Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

This weekend's sun and moon join Mercury and Mars in the fiery sign of the lion for an extrovert, exuberant, extravagantly entertaining week on the world stage …

ARIES: Aligned with your premier planet Mars, this week's power-boost affects whatever makes your heart sing with either a kickstart, mid-year tweak or full-on course correction. In any combative head-butting about who's boss, rules and ultimatums won't win you allies. Just do what comes naturally: lead with courage, humour and inimitable style.

The planet Mercury, from a photo composite taken by the probe Mariner 10 in March, 1974.

The planet Mercury, from a photo composite taken by the probe Mariner 10 in March, 1974.Credit: NASA

TAURUS: This week's sensible, practical Moon/Mercury emphasis centres interest and activity round financial transactions and investment plans. If others are pushy or pressuring, keep negotiations simple, clear and to the point. Spend time on research, information gathering, analysis, comparisons and shopping around before sealing any deals. And have fun on the way.

GEMINI: Venus in Gemini is easily distracted by the fleeting delights of the passing parade, while your planet mentor Mercury in Virgo brings up-close focus to details. This week's brief is to not let either of these tendencies blinker or divert your attention from the very specific opportunities waiting for you to notice them.

CANCER: The annual season of power push and egos on parade could flick the switch on some tricky mood swings unless you factor in plenty of replenishing self-care. For issues that need discussion and renegotiation before you can move forward, communicate directly instead of expecting others to read your mind or pick up on clues.

LEO: I am lion, hear me roar! With weekend sun and new moon joining Mars in Leo for an all-out resplendent entry into your majesty's birthday month, give the mane a fluff up, the whiskers a polish and some thought to what you truly, deeply, madly want in this coming year of glittering possibilities.

VIRGO: As your personal planet Mercury checks into Virgo and a dynamic sun/Mars hook-up pushes you to pick up the pace, don't wait round for inspiration to strike or opportunity knock on your door. While much can be accomplished this week through being proactive, appreciation unlocks the flow of abundance faster than anything.

LIBRA: Decisions, decisions! The sweet torture of life as a Libran ... you can't say yes to everything, and for this week's balance challenge, planning is essential. Your excellent networking karma's working well for you, but during late week Libra moon don't be too influenced by group pressure. The person to please is yourself.

SCORPIO: With current cosmic co-ordinates amping up the passion factor, expect a week of dynamic action and entrepreneurial opportunity. If the general populace seem totally absorbed and focused on themselves, this leaves you free to do your own thing – which with Mars in showy Leo could be making your point in theatrical fashion.


SAGITTARIUS: This week's expressive energy suits your active, straight-as-the-arrow-flies style. But ease up on judgmental pronouncements – obviously honey attracts way more pleasant interactions than vinegar. Take care to get your facts straight and details correct, because this week won't be forgiving to the critic who gets it wrong.

CAPRICORN: As the planetary actors break for intermission, July's emotional intensity lessens. But it's still showbiz, so consider your role in this week's drama: whether that's star, support, designer, director or producer, is it making you happy? Does it need reconfiguring? Review what you've learned this month. Hopefully that's cause for celebration…

AQUARIUS: This week offers a sparkling and sparky mixed plate of congenial company, celebratory meetings and contentious flare-ups at which you'll be your usual provocative self. But with Mars and Pluto pushing buttons, minor disputes can explode into major hostilities, so pouring oil on troubled waters will be more rewarding than making waves.

PISCES: Experiencing messy disorganisation in your work or home world, relationships, life? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, streamlining's the big thing on this week's storyboard, with present astral trends recommending clutter-clearing initiatives to feng shui a spacious landing pad for creative inspirations, eureka moments and game-changing revelations.

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