Daily Life


Your week in the stars


May 21 –June 21

Use this week's energies to tackle any unspoken issues in your closest relationship. If you hide your head in the sand, you'll miss the chance to fix things with your sweetheart. No matter how great your relationship, it can always be improved.


June 22 – July 23

Boredom at work may prove frustrating. Turn this to your advantage and start looking elsewhere. You don't have to keep this job. Create the opportunity to move on to something better.



July 24 – August 23

If you've been trying to create a side income from a hobby, you may be close to giving up. Don't! Look at the issue from a different angle and you'll find the creative burst you need to move forward.


August 24 – September 23

Tensions at home may boil over, but this is a good thing. If everyone's patience is exhausted, you're ready to stop fighting and start fixing. Call a family meeting and work together to resolve this.


September 24 – October 22

The giving or receiving of help raises tempers. Perhaps you've asked for help and not received it, or you've helped someone too much without thanks. Either way, it's time to be independent.


October 23 – November 22

Financial frustrations are a blessing in disguise. The need to pay bills and create extra income will drive you to earn extra money in creative, positive ways. This could even lead to a new career. From every problem, an opportunity can arise.


November 23 – December 22

Try not to focus too much on any symptoms of depression or anxiety you might be feeling. Look instead for the root causes. What are the underlying problems, and how can you fix them?


December 23 – January 20

It's not you, it's the others! People around you sap your energy, dragging you down to their level. Spend time alone if you can, to re-charge your batteries and recalibrate your joy. Your own company makes you happy.


January 21 – February 20

Conflict among your social group, or in a club, is very irritating. Maybe you're keeping the wrong company? Don't hesitate to walk away from people or clubs you've outgrown. You don't have to tolerate the squabbling.


February 21 – March 20

Career-related regrets figure strongly in your week, but you cannot change the past. Focus instead on the future. You have learnt some lessons, and you won't repeat those mistakes. Set your sights high now and pat yourself on the back. You're on the up.


March 21 – April 20

If you're at a standstill in your career, consider whether further education, or new skills, might help. It will pay to invest in yourself now, so that in years to come you can seek fresh opportunities. Plan ahead to upgrade your talents.


April 21 – May 20

Avoid the temptation to use sex as a weapon or bargaining chip in your relationship. Find healthier ways to resolve differences, such as couples therapy. Allowing resentment to build up in the bedroom won't help you.