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Q&A; recap: So much Yassmin Abdel-Magied, so little time

In case you were worried that modern Australia doesn't make much sense to you any more, Monday night's Q&A; was here to provide some comfort: don't worry, it doesn't make much sense to anybody else either.

There were two foreign guests on the panel, and they were keen to illuminate their bewilderment - none more clearly and bluntly than the Canadian religious scholar John Stackhouse, who found himself dazed and confused in the middle of a seemingly endless discussion about one of this year's more peculiar obsessions.

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Q&A;: 'Meanwhile in South Sudan ...'

The Q&A panel discusses the fallout from Yassmin Abdel-Magied's Anzac day facebook post and the media storm surrounding it. Vision courtesy ABC

Where would we be in 2017 without the presence (and now, the absence) of Yassmin Abdel-Magied to send us spiralling into a wild kind of public madness? It's a display in which we happily allow our reaction to a seven-word Facebook post to stand as evidence of our collective irrationality and consistent determination to miss the point.  

Stackhouse wasn't letting us get away with it - though damn we tried, even in the face of his warning that we look quite unhinged.

A good way into the latest yahooing over Yassmin, host Tony Jones asked him: "You've heard about this story, obviously - the young woman could be driven out of her own country, effectively, or feel that she must leave for her own safety. What do you think about that?"

It was really a rhetorical question because what else can you think other than: you're all nuts.


Stackhouse: "Well, I feel like saying, 'Meanwhile, in South Sudan…'. The lack of proportion is just staggering. We actually started the conversation tonight talking about big things - giant expenditures involving tens of thousands of people. I wonder how many viewers we lost because we went into the seventh, eighth, ninth minute talking about politics and costs and coal and so on… and these are huge issues. 

"What's happened to this young woman is terrible. But I think, as you correctly say, that should have been five minutes. It should have  been, 'I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, we all shoot our mouths off'. That should have been the end of it. Nothing was affected by that. Huge things are at stake every moment. Our attention span is only about three minutes at a time. So we better use every one of those three minutes."

Three minutes on Yassmin? Good luck with that.

As the other visiting panellist, British journalist Mehdi Hasan, put it: "She's clearly become a lightning rod for something else. You mentioned the fear of Islam, brown people, women in headscarves. What's really depressing about the fear of extremism and exclusion - Muslims, wherever I travel in the Western world, you get told, 'You're living in a ghetto. You're not integrating, stepping forward, voting, taking part'. Then young Muslims come forward, become activists, go on media. 'You're an extremist. You're a radical'. You can't win. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. People don't know where to go."

As if we needed reminding of this uncomfortable truth, there were questioners in the audience to highlight the problem from both sides of the fence.

There was Roger French, who wanted to know: "In view of the fact that, in Australia, Muslim couples have a much higher birth rate than the rest of us, is it not possible that, in a couple of generations, Australia could have a Muslim majority who vote in Sharia law?"

The crowd groaned. On the panel, Mehdi Hasan answered with the verbal equivalent of a long, frustrated sigh.

And then there was Fahad Akhand, who eloquently put his finger on the problem - or one of them.

"As a Muslim living in Australia, nothing is more alienating and makes me feel more un-Australian than being continuously judged for what I'm not, and to be treated only through the prism of security."

In response, National Party senator Matt Canavan tried to have a bob each way.

"My experience with the vast bulk of Australians is we are very welcoming and harmonious people. On the whole. We're not perfect. And there are some of us who are bigots and racists and we should condemn that behaviour. But… it cuts both ways. You shouldn't be saying, 'Oh, Australia is a bigoted place' on the basis of a few people."

Panellist Rachel Corbett pulled the senator up on this: "But that's his life experience. You're saying that as a white person sitting on a panel…"

Jones went back to Fahah Akhand in the audience: "Do you have personal experience of Islamophobia?"

Akhand: "Pretty much every day… you're made to feel like you have to explain yourself. You have to explain to your colleagues, you have to explain to your family, you have to explain to your non-Muslim mates things that, you know, are not relevant to you. A lot of time, I feel like our stories are being told by the white people who kind of have no lived experience and kind of tell us how we should be grateful when, in reality, it's just every day."

And to finish off the night? It was back to - who else - Yassmin. 

Jones: "We're out of time. I'm throwing up my hands here. I'm going to give Mehdi, as visitor, the last 30 seconds...

Hasan: "Ah, the last 30 seconds to deal with this topic again?"

And with this, he summed up the collective madness of Australia in 2017. So much Yassmin, so little time.