNP supporter who thinks patriotism, nationalism and fascism is the way forward, along with anyone who has ever voted for them in the belief their policies will improve their lives one damned iota.

Hopefully, further shenanigans this coming year will reveal what a sad lot of patheticos the BNP really are.


Jon Cruddas calls for the Electoral Commission to investigate the BNP

Here's the full speech that Jon Cruddas made to Parliament on the 18th December in regards the recent activities of the BNP, accusing it of financial irregularities and the party's leadership of illegal activities. The party is five month behind in making any report on its finances and an estimated £17,000 is unaccounted for. Just a shame this is a Christmas Recess Debate, with the majority of the house on their Chrimbo hols - it might have attracted more attention to the nazi scumbags

Says Cruddas, concluding: "What is being uncovered in the internal workings of the British National Party appears to be illegal in terms of data protection, bugging, theft and the operation of the Political Parties, Elections and referendums Act 2000.

"This is not the behaviour of a mature political party and I would like to see the police and the electoral commission investigate these charges.

"The fact that this is being orchestrated by the leader of a political party is most shocking. The BNP leadership and Nick Griffin in particular, are showing us its true colours."

Fair's fair, however, and I reckon any politico could have made just as damning a speech about the Labour Party and their underhand shenanigans. Not think so? Check out Labour Sleaze then have a look at the Iraqgate files


But when it comes to in-fighting, the BNP wins hands down. Someone should do a sit com about this bunch of nutters. Check out this report on the recent BNP
bun fight in Leeds. What a damned shame nobody secretly video recorded this gem.


Nazis continue to fall out

Chairman’s Column”, the personal blogsite of BNP leader Nick Griffin has been silent of late. At a time when the BNP is in crisis, with 48 BNP councillors, officials and organisers tendering their resignations since Sunday you’d think King Nick would have stepped forward and made some troop-rallying “once more unto the breach” kind of appeal to the demoralised nazi rank and file of the BNP, but no. The crisis escalates.

Were it not enough that the homes of two BNP members were burgled by the party’s security department – made up of ex-South African police officers – we learn from the ‘enoughisenoughnick’ blogsite – set up by the rebel faction, that Griffin had gloatingly sent Matt Single, fiance of Sadie Graham (see previous post) a personal message informing him of the ghastly deed.

Writes Mr Single on the blogsite today:

“Many people have commented as to why I have been so muted ever since I received a text message from Nick Griffin on the 9th December at lunchtime, informing me that my home had just been successfully raided by Party Security at his request.

“My immediate reaction of disbelief shortly followed by one of anger still has not diminished today, but has instead been joined with feelings of total betrayal. In retrospect, I am relieved that I have taken some quiet time to reflect on the situation fully and not be drawn into thoughts and words clouded in desires for unconsidered retribution.

“Act in haste, repent at leisure; these are wise words that I have adhered to during this difficult period.”

“…I at the drop of a hat would have given my life for Nick as his personal security, so to realise the vile and horrible way in which he has stabbed Sadie and I in the back leaves me almost speechless.

“Nick Griffin sent under ‘chairman’s orders’, five members of my own Security Department, men I have stood by through thick and thin and helped to train, to steal belongings from Sadie and I while we were away. Her computer has been accessed and Sadie’s private personal account read by dishonourable people paid by Griffin to dig around to publish information in order to hurt her. This level of betrayal by Griffin cannot be understated.”

It gets worse:

“At last years conference in Blackpool, I witnessed Collett and Hannam [the two Nazis at the centre of the split] attempt to have sexual relations with two girls that were obviously under the age of sexual consent. These vile acts and others are not only illegal, they fall completely outside of the very ethos of nationalism that is supposed to represent family values and morality."

Meanwhile, Dagenham’s Labour MP Jon Cruddas has today called on the police to look into possible illegal acts by the British National Party leadership. As previously alluded to on this site, leading officers in the BNP have been secretly recording phone conversations of some of its officials and monitoring their emails.

