Commonwealth Bank and small business advocate Kate Carnell go to war

Kate Carnell denied she gave her report to 60 Minutes.
Kate Carnell denied she gave her report to 60 Minutes. Louie Douvis

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has launched a blistering attack on Kate Carnell, the Coalition government's new small business ombudsman, accusing her of ignoring facts, breaching its confidentiality and denying it procedural fairness.

In a letter sent by the bank's top lawyer, Anna Lenahan, last Friday, Australia's largest bank savaged Ms Carnell over her appearance on a 60 Minutes program that accused the bank of driving a Queensland construction company into liquidation.

The show quoted from a condition report by Ms Carnell, who was appointed the small business and family enterprise ombudsman last year, that accused the bank of "highly unreasonable or potentially unconscionable" conduct over CEC Group.

"This guy was growing his business with the bank right beside him egging him on, saying 'You are fantastic Roy,' and literally within weeks they had changed the goalposts, and that's so unfair," Ms Carnell said on the program, which aired last Sunday.

Cairns Builder Roy Lavis on the Cairns Esplanade Boardwalk that was built by his company, CEC Group.
Cairns Builder Roy Lavis on the Cairns Esplanade Boardwalk that was built by his company, CEC Group. Brian Cassey Photographer

Ms Carnell denied on Thursday she gave her report to the show.


Under managing director Roy Lavis, CEC expanded from property subdivision in Cairns into speculative housing construction. When the global financial crisis hit property prices, CEC shares plunged and it breached its banking covenants.

The Commonwealth Bank didn't foreclose on its loans, and Mr Lavis sold assets to reduce the CEC's interest bill. The company limped along until May 2011, when a voluntary administrator was appointed because it owed payroll tax, superannuation and federal income tax.

The CEC case is emerging as a flashpoint between the banks and Ms Carnell, a Coalition appointee who has expressed support for a royal commission into the banks, a popular Labor policy dreaded by the industry.

Commonwealth Bank Group Chief Risk Officer David Cohen.
Commonwealth Bank Group Chief Risk Officer David Cohen. Wayne Taylor

In her letter, the Commonwealth Bank's general counsel complained to Ms Carnell that she had broken a promise to keep investigations confidential, and to only use historical complaints against banks to determine if changes are needed to lending rules.

Ms Carnell said the bank had her report for months but didn't complain until it was quoted on 60 Minutes. Ms Carnell later clarified she received the complaint from the bank late last Friday. She said CEC's collapse had hurt many small businesses.

"I think we gave all sides of the argument a pretty good hearing," she said in a phone interview on Thursday. "It became a small business pretty quickly."

Private meetings

During private meetings with bank executives, Ms Carnell stated a version of events and tried to get witnesses to confirm that view, Ms Lenahan wrote in a letter seen by The Australian Financial Review. The objective of the questions appeared to be to confirm pre-existing theories rather than uncover information, the letter said.

Ms Carnell didn't let the Commonwealth Bank know which of its customers it had spoken to, what they said, and required the bank to answer questions without knowing why they were being asked, the letter said.

Using extensive footage of Mr Lavis, who it described as a "battler businessman", 60 Minutes portrayed CEC as a victim of a decision by the bank to cut off credit and engineer a default on its loan.

The company, which was traded on the share market, was placed in voluntary administration by its directors when the tax office issued penalty notices after it stopped paying superannuation. The bank then appointed a receiver.

"The Commonwealth Bank threw money at him and encouraged him to expand," reporter Ross Coulthart said on the show. "[It was a] new low in their breathtaking arrogance."

Big business

In comments to the show that weren't broadcast, the bank's chief risk officer, David Cohen, questioned why Ms Carnell, who represents small businesses, investigated complaints from a company that had $169 million in debt and a market value at one point around $225 million.

"Given the complex financial circumstances and the significant financial deterioration of CEC, it raises real questions as to whether the Small Business Ombudsman's Office actually has the skills and the knowledge and the understanding to look at a case like this," Mr Cohen said.

Ms Carnell said she hired external experts to analyse CEC's collapse.

CEC's directors included federal politician Warren Entsch and former Queensland premier Robert Borbidge.

Some bank executives believe Ms Carnell, a former Liberal ACT chief minister, is being encouraged by the federal Coalition government, which is lagging in opinion polls, to criticise banks for political purposes.

Ms Carnell said she was an independent advocate appointed by the Governor-General.

Feature: Why 60 Minutes Stitched up the Commonwealth Bank