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Meet six people who are foster carers to abandoned animals

Hundreds of thousands of companion animals are euthanised every year in Australia. Rescue groups are inundated, relying on volunteer foster carers to open their homes and hearts to animals in need. Six of those volunteers told us their stories. 

Sarah and Alex with Luke and Lorelai Sarah

"I first took in a young cat who'd just had kittens. She was the most timid, frightened cat I'd ever met and it was months before I could pet her. She was with me for close to a year and every day we'd make progress – a headbutt here, a little play there. In all that time, she didn't get one adoption enquiry. It broke my heart. I ended up adopting her as I just couldn't bear the idea that no one wanted her." 

Anne and Rohan with Alby Gangles Anne

Anne and Rohan with Alby Gangles.

Anne and Rohan with Alby Gangles. Photo: Kristina Kingston

"Rohan and I have fostered dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, chickens, rabbits and even fish! We foster what needs fostering. Why limit yourself to one sort of animal when there are so many different creatures that need cuddling? Except for the fish – don't cuddle the fish. Our current foster Alby is a giant goofball who can't figure out how to sit on something without falling off, and carries a toy in her mouth when she goes out to the toilet. Fostering provides constant entertainment." 


Jo with Harry

Jo with Harry.

Jo with Harry. Photo: Kristina Kingston

"Bunnies are so prone to neglect and mistreatment, yet in rescue their plight often gets overlooked, with most resources going to dogs and cats. I love having the opportunity to show people how bunnies are so much more than just a novelty animal to be put in a hutch at the bottom of the garden. I can't tell you how proud I am to be able to help so many beautiful rabbits each and every day." 

Conor with Shy and Sly

Conor with Shy and Sly.

Conor with Shy and Sly. Photo: Kristina Kingston

"My partner and I became foster carers about two years ago. We were asked if we could look after some rats temporarily because they didn't have anywhere to go, and we said yes. It's really funny when we let them out to play. We have a room they can run around in, so they zip around exploring and play-fighting with each other, climbing up wherever they can. It's great to see them explore and play; they have so much fun."

Foster carers featured in this story are from Homeless Hounds Animal Rescue, Paws & Tails, Rehome a Rat Melbourne and RSPCA Victoria.