Saturday gone, 8 December, members of the BNP security team also gained access to the home of BNP official Sadie Graham, one of Nick Griffin’s detractors, and removed personal belongings, including a computer. Sadie Graham is a borough councillor in Broxtowe and much of her council work was on the computer. Nazi hierarchs have subsequently gone through the computer reading emails and documents, including emails that have arrived since the computer was stolen. Griffin has even boasted about reading these emails on the party website.

Cruddas’ call comes as the crisis that is tearing the BNP apart grows. On Sunday the BNP sacked two of its leading officers “on the grounds of gross misconduct.” Sadie Graham, the party’s group development officer, and Kenny Smith, the party’s head of administration, were sacked after they had begun to openly criticise the performance and behaviour of three other full-time party workers. Despite allegations of financial mismanagement, including £17,000 which appears to have gone missing from the BNP 2006 accounts (which have yet to be submitted to the Electoral Commission), Nick Griffin refused to investigate.

Instead, he set his ‘Intelligence Department’, run by former South African police officers, to look for evidence against his critics.

If Griffin thought that the sacking of Graham and Smith would end the rebellion he was deeply mistaken. Almost 50 councillors, branch organisers, regional organisers and party officials have publicly backed the duo.

“The BNP leadership is showing us its true colours,” says Jon Cruddas. “They appear to be monitoring phonecalls and emails of their members and removing computers from private households. This is not the behaviour of a normal political party and I would like to see the police investigate this.”

Cruddas is particularly concerned with the allegation that a computer with private council business and personal correspondence from voters is being scrutinised by the BNP leadership. “This is totally deplorable and must be stopped immediately. These fascistic bullyboy tactics should have no place in our political system.”


Stop the BNP


The BNP fallout so far

Andrew Gatward (West Lindsey Organiser)

Bev Jones (North West Regional Fund-Raiser, Tameside Secretary, Manchester North Fundraiser and Ex-North West Regional Organiser)

Brian Riley (Glasgow Organiser)

Charlie Baillie (Glasgow Fundholder)

Cllr Chris Beverley (Yorkshire Elections Officer, Leeds Organiser - Mark Collett's local Branch - and Advisory Council Member)

Cllr Dave Brown (Broxtowe)

Cllr Graham Partner (North West Leicestershire Fundholder)

Cllr John Ryde (East Midlands Press Officer and Education & Training Officer)

Cllr Lewis Allsebrook (Amber Valley Organiser)

Cllr Nina Brown (East Mids Regional Secretary and Broxtowe Organiser)

Cllr Roger Robertson (South East Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)

Cllr Sadie Graham (Head of Group Development, East Mids Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)

Danny Lake (YBNP Leader)

Dave Jones (National Data Protection Officer, North West Regional Secretary, Regional Press Officer and Tameside Fundholder)

Dave Taylor (Bradford Contact)

Gary Pudsey (Bridlington Organiser)

Ian Dawson (Yorkshire Regional Secretary, Former Head of Group Support and Advisory Council Member)

Ivan Winters (Bradford Fundholder)

Kenny Smith (Head of Administration, Scottish Regional Organiser, Scottish Elections Officer and Advisory Council Member)

Kieran Dinsmore (Ulster Regional Organiser)

Lee Haggan (Doncaster Organiser and Great White Records Recording Artist)

Lesley Dathan (Sunderland Fundholder)

Louise Scott (Scarborough Secretary and Northern Regional Voices Correspondent)

Malcolm Porter (West Lindsay Fundholder)

Mark Payne (Former Assistant National Treasurer)

Mark Wain (Melton & Rutland Press Officer)

Mark Westbury (Nottingham Secretary)

Matt Single (Department of Security Secretary and Training Officer)

Michael Clarke (Ashfield Organiser)

Mike Cooper (Hull Fund-Holder - Dave Hannam's local Group)

Neil Craig (Bradford Organiser)

