Bill Shorten flags higher taxes, more intervention to address inequality

Bill Shorten must announce his plans sooner than later before the argument runs away from him.
Bill Shorten must announce his plans sooner than later before the argument runs away from him. Janie Barrett

Subsidies and tax increases previously considered off limits will be targeted by a Labor government in a push to address rising inequality, which Opposition leader Bill Shorten says is driving people away from mainstream politics.

In a speech that will send jitters through high income earners and the top end of town, Mr Shorten will tell the Melbourne Institute's Economic and Social Outlook Conference on Friday that continuing to fiddle at the edges and hoping company tax cuts will generate wealth for workers will only further entrench unfairness.

"If we're going to fund vital investments for the future and keep the budget strong, we need to look at the old and growing faults in our tax system," he will say.

"The whole picture – revenue and expenditure, including tax subsidies, including reforms that in the past we might have dismissed as too politically difficult.

"It's time to go to the too-hard basket in tax reform and re-examine the issues. Australians are ready for an authentic debate about whether our tax system accurately reflects the values of our country."

Mr Shorten does not spell out which subsidies and possible new taxes or tax increases he has in mind but his office said it was unlikely the GST would be increased.

However, he is likely to ignite speculation about other measures long considered off limits ranging from multibillion-dollar rebates on diesel excise given to miners, capital gains tax exemptions on the family home, and higher taxes on the wealthy and business.

Tax promises

Already, Labor has promised to increase the marginal tax rate, which applies to earnings over $180,000, by two percentage points if elected, and pare back negative gearing and capital gainst tax concessions for investors.

It will not proceed with the the unlegislated portion of the company tax cuts and may even abolish the elements of the 10-year package so far passed by the Senate – a lower company tax rate for companies with annual turnovers of up to $50 million.

Mr Shorten will also flag greater government intervention.

"When people in my town hall meetings ask me about these issues, I don't think it's good enough to hide behind some sort of philosophical objection to government intervention," he will say.

"I didn't run for Parliament just to shrug my shoulders and say: 'Oh, the invisible hand will help you, the market will decide'."

Mr Shorten's theme about inequality driving the backlash against mainstream politics is a common one.

David Gruen, deputy secretary economic in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, told the forum strong jobs policies to help workers left behind by technology are needed to avoid the rise of populist politicians with anti-trade policies like Donald Trump Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull told the forum his government would soon reintroduce the legislation for the remainder of the company tax package.

Shorten warns of low growth

Mr Shorten will say "simply re-running the same out-of-touch Liberal game plan of tax handouts for millionaires and multinationals and cuts to wages and services will only mean another round of low wages growth, low economic growth, low productivity growth and low investment".

"Inequality feeds the sense that the deck is stacked against ordinary people, that the fix is in and the deal is done," he said.

"It fosters a sense of powerlessness that drives people away from the political mainstream and down the low road of blaming minorities and promising to turn back the clock."

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen told the forum that expensive tax breaks such as negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions must be pared back if the broader voting public was going to support the hard calls needed to repair the budget.

Mr Bowen said that not only did governments need a mandate for their measures, but budget repair had to been seen as fair.

"Achieving fairness doesn't mean that there are no losers, or that only high income earners make a contribution to budget repair," he said.

"But it does mean that the government can look Australians in the eye and say that the ability to contribute has been at the heart of the budget repair program.

"Unless the community sees the government take action on these concessions, which largely accrue to higher income earners, it will only risk further backlash if other budget reforms adversely affect lower and middle classes."

Pledge to reveal all

Labor's policy is to restrict new negative gearing to new homes only and to reduce the 50 per cent capital gans tax concession for investors to 25 per cent.

As he did before the 2016 election, Mr Bowen promised that Labor would reveal all its policy plans before the next election, due either late next year or early 2019.

This was because a mandate and fairness were the "two essential elements on how to undertake successful fiscal consolidation".

He cited the example of the Coalition under Tony Abbott winning the 2013 election and then revealing harsh budget cuts that broke promises, were regarded as unfair and so annoyed voters that it set back the cause of budget repair by years.

"This eats away at the credibility and support for our political institutions. It means governments struggle to claim the moral authority to implement their changes because they didn't have the courage to be honest about them before an election.

"By contrast, we want the first budget of a Shorten Labor government that I bring down not to be one of surprises, but of implementation of the mandate we have sought at the previous election."