Daily Life

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Your week in the stars


May 21 – June 21

Let someone else get a word in edgeways! Mercury zooms into Gemini this week, and you'll feel extremely talkative, chatty and lively. It's a fantastic week to make new friends, and to get noticed for your communication skills.


June 22 – July 23

The arrival of Mars in Cancer brings out your protective instincts. Do everything you can to keep loved ones safe, but be careful not to overstep the mark. Allow them their freedom too. 



July 24 – August 23

Let your emotions flow onto paper, into your art or through your music. Self-expression is vital now, so don't hold back. It doesn't matter how you let your feelings show, just that you do.


August 24 – September 23

If you can lead others at work, you'll shine. If you have to take orders from elsewhere, you may struggle. Try to show how valuable your contributions can be – while keeping your temper!


September 24 – October 22

Intellectual restlessness could lead to boredom, so learn something new. If you can't attend a formal course, teach yourself! It's time to make good use of the library and online resources. 


October 23 – November 22

You don't have to spend a fortune to prove that you love someone. Simply give your lover your time and attention. Remember, lavish gifts are no substitute for emotional engagement. 


November 23 – December 22

The full moon in Sagittarius puts your emotions on edge, so you may not be your normal sunny self. Lots of exercise will help to use up excess emotional energy, restoring calm and equilibrium.


December 23 – January 20

Mars moves into your love zone this week, offering plenty of passion! However, it can also spark your temper, so this is unlikely to be a quiet week in your relationship. If you do fi ght, be quick to make amends.


January 21 – February 20

Calm descends upon your household this week, and even the most difficult of family members should be easier to get along with. Make the most of these serene energies by planning a family getaway, or getting everyone to help with a home makeover.


February 21 – March 20

Tempestuous passions are stirred up by the arrival of Mars in the most flirtatious part of your chart. Watch out for jealousy, whether you're feeling it or provoking it. Playing with fire is always dangerous, but may prove irresistible for a short time this week.


March 21 – April 20

Get your home in order, so you can feel safe and content with your loved ones. It's an excellent time for making your home feel more permanent. But if you want to move, now's also the time to set the wheels in motion.


April 21 – May 20

As Venus arrives in Taurus, creature comforts become very important. Enjoy this loving energy: snuggle up with your sweetheart and let the world pass you by. If you're single, it's a good time to date – but stay true to yourself.