Nicholla Smith (Managing Director of Excalibur, Falkirk Organiser and Advisory Council Member)

Nick Walsh (Hull BNP Organiser - Dave Hannam's local Group)

Paul Harris (Barnsley Organiser)

Peter (Boston, Holbeach & Spalding Fundholder)

Peter Hollings (Yorkshire Regional Fund-Raiser and Leeds Secretary - Mark Collett's local Branch)

Richard Chadfield (North West Regional Fundholder and Former Stockport Organiser)

Rick Foster (Lincoln Organiser)

Rob Walker (Wellingborough Contact)

Robert Walker (Huddersfield Organiser)

Sammy Shaw (Falkirk Fundholder and Forum Moderator)

Scott McLean (Former Deputy Chairman, Scottish Regional Organiser and Advisory Council Member)

Steve Blake (Web Editor, Head of Education & Training and Advisory Council Member)

Steve Thomson (Aberdeen Organiser)

Stuart Russell (Former National Press Officer and Advisory Council Member))

Tom Linden (Harrogate & District Organiser)

Trisha Scott (Scarborough Organiser)

Wendy Russell (East Midlands Regional Fundraiser, Regional Information Officer and Peacock Club Chairman)


BNP begins to fragment

Hearing that the BNP are in crisis, I accessed their website for further info and yup, its true.

One posting from Sunday gone reads: “This morning, Kenny Smith, Head of Administration and Sadie Graham, Group Development Officer, were expelled from the BNP for, amongst other things, creating and setting up a treasonous blogspot designed to attack and smear fellow party officials.”

There then follows the transcript of a lengthy conversation between Smith and Graham which begs the question ‘Is the BNP hierarchy bugging its membership’?

The question is answered when you read another story entitled "Anti BNP Subversion Stopped Dead' from the same day posted on the BNP site:

“Some months ago, a BNP Intelligence Department was set up, with one of its key initial targets being to track down the source of these problems and provide the evidence needed to expose those responsible and put an end to their subversion.”

Leaving aside the contradictory statement “BNP Intelligence Department” – nah, come on, stop laughing - what is this subversion? The story cites “a string of leaks and misinformation briefings to political opponents, and…internal rumour-mongering designed to damage morale and confidence in the workings of various party departments, and in the leadership generally."

The story continues: “In order to afford the accused a fair hearing at their forthcoming disciplinary tribunals, it is not proper to rehearse the details of the cases against them here at present. It can, however, be said that the prosecution will produce evidence of their heading a secretive bid to force out of positions, or even out of the Party, individuals who were not on ‘their side’ in a sordid factional power-grab, while attempting to cover up serious failings and inefficiencies by individuals on ‘their side’.

“…evidence will be put before the tribunals of an alleged plot by Mr Smith and Miss Graham to pack the Advisory Council with their supporters and to change the Party constitution so as to take power away from the elected leader and the Voting Membership, and concentrate it in their own hands.

“The prosecution also alleges that there is clear evidence of their direct involvement in setting up a disgraceful anti-BNP smear blog and, in the case of Mr. Smith, of serious breaches of accountancy procedures leaving up to £17,000 unaccounted for in the 2006 Central Audit, and of a wilful neglect of the Excalibur merchandising operation constituting attempted financial sabotage in order to create an artificial ‘crisis’ to which their proposals would be presented as the solution.”

As the Stop the BNP website reveals, it would appear that a number of other high ranking Nazis, including several organisers and councillors, have also left the BNP As of last night it seems that five of the party’s 13 regional organisers have resigned, four BNP councillors have withdrawn the whip and are now Independent Nationalist councillors, and five Advisory Council members are backing the rebellion as are several other local branch organisers. There are further resignations in the pipeline.

This crisis, predicted by Searchlight, is the result of an increasingly bitter quarrel between rival factions in the BNP. On one side are the younger and more able organisers and officers, led by Graham and Smith and include Leeds councillor Chris Beverley and the party’s former website creator Steve Blake.

