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Take it from me: settling down in your 20s isn't worth it

 For most of my early 20s I was in a serious, committed relationship. That kind that necessitates shared furniture purchases and two names on a Sydney lease.

There were numerous signs that it wasn't going to last, but I ignored every single one of them with the blinkered focus of a twenty-something keen to prevent the inconvenience of dividing up a shared life.

The relationship didn't so much as limp to an end as implode spectacularly and I remember thinking at the time that this was something I was unlikely to ever recover from. The upheaval was too great. I would be devastated forever. Cue the end of my life.

Nowadays, I think we both dodged a bullet. He was a bit older than me, but I was too young to know what constituted a good relationship and too young to care.

Ostensibly, we broke up because we were incompatible, but it was my itchy feet that really sounded the death knell, my desire to know what else was out there. I was 24 and knew the relationship was heading down the mortgage and marriage path, and the prospect of such a conventional life at that age terrified me.

I mentioned this rocky patch to a good friend of mine recently, claiming that I would have enjoyed my early 20s more had I not been so shell-shocked from the relationship breakdown and the months of instability that followed.


If only I'd had a space of my own, a safe harbour to properly display my books and scatter cushions rather than an assortment of peripatetic flatmates and three sharehouse meals on rotation. Something adult and predictable, in other words.

"But isn't that what your early 20s are for?" she replied. "Should you even try and have stability at that time in your life?"

She was dead right, of course. And the sincere truth is I now look back on that period and my failed relationship with a strong feeling of relief. For both our sakes.

I got off a track that was shunting me to perpetual frustration, a life where I was bound to end up looking across the office cubicle at some other man I had formed a connection with and thinking, "What it?"

I finally stopped wasting his time.

In my early 30s I watched as many young relationships and starter marriages ended, as divorce rippled through my friendship circle.

The relationships I had admired in my 20s, the kind I thought I was keen to be in, started unravelling before me as friends confessed they hadn't been happy in years.

According to Associate Professor in Sociology at the University of Melbourne, Belinda Hewitt, the phenomenon I witnessed among my friends is extremely common.

"It's true that if you get married before the age of 25 you have a higher risk of separation or divorce within an average of five to seven years," Hewitt said.

"And this is a trend that is pretty much consistent in the developed world."

We change so much from our early twenties to our early thirties, as we begin to sort through what works for us and what doesn't. Or, more importantly, who doesn't.

"There is a broad range of changes that occur within that age bracket and in order to stay together you're going to need your partner to change with you," Hewitt said.

Hewitt also suspects our biological development has some bearing on the failure rate of young marriages, with evidence suggesting our brains don't really develop until we are between the ages of 24 and 27.

All of these factors make it incredibly hard to choose the right person for us in our early 20s, when we have very little idea of what makes us tick and what we want.

The great irony, of course, is that a young marriage that ends in divorce is one way of working out exactly who you are, very quickly. It may not be the Happy Ever After you had hoped for, but part of growing up is realising there is no such thing.

Nothing is certain and trying to avoid change or loneliness or uncertainty by settling down with the first person you meet, or someone you're not even sure is right for you, will end in tears. Or it will just end.

Which may not be such a bad thing.