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What 50 Facebook quizzes 'revealed' about me

Call me Arascain – or Arascain of the High Cliff to be precise.

It's the Celtic name bestowed on "great thinkers" with short attention spans because they're always looking for new developments, discoveries and challenges.

I will also answer to Adsila, a Native American name meaning "blossom", or the name on my birth certificate, which either means brave star, winner, intellectual fighter or the balanced one. So in summary, I'm a fickle, intellectual, brave warrior in bloom on a precipice – which is fine because I have mad balancing skills.

These insights are courtesy of Facebook where, for a lark, I completed quizzes as they randomly showed up in my newsfeed last year. There were 50 in total.

Setting aside the fundamentals of chronology and biological reality, my blood line includes Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Queen Elizabeth, Coco Channel, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.

My true nationality is Italian and I look like an Italian who is 83 per cent similar to American actress-model Megan Fox of Transformers fame.


Because I'm an "artist, a philosopher, a daydreamer", I should actually live in Paris where I would either be a workaholic writer or workaholic lawyer with the leadership qualities of Alexander the Great and Steve Jobs.

A loved one has sent a message from heaven: "I'm so proud of you and of what you've achieved." I am statistically more likely to go to hell but thankfully my bold sense of humour and sarcastic personality will be a hit in Hades.

Two people want to kill me, possibly because of my "piercing look" or my penchant for playing the saxophone. But more fool you, homicidal "friends". The phoenix is my mythical creature and I think like a cat, which has nine lives.

My problem is that I'm too kind – please excuse the humble brag but it's a "scientifically" proven fact. I'm just being honest, which is one of the words that best describes me along with confident, funny, and loving.

It may explain why I Will Always Love You was written for me. Thanks Dolly Parton.

Status update: Arascain is disappointed she didn't take a dream vacation, reunite with an old friend, win the lotto, or get cast in a movie in 2016 as promised in a quiz.

This malarkey started out as something to do on the second screen and ended up as a challenge to see whether any quiz would produce a less than favourable result.

But it was back-to-back wins for Facebook Danielle who is far more fabulous than the flesh and blood version. It is easy to dismiss quizzes as a waste of time, and in completing 50 I didn't exactly glean any great revelations. But it was a bit of fun, I suppose.

I am belatedly concerned about the amount of private information inadvertently shared in my quest to learn. "What is the song of your life?" It's My Life by Bon Jovi, for the record. Or perhaps that should be "Facebook Danielle's" life. Real Danielle would prefer anything by Bob Dylan.