On the other side is the brat pack, a ‘laddish sect’ made up of Mark Collett, head of publicity, party treasurer John Walker, his deputy David Hannam, head of security Martin Reynolds and Bradford councillor Paul Cromie.

For his part, leader Nick Griffin has sided with the brats and now taken action against the former group, party apparatchiks, who run the party operation.

Increasingly frustrated at the leadership’s refusal to act against the amateurish performance and general incompetence of Hannan, Walker and Collett, Smith and Graham set up a blog site to build a campaign against the three men, whom they dismiss as “these sleazy, lying, incompetent scumbags”. Unfortunately for them, the BNP leadership obtained a recording of a telephone conversation in which Smith explained to Graham how she could help with the blog site.

But if Griffin thought the strength of his case against the pair would overshadow any fallout, he was wrong. Within hours of the sackings several other prominent BNP members had walked out in sympathy. Among them are Nina Brown, the Boxtowe organiser and a local parish councillor, Danny Lake, the leader of the Young BNP, and Ian Dawson. Every BNP official in Scotland has resigned.

For further information on the shenanigans at the 'Court of Mad King Nick', download the Searchlight special "BNP in Crisis" document here in pdf format.

Let’s just hope this BNP split does not result in the formation of another neo-nazi organisation. Interestingly, in the hour since I commenced this posting, the BNP have changed their main lead story and, in an attempt to deflect attention from this story, have diverted prying eyes to the split in the SWP-led RESPECT organisation.

Update (1):

Griffin increasingly isolated

Date: 11 December 2007 - Yorkshire joins the rebellion

Nick Griffin is now in dire trouble. If his problems weren't serious enough he will have been greeted with news today that most of the West Yorkshire BNP organisers have joined the rebellion. Among them are organisers for Bradford, York and Huddersfield. In addition, Leeds councillor Chris Beverley has resigned the party whip and one can only presume that former party manager Nick Cass is thinking along the same lines. With these latter two will come activists from Leeds, Dewsbury and Wakefield.

With organisers in Scotland, Northern Ireland, East Midlands and now the all-important West Yorkshire region joining the revolt, Griffin must be feeling very isolated.


Now operating under the name Real BNP, the dissidents have set up their own website ( but they have issued guidance to others disillusioned with the current BNP leadership.

Issuing a call to ‘Support the resistance – Save the BNP!’ they suggest the following:

1, Do not renew your membership yet!
2, Do not resign from the Party
3, Resign from any official position you hold - Let's to bring the organisation to a grinding halt and show the strength of feeling amongst the working officials that Griffin needs to sack the three chimps and not hardworking Party loyalists.
4, Do not resign as a councillor - ever!
5, Throw off the party whip and declare yourself an Independent Nationalist Councillor.

It seems that a growing number of people are following their lead.

Update (2)

More underhand tactics

Latest news is that ex-BNP Group Development Officer Sadie Graham has called in the police over the removal of property from her home. Seemingly BNP storm troopers entered her house on Saturday and seized, without her permission, whilst she was away form the weekend, her laptop and printer. On a continuing suicide mission, the BNP Press officer, Simon Darby, no doubt on the nod of leader Nick Griffin, released Graham’s private emails and which can now be found in cyber space (

Perhaps the police would like to investigate just what the BNP’s “Intelligence Department” has been up to – whether her home had been entered illegally, for instance, so it could be tapped, whether her mobile phone (a recent acquisition from the Party) had been bugged. and whether the release of her private emails into cyber space is in breach of the Data Protection Act.

A statement from BNP Cllr Nina Brown (East Mids Regional Secretary & Broxtowe Organiser) reads:

I wish to clarify the situation that led to the “raid” on Sadies home and the removal of her personal computer and various other items.

