Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

Mercury in fiery Leo, full moon in earthy Capricorn, Venus in airy Gemini and Sun/Mars in watery Cancer elevate this week's chances of balancing passions, ambitions, ideas and emotions. Good luck …

ARIES: If this week features dramatic clashes or a battle of wills, a fortunate Venus/Mercury alignment makes friendly compromise possible. You can't control the way others feel or behave, but you can monitor your own responses. Aries up for a challenge could try reversing criticisms to their flip side and finding something to praise instead.

Saturn and its biggest moon Titan seen from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Saturn and its biggest moon Titan seen from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.Credit: Universal History Archive

TAURUS: This week's hard to pin down. Its changing arrangements can create moody misunderstandings and confusing rifts if taken personally, so don't. If there's a feeling of working at cross purposes, discuss practical adjustments. There's plenty of earthy pleasures available: home entertaining plates up the most enjoyable.

GEMINI: Venus in your sign has you freely exercising Gemini's ruling organ (the tongue) with smart and sassy, quick-witted repartee. But Mercury in Leo cautions to be mindful of how you say what you say, especially concerning sensitive subjects. Speak from your feelings, and share them in the language of the heart.

CANCER: Full moon in your opposite sign on the astro-wheel could stimulate mind-blowing insights and revelations, which require your taking time and making space for their download. Then, of course they'll need the road test of reality… Don't let escalating expenses rain on this week's parade, especially if a birthday's involved. Get creative.

LEO: If you find it hard to be objective this week, expand your perspective and contract any tendency to inflate problems, because over-emotional reactions won't promote sound decisions. Better to leverage the auspicious alignment of structured Saturn, creative Uranus and north node in Leo to develop your talents towards long term rewards.

VIRGO: This week's astral advice is that it's perfectly acceptable to take the line of least resistance right now, because some things just aren't worth fighting over. Also to ask for help if you need it. And not to dismiss the interesting invitations coming your way just because they're unusual.

LIBRA: Get ready for The Many Moods Of This Week: a shifting kaleidoscope of emotions which can change in a heartbeat from flame-throwing fury to charming and congenial depending on how you respond. Yes, there'll be frustrating, debilitating power plays – but also interesting newbies with fresh, original ideas entering your orbit.

SCORPIO: This week's slew of gnarly Pluto oppositions could see carping arguments, power politics and/or temperamental personalities combusting. That's the glass half full. The overflowing cup version features your robust emotional reservoir supplying all the energetic momentum needed to fuel you through the knottiest conundrums and most volatile scenarios.


SAGITTARIUS: This week's planetary placements support taking care of business: financial, paperwork, resource management, budgetary adjustments. That achieved, your ruling planet Jupiter in the sign of let's party and vivacious Venus at her chattiest will insist on playful, entertaining downtime with some of your favourite fun-lovers.

CAPRICORN: If weekend Capricorn full moon brings lingering tensions to a head, that's a good thing. Out from backstage shadowland for open discussion, they get the chance to purge, detox and resolve. With relationships the special on this week's menu, do whatever you can to consolidate understanding and improve cooperation.

AQUARIUS: "Aquirkians", let's face it, can be their own worst enemies, especially when opposition, competition, suppositions and impositions have interpersonal relations at a low ebb. So make the most of early week Aquarius moon for creative brainstorming, then wherever possible try to schedule communications one on one and face to face.

PISCES: Unwillingness to face facts may be an exasperating feature of this week, whether it's on your part, someone else's, or both. Solution? Honest self-enquiry, which can be an eye opener all round. Don't be taken in by fake news in the form of poor-me stories during late week Pisces moon.

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