Super reforms heighten APRA's intervention powers

Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer will release sweeping super reforms next week.
Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer will release sweeping super reforms next week. David Rowe

The superannuation industry should welcome with open arms the package of reforms being released next week by Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer.

This latest attempt to reform the governance and supervision of the $420 billion default super fund sector is long overdue. Default super funds fall under the banner of MySuper.

A package of reforms in 2012 gave the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority the power to force mergers of sub-scale funds and deal with funds that were not performing.

This test was called the "scale test" or "member outcomes test". APRA, however, has been slow to use these powers to force mergers or take action against the trustees of poor-performing funds.

Chanticleer understands that the work done by the government found that the scale test was too narrow to be effective. The reform package proposed by O'Dwyer will broaden the test.

A new "outcomes test" will replace the scale test. It will require trustees to make an annual written determination as to whether the financial interests of MySuper members are being promoted by the trustee.

The trustees will have to take into account a range of prescribed criteria, including the fund's performance relative to stated investment objectives. Also, the criteria will include the appropriateness of insurance offered to members.

This will require amendments to the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

This new outcomes test will be backed up by new powers for APRA in relation to the licensing of MySuper products.

The changes will provide APRA with an enhanced capacity to refuse, or cancel, an authority to offer a MySuper product.

If APRA has a reason to believe the RSE licensee may fail to comply with its obligations, it can take action. At the moment APRA's ability to take action against a fund is hampered by vague wording in the legislation.

It must consider the balance of probability as to whether a licensed fund is likely to comply with its obligation under the act.

This will be toughened up so that APRA can act if it has a reasonable belief that the fund may not comply with its obligations.

Another important power being added to the APRA armoury is in relation to the change in ownership or control of funds.

There will be a new requirement that trustees of funds will have to obtain APRA's approval before a change in the ownership or control of trustees taking place.

Another important increase in APRA's powers will be in its ability to intervene in a fund that is potentially acting against the interests of members.

APRA will be given powers to intervene at an early stage to address prudential concerns in a manner that ensures the required actions are in the best interests of members.

The package will also include governance reforms for all MySuper default super products.