For a couple of years I have been a keyholder to Sadie’s house, originally to feed her cat whilst she was away on holiday, but more recently for local organisers to pick up their monthly orders of the Voice of Freedom, Identity, campaign leaflets etc during Sadies absence. On Saturday morning I spotted the Party van, which I recognised from the monthly literature run, parked outside Sadie’s home, with Martin Reynolds in the drivers seat, his wife Lindsey and several other security guys hanging around the front of Sadies home. I found that slightly odd as I knew that Sadie and Matt were away for the weekend. By the time I had turned the car around and pulled up to the house, four guys were walking down the passage that led from the back of the house to the front. I walked up to the van and spoke to Lindsey through the open window, I asked her if she knew that Sadie and Matt were away, inititally thinking that they had arrived for a security meeting and there had been a mix up with dates. I asked why they were there, but they wouldn’t tell me, which in itself is not so unusual as Security has always been just that, Secure and is never questioned, for obvious reasons. Just for the record, but goes without saying, if I knew what was going on, I would never in a million years have let them in.

The reason I did not question further what they were doing there is, because I knew the guys pretty well from several occasions, including the recent Blackpool Conference and had become to regard them as good friends, as they were with Sadie and Matt. These were the Security Team which we had come to like and trust with our well being at high profile meetings, such as the recent local meeting in
Kimberley, why would I have reason to question their actions? I did say to Lindsey, “Do you want me to call Sadie or will Martin phone them”, at this point Martin was already on his mobile phone, which I assumed was to either Sadie or Matt, Lindsey then got out of the van, obviously now to make sure I would be out of earshot of Martin’s conversation with, who I now believe to be Nick Griffin.

After 20 minutes or so on the phone, which Lindsey and I laughed about as she said “Martin will have to have that phone surgically removed from his ear these days”. Martin got out of the van and walked up to me, I asked him if everything was sorted with them (meaning with Sadie and Matt), and I said to him “So am I ok to let you in?”. He nodded, it was at this point I opened the door and went inside, I picked up our bundle of newspapers, Voice of Freedom which had been left for me just inside the door, they all followed me inside. I then went straight back outside to carry on the conversation with Lindsey, by this time all the guys were inside, I did not see what they were doing as I was standing outside and away from the door. I did see the large printer being put into the van, but I still thought nothing of it as printers, photocopiers etc were sometimes moved around the regions when new ones were acquired. Also I knew that several senior members of the Party had recently received new mobiles and laptops, as Sadie was a high profile member, I guessed she was simply receiving brand new equipment at some point.

Why on earth would I not trust our Security Team, the lefties had always been the enemy, never our own people!

On finding out the full truth later in the day, to me it had now become personal, this left me with no other option but to hand in my resignation from my positions as Parish Councillor and Local Organiser. For over two years I have put my heart and soul into the Party and like others am deeply saddened at recent events. Sadie and Matt have worked tirelessly for the Party, I consider them fantastic people, they have worked above and beyond the cause with the nation and members interests first and foremost. I could not have fulfilled my prior rold of EM Regional Secretary and Broxtowe Organiser and later becoming a Election Candidate in
Kimberley without her full backing and support. I consider Sadie and Matt true friends, I like many others, cannot understand how the Party can function without them.

(statement source:

Sadie Graham's offending email (below) has been posted on the BNP website here:

"I think you are doing ok and the right thing. Don’t worry this stays private. We are forced to do stuff at moment. Ive been handing out wrong amended bank statements for my region to make sure that hannam gets the flak. On another note please let me have the letter asap.Sadie"


Election Results in Monkton Ward Analysed

Labour 863
Independent 743
Lib Dem 282
BNP (neo-nazis) 221
Conservative 217
Socialist Party 78

Well, in an area in which we have had far higher results (even higher than the BNP vote in the Monkton ward this time round) we polled 78 votes. Of course coming last place to the fascists of the BNP, in an area in which you have propagated so long the socialist case and worked hard for your community, does feel like a kick in the nuts. Actually, the result was not all that bad. To get 3.24% of the vote in a six candidate race is, relatively speaking, something of an achievement, especially when you’re asking the voters to reject capitalism and everything it represents outright and when you tell the voters on your election address only to give their support if they wholeheartedly agree with you

And what the fuck; the BNP got a lower vote in Tony Blair’s own ward and there were only the two candidates there – the BNP and Labour – and in a nearby ward in Spennymoor they polled 13 votes, so I guess if I felt like I’d been kicked in the gonads, these Nazis must have come away from the count doing first class Joe Pasquale impressions. And just what the hell does “unafilliated” mean? I can only assume it means that the Socialist Party is unaffiliated to the pro-capitalist camp, so if that’s what the Nazis mean, then thanks.

