Lunch watch, including who wasn't there

One journalist's cold lunch.
One journalist's cold lunch. Supplied

Spotted at lunchtime at Melbourne's Il Bacaro on Thursday – Scott Morrison and Peter Costello having a cosy little chat, one treasurer to another. No minders, just them. They parted with Costello pulling on a blue Japara jacket, while Morrison was whisked away by a waiting Commcar.

He wasn't the only Liberal descending to the southern capital. Malcolm Turnbull was lunching at the Grand Hyatt on Thursday, being there to deliver a lunchtime speech at the 2017 Economic and Social Outlook conference, sponsored by The Australian . The event was attended by a half-dozen journos from various outlets keen to report on what the PM had to say during a fire-side chat with the Oz's Paul Kelly.

In the lunch room chowing down on a main of corn-fed chicken, farro, king brown mushroom, nasturtium and truffle jus, were his contingent, conference guests and speakers, and a few other high-profile journalists (some of whom doubled as panellists) from The Australian.

The other hacks – poor things – were outside, where they were told they would have to wait for the food to be eaten before they could be escorted in for the speech and Q&A.;

Hangry scribes were soon demanding to know why they'd been kept outside the lunch hall while everyone ate. Was the Prime Minister so keen on no one seeing him eating? Could it have been security reasons? Inadvertent cock up, or even skulduggery from the competition at News Corp? The journos there thought the instruction came from the PMO.

They were let in the room just after the Prime Minister had started speaking, to be served dessert and coffee. And eventually, they were served a main meal, at 2.15pm: cold, but left over for them it seemed, while everyone else trotted off to the rest of the conference.