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Alexander Downer joins UK think tank Policy Exchange, no word yet on successor

London: He has no idea when he will cease being High Commissioner, but Alexander Downer is already planning for life after Australia House, when the government finally decides on who will be his replacement in London.

Mr Downer, Australia's longest-serving foreign minister, will become the chairman of one of Britain's most influential centre-right think tanks, Policy Exchange, it has been revealed. 

Mr Downer told Fairfax Media the Policy Exchange is the UK's "leading think tank and very well-resourced."

The organisation last week hosted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who was awarded the Disraeli Prize by British Home Secretary Amber Rudd in London. It lists former prime minister John Howard as one of its previous "high-calibre" international speakers, while former Australian ambassador to China and the World Trade Organisation Geoff Raby is head of the organisation's trade policy. 

At the think tank's annual summer party event on Tuesday evening, director Dean Godson announced Mr Downer would be joining them. 

In a statement, the organisation said: "Policy Exchange is delighted to announce that our next Chairman of Trustees will be Alexander Downer, High Commissioner of Australia – who was previously the country's longest serving Foreign Minister between 1995 and 2007."


"He will take over later this year when he retires as High Commissioner."

Although Mr Downer has accepted the unpaid role, it's not clear when he will officially take up the job, with the Turnbull government still to announce who will replace him. An announcement is expected by the end of the year. 

Mr Downer said he was not sure if would return home to Adelaide or stay in London after his posting. "I'm not sure in terms of a job what I'll do next and that will determine where I live," he said.

Mr Downer was due to end his term in May but the government extended it by six months, partly because of British Prime Minister Theresa May's surprise decision to call an election in June, but also because of internal disarray amid ongoing speculation the job will be filled by Attorney-General George Brandis.

Senator Brandis has not announced his retirement and doing so would spark a cabinet reshuffle. One was expected when Mr Turnbull announced the creation of a British-style Home Office department, which would remove the spy agency ASIO from the AG's portfolio.But no reshuffle was announced and cabinet sources were unable to provide any details on when a decision would be made this year.

Tony Abbott was offered the job after losing the prime ministership, but he declined and decided to stay on as a Liberal backbencher, a role which he has used to become one of the government's chief internal critics.

The London posting is considered one of Australia's top three diplomatic roles and is often a political appointee. 

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