Let’s be honest. It is true that the Party has done better, both in terms of votes and percentages, in previous elections on South Tyneside, but this has been due to there being less candidates. It can only be the case that when we’ve only had Labour and a Tory standing against us we get more votes, but most of these will be neither socialist nor even personal votes but protest votes against the two main parties.

For instance, in Primrose Ward in 2000 and 2003, when there were only 2 other candidates, we got 184 (11%) and 316 (12%) respectively. But, in 1998, when there was also a Liberal standing, we only got 104 (6%). This time, with 6 candidates standing, I guess it was only to be expected that the protest and stray votes would go to the Independent candidate and the fascist. Which is what happened, but this is not perhaps a reflection on either the Party, but simply the result of well-known electoral mathematics.

To get 3.34% under these circumstances is something of an achievement. Most of those who did vote for us must have consciously voted for the Party, agreeing with its case against the profit system. If only we could get a handful of them into a local branch!

It pains me, however, that one disturbing feature of this election is the relatively strong showing of the BNP in this this area (9%), something that has been reflected in other traditional working-class wards in other parts of England. It is now becoming the case that the BNP can outvote any party claiming to be socialist on most working-class estates. I think that this must be put down in some measure to the SWP and other left-wing groups embracing Islamism as well as to the Establishment's policy of "multi-culturalism". While the Respect party has sought to be the party of the Muslim "community", the BNP is trying to become the party of the "white" traditional working class "community", with some success.

Oh, that picture at the top? At last Friday’s count, at the table next to mine where they were counting the votes from Primrose, the BNP kicked off, arguing with the polling staff that one ballot box had been tampered with. Apparently, the BNP had gone around the polling booths when voting ended at 10 pm and after council officials had attached their seals, and had attached their own BNP seals (seemingly this is legal) which they would cut when the council staff snapped the official seals at the count. However, one of the seals was missing from one ballot box, so they cried foul, called the police and had held the bloody count up for ages whilst it was investigated. After about an hour, when cops had been despatched to look for the missing seal, they came back having found it and showed the BNP candidate that it hadn't been broken, that it had fallen off because it was not properly fastened (no doubt done on purpose in the knowledge it would fall off and that this would give them the opportunity of a publicity stunt).

Anyway, no one had ever heard of this being done before, but they have set a precedent and will no doubt exploit this now. Just pisses me off that these fascists are now trying to pass themselves off as defenders of democracy and setting the agenda re. the conduct of ballots. It was not too long ago that the late John Tyndall BNP founder and one time leader (now living it up with Hitler and the 3rd Reich top brass in Valhalla), famously said “what we oppose is the system by which the average man on the street is called upon to make judgement on issues he knows nothing about [in other words, via the ballot box].”

And nationally, the BNP did not do that grand. In spite of standing 879 candidates across the country, twice as many as last year, they only won eight seats and lost eight.

Heard from Nick Griffin as he pushed through crowds to catch up with BNP candidates and supporters as they went for a piss up after the count: "Let me past. I have to follow them. I am their leader."

photo courtesy of Capitalism Money Madness


Targeting the BNP

Got another pre-election leaflet through the letter box this afternoon - nah, it does not include the above, but close - from the South Tyneside Coalition Against Racism and countering the shite propagated by the BNP. Well, this is one leaflet I'm not going to whinge about - anything that explodes the myths about asylum is okay by me, even if it does not set the problem in a wider social and political context, namely how it is rooted in capitalism.


