Big four firms allow start-up moonlighters in aim to keep the next Andrew Bassat

Dave Shurey (in jeans), a Strategy& consultant who's been allowed to launch his startup, Splitr, while holding a ...
Dave Shurey (in jeans), a Strategy& consultant who's been allowed to launch his startup, Splitr, while holding a fulltime position at the firm, pictured with Strategy& managing partner Chris Manning. Giles Park

When Andrew Bassat left Booz Allen & Hamilton in September 1997 to put job ads on the internet, which was then only in 12 per cent of Australian households, his colleagues at the management consultancy thought he was crazy.

"I told him he was making the biggest mistake of his life," recalled Chris Manning, who had been promoted on the same day as Mr Bassat to a project manager role at Booz a few months before.

"I remember saying to him, you'll be a partner in four years, stay focused! He said, I can't be here 10 hours a day and do what I have to do. I guess one of us was right and one of us was wrong."

If 1997 was 2017, PwC - which bought Booz in 2014 - could have ended up owning Seek, the $6 billion business Mr Bassat went on to found with brother Paul and uni mate Matt Rockman, because it's less likely he would have had to leave his day job to pursue it.

Anthony Hernandez, a KPMG innovation analyst and founder of SIHQ, a start-up connecting rural people with mental health ...
Anthony Hernandez, a KPMG innovation analyst and founder of SIHQ, a start-up connecting rural people with mental health professionals. Supplied

Certainly Mr Manning, now the managing partner of the Strategy& consultancy PwC inherited from Booz, is not about to let the next unicorn slip through his fingers. 

He has spearheaded a policy, now in place across PwC, that rarely refuses requests for leaves of absence from staff who want to launch a start-up, and claims to accommodate the juggle they face when they return to full-time work.

There is now a version of this flexibility in place at all the big four professional services firms (and even at a few law firms), as their managing partners recognise an entrepreneurial boom.

As technology continues to reduce the cost and hassle of launching a business, Startup Muster, Australia's largest survey of early-stage companies, verified 685 active start-ups in its 2016 report - 60 per cent of them founded by people aged 40 or under. This was up from 602 start-ups in the 2015 survey and 385 the year before.

Allowing staff to moonlight has become a talent retention tool for big employers in this era of 'be your own boss'.

"We've seen the rise of the gig economy, where technology is enabling people to work on a multitude of things at once," Mr Manning told AFR Weekend.

"If we don't encourage our staff who want to build their own businesses to do so, nowadays they will just leave anyway. Nobody wants the paint-by-numbers career path any more."

Early guinea pigs

One of at least three early guinea pigs in PwC's experiment is Dave Shurey, a Strategy& director, who hitherto displayed enough old-fashioned corporate loyalty to qualify for long service leave before the age of 40.

However Shurey has used that leave to launch Splitr, an app which uses optical character recognition technology to split bills, which is in a growth phase he is confident he can maintain when he returns to PwC full time in November.

"I go to these founder events and hear people say 'you'll never work as hard as you do on a start-up'. They've never worked as strategy consultants," Mr Shurey said.

"Weekends, nights, juggling different timezones - we've always been available for clients anyway, so the flexibility is there outside billable hours for me to manage."

Mr Manning said he was happy for Mr Shurey to fit Splitr commitments around his Strategy& work, subject to meeting "agreed deliverables", and that his start-up experience would bring new insights to his day job.

"When we put teams in front of a client they are looking for diversity, not just of race and gender but of experience," he said.

"We can't go to, say, a transport industry client and tell them much about the transport industry they don't already know. But here we've got someone who's putting their money where their mouth is, in regards to writing a strategy and taking it to market".

Broadening skills helps all

An innovation analyst at KPMG, Anthony Hernandez, said his employer had also benefited from skills he'd imported from his sideline start-up, a video platform connecting rural people with mental health professionals, called Social Interaction Headquarters (SIHQ).

"There's no better way than running your own business to learn concepts like 'running lean' or 'minimum viable product', and now I use those every day on stuff we're developing inside KPMG," he said. 

Mr Hernandez, 26, launched SIHQ while at EY's people advisory practice, and said both firms had encouraged his outside business.

"It's fine to go and do the odd meeting related to SIHQ in the work day, so long as I flag it," he said.

However Mr Hernandez advised colleagues considering "the juggle" to get their start-up to a place where it "looks after itself" as much as possible.

"We brought in a third party to handle integrations and maintenance and stuff like that. The workload would just be too ridiculous if we were doing all the day-to-day stuff," he said of SIHQ, whose co-founder Joel Anderson also has a fulltime job, as lead engineer at Canberra telematics maker, Seeing Machines.

Mr Hernandez indicated he would follow Andrew Bassat's path out of consulting if it did not allow him to pursue his start-up.

"You talk to any founder, they are passionate, they've got this idea they are emotionally connected to," he said.

"They're not going to just dump that for a job that won't allow them to work on both."

While the major professional services firms are about four years into a binge of buying external start-ups, acquisitions of staff-founded businesses are still a rarity.

(Although they do sometimes buy their services. Deloitte used a corporate wellness platform built by one of its management consultants, Josh Tai, for its 'steps challenge' this year, earning Mr Tai $2 per user according to a spokesperson.)

However Strategy&'s Mr Manning hinted that the ultimate investment in the moonlighters - equity - might soon become more common.

"We don't have a formal model for considering investment in our people's start-ups, but we're looking at it," he said.

"It's in our interests to help them, so putting some money behind them could make a lot of sense".