Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

Fiery Mars teaming up with Mercury in showy Leo is dramatic, theatrical, combustible. And hates to be wrong…

ARIES: As this week presses your do-it-now button, making you impulsive and impatient, channel assertive energy into positive, constructive outlets. Your creative muse is ascendant for the next six weeks, so avenues that showcase your exploratory nature and original thinking are best for keeping you on track and inspiring others.

The path of a Delta rocket is shown in a time exposure as it lifts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying NASA's Mars Pathfinder probe.

The path of a Delta rocket is shown in a time exposure as it lifts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying NASA's Mars Pathfinder probe.Credit: MICHAEL R. BROWN

TAURUS: If mid-week Taurus moon finds you forthright and wanting your way, here's the thing: It's best not to get on this week's bad side. Or say anything you're likely to regret. With Venus in the sign of the tricky Twins, you might find you don't know some people as well as you thought.

GEMINI: You're a wordsmith and the language of praise, compliments and appreciation is this week's lingua franca – hardly a hard ask with Venus in your sign expressing herself in eloquent, articulate ways that light a candle of understanding for others. Which could make the difference in someone's day. Or life…

CANCER: Been doing your signature dance move, the crab sidestep, and ignoring something you haven't wanted to acknowledge? This week could sound a wake up call – and not necessarily in a way you'd have preferred. But hey, you have people skills. Sensitivity. Empathy. Intuition. And you're a cardinal sign, a leader. Remember this.

LEO: As Mars moves to join Mercury in Leo, you're in your element: the spotlight. Exhilarating! Though its price tag is that not all the attention you get will be as problem and conflict-free as you'd like. Unless you're prepared for damage control, resist the impulse to act out. Start planning that spectacular birthday celebration instead.

VIRGO: The current over-supply of I-me-myself-personally types is certainly tedious, but you won't find the best of what's available if you're constantly irritated by the worst of what's on offer. Switching focus to gratitude for present benefits, contacts and support could well turn events in your favour, even stimulate a lucky break.

LIBRA: With your ruler Venus in frisky, flirty mode, this week's social scene is lively and entertaining, though late week Mars could flick the drama switch on emotional outbursts, unsubtle demands or unexpected responses. So choose your company wisely, give needy attention-seekers a wide berth and have exit strategies in place for sticky situations.

SCORPIO: Your suspicions may be correct, but don't let an obsessive mindset ruin this week. Forgiveness for past mistakes, along with acknowledgement of the part you played in them, is necessary in order to move forward. That said, Mars in Leo's theatrical swagger has you rethinking your role and place on the world stage.


SAGITTARIUS: This week's needs are quickly triggered by the Red Planet's entry into a fellow fire sign, and you'll want what you want when you want it, ie right this minute. But so will everyone else, which can be hilarious when things go well, not so much when agendas clash. Advice? Compromise.

CAPRICORN: Mobilising, motivating Mars in fiery Leo ignites a flare of ambitious drive, but you'll still need to proceed gently. If others are argumentative and stubborn, be diplomatic; contradicting or trying to convince will only provoke more resistance. But no need to take my word – go ahead and test the heck out of it.

AQUARIUS: Whatever this week comes up with definitely won't be dull. With Venus in a fellow air sign lit up by sizzling Mars, first impressions may be glamorous and dazzling, followed by bluster, bravado and flying sparks. Avoid scorch marks by staying calm, cool and just a little calculating. Ask yourself: what's the real deal here?

PISCES: The current climate could have people blowing things way out of proportion, so it's worthwhile acquainting yourself with the facts. Speak your truth, but if a tug of war ensues over who's right, best just let go rather than argue. This week's high points? Impromptu celebrations and valuable new connections.

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