Asylum and Refugee Myth Buster

I provide the following for any aspiring BNP supporters who may chance across this blog.

Myth 1: Britain is swamped with refugees

We're not that popular. Britain is in 10th place in Europe per head of population for asylum applications. The vast majority of refugees end up in the Middle East and Africa.

Myth 2: We are being ripped off

Hardly. A typical asylum seeker gets £5.62 per day to live on. They lose this if they don't live where they are told to by the Government. That's £40.22 per week - roughly 30% below the poverty line.

Myth 3: Asylum seekers are lazy

Our fault. We don't let them work. Many are really skilled and want to work and we have a shortage of skilled workers. The Government has reversed legislation so that asylum seekers are now prevented from working. Home Office research has shown that asylum seekers would prefer to support themselves rather than be supported by the Government, yet the law prevents them from doing so.

Myth 4: They take our homes

As if. When they are given a house or flat, asylum seekers have often been given the ones that are empty; the properties landlords find difficult to let.

Myth 5: We pay more Council Tax because of asylum seekers

Not true. Asylum seekers are looked after by the Government, not local councils. In 1999-2000, migrants and refugees made a net contribution of approximately £2.5 billion to the UK economy, according to The Home Office - worth 1p on income tax.

Myth 6: All refugees are con artists

You decide. Even though the Home Office is being tough on refugees applying to stay in Britain, last year, 40% of applicants were given permission to stay.

Myth 7: One in four come to the UK?

No... That’s reality times 10. In the UK, on average, people think that 23% of the world's refugees and asylum seekers are living in the UK, according to research by MORI. The reality isactually less than 2%.

Myth 8: It is safe back home

Hard to believe. Most refugees come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the former Yugoslavia and Iran. All these places have seen serious human rights abuses.

Myth 9: Asylum seekers bring crime to our streets

Ask the police. There is no evidence that asylum seekers commit more crime than anyone else, says the Association of Chief Police Officers. They are more likely to bevictims of violent crime, even murder, because of who they are.

Myth 10: Britain is the Land of Milk and Honey

Not true. Asylum seekers are not allowed to claim mainstream welfare benefits. If they are destitute, the only option for some is to apply for support with theNational Asylum Support Service (NASS), the Government department responsible for supporting destitute asylum applicants.

Myth 11: It is safe back home?

No... It’s not. Most refugees come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Angola, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Iran. All these places have seen serious human rights abuses and some, civil wars. There is a connection between the situation in the home countries of the people who come to the UK for refuge. The increase in positive decisions by the Home Office proves that the majority of the people are fleeing for their lives from harshand oppressive regimes and severe ethnic conflict.

Myth 12: They arrive with false documents?

Maybe...It is virtually impossible for people fleeing persecution to reach Britain without resorting to the use of false documents. Article 31 of the 1951 Convention on Refugees prohibits governments from penalising refugees who use false documents. There is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker. The 1951 Convention on Refugees means that by law, anyone has the right to apply for asylum in the UK and remain until a final decision on their asylum application has been made.Myth 13: They’re really well off?No... You decide85% of asylum seekers experience hunger95% cannot afford to buy clothes or shoes80% are not able to maintain good health.(Source: Oxfam and the Refugee Council study of40 organisations working with asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.)

Myth 14: Asylum seekers are draining millions from the NHS?

No... The cost is marginal. Asylum seekers are entitled to NHS services, like other residents and visitors to the UK. Don't forget the enormous contribution that asylum seekers, refugees and other immigrants make to the economic and cultural life of the UK. Refugees bring with them a wealth of skills and experience.The Home Office has recognised this and has made a commitment to put the skills to good use. The NHS relies heavily on foreign labour. In London, according to the Greater London Authority for example, 23% of doctors and 47% of nurses working within the NHS were born outside the UK."The system is very stretched" says Vivienne Nathenson, Head of Science and Ethics Committee, British Medical Association "and we have a serious shortage of GPs. It adds to the strain but it didn't create it. And if they lived in better conditions they wouldn't need so much intervention from the NHS.The evidence is that asylum seekers become ill after they arrive in the UK. The BMA also estimates that there may be up to 3,000 refugee doctors - a potentially invaluable resource at this time of acute staff shortage."

Myth 15: Employers won’t hire refugees?

No... 90% of employers want to take on refugees. Nine out of 10 employers want to take on refugees to meet skills' shortages, but don't because of their ignorance of the law and the confusing Home Office paperwork, according to research done by Personnel Today.

Myth 16: They get houses and are given new furniture, washers, fridges and cookers?

No... It’s not theirs. Asylum seekers are given support and furnished accommodation until the outcome of their application is decided. The household equipment never becomes the property of the asylum seeker and is reused for the next family. As with most furnished tenancy schemes equipment is new for the first person only. A similar furnished tenancy scheme in public sector tenancies operates for residents in a number of areas in North East England.

Myth 17: Greater London is tops

Around a third of asylum seekers (31%) supported by the Government live in Greater London. The North East is in sixth place in the UK (with 6%), after Yorkshire and Humberside (13%), West Midlands (13%), North West (11%) and Scotland (7%).

Myth 18: They are all issued with mobile phones, leather jackets, TVs, satellite TV and given money for cars?

No... They choose what to buy. Asylum seekers receive up to 70% of income support and like all of us have choices about how to spend that money. A mobile phone can be the only link to family in other countries. One woman living in the North East said she wanted to buy a phone card so that she could talk to her mother in Zimbabwe once a week.

Myth 19: Asylum seekers are uneducated?

No... Most are well educated. A high proportion of asylum seekers have substantial educational and work related qualifications and were successful individuals in their home country. A Home Office survey found that 90% of refugees speak at least one other language and 65% speak at least two, in addition to their first language.

Myth 20: Asylum kids mess up our schools?

No... Says teachers leader: "All the evidence we have is that in some of the toughest schools it is the asylum seekers' children who provide stability, because they are most dedicated to getting the best out of the system.” (John Banks, Head of Education, National Union of Teachers)

Myth 21: North East England has been flooded with asylum seekers?

No... Not true. North East England has a population of about 2.5 million. There are less than 5,000 asylum seekers. That's less than a quarter of 1% of the total population of the region.

The top ten nationalities of asylum seekers living in the North East.

1. Iran - 424 2. Angola - 257 3. Turkey - 250 4. Eritrea - 222. 5. Sri Lanka - 192 6. Zimbabwe - 189 7. Congo Democratic Republic - 185 8. Pakistan - 176 9. Iraq - 165 10. Afghanistan - 116

(Source: North of England Refugee Service and NECARS, December 2005)

What is a refugee?

A refugee is anyone fleeing their country of birth. Refugees are described as 'asylum seekers' while they are waiting for official recognition as defined by the United Nations.

In the UK it is The Home Office that decides if they can stay or not. There is an appeal procedure. The Home Office may not grant refugee status to some asylum seekers.
Or, it may grant the right to stay in this country for a limited time. At the end of this time the Home Office will look at their case again. If the Home Office believes it is then safe for them to return to their country, they have to go home. If it is still not safe, the Home Office may allow them to stay for longer.

Around 3,500 asylum seekers from 79 different countries in North East England.
There were 3,508 asylum seekers in North East England at the end of December 2005.
Around a third lived in Newcastle and a third in Tees Valley.

The North East Top Ten areas for asylum seekers

1. Newcastle - 1081
2. Middlesbrough - 668
3. Gateshead - 3924. Sunderland - 345
5. Redcar and Cleveland - 327
6. Stockton - 277
7. North Tyneside - 251
8. South Tyneside - 138
9. Darlington - 25
10. Hartlepool - 16

Seems the North East hardly has an 'immigration problem' at all!!