Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

Neptune entering a six-month retrograde in Pisces signals prime time for developing spiritual and artistic rituals and routines to bring inner vision into physical form …

ARIES: This week, especially round early week Aries moon, it's worth considering the Cherokee teaching of the two wolves at war inside us all. Which will win? The one we feed. Best current results accrue by putting cranky, negative wolf on a diet and nourishing the glorious north node mode of loving creativity.

Sagittarius, the Archer. In mythology, Sagittarius represents the creature known as the centaur - half man, half horse. The centaur was supposed to  hold a bow and arrow aimed at the heart of Scorpio, a neighbouring constellation.

Sagittarius, the Archer. In mythology, Sagittarius represents the creature known as the centaur - half man, half horse. The centaur was supposed to hold a bow and arrow aimed at the heart of Scorpio, a neighbouring constellation.

TAURUS: Use the ''KISS'' method (Keep It Simple Sweetheart) this week, because the more people involved, the more complex complications you can expect. Stick to sensible, reliable methods. And with Venus accompanying midweek moon in the Taurus pleasure zone, try not to overdo, overspend or overcommit. You mightn't succeed, but at least try.

GEMINI: Resist assumptions this week. Spell things out. Insist on confirmation. If that means seeing arrangements dissipate into thin air and plans fail to gain traction, at least you'll know where you are. And then be ready when late week Gemini moon tosses a sparkling mystery box of intriguing takeaway into your orbit.

CANCER: Health, exercise and stress reduction are key over the next six months. Cancerian author H.D. Thoreau considered wilderness a superior tonic, and Japanese eco-therapy studies show forest bathing (simply being in a green cathedral of trees) improves the immune system, lowers pulse rate, blood pressure, cortisol production, hostility and depression. Plus soothes the spirit.

LEO: Feeling an urge to splurge on overpriced luxury merchandise? Not advised. This week's challenge is finding ways to add value to the gifts, skills, talents, friends, love and possessions you already have. To improve and refine, give them more polish and shine by your attitude of gratitude for the treasures that they are.

VIRGO: Virgo video maker and spoken-word artist Richard Williams, aka Prince Ea, offers this week's message to fellow Mercurians with heavy schedules, holding things together and still managing to make it through the day. For that, I join him to say: good job. Thank-you for all you do. Keep it up. You're appreciated.

LIBRA: Libran comedian Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyondananda, offers the most fun advice for this week with his Hokey Pokey dance steps for fool realisation. Which go like this: Put your whole self in (commitment), Pull your whole self out (detachment), Then turn your self around (transformation). And that's what it's all about …

SCORPIO: Neptune retrograde renders the protoplasm of reality exceptionally receptive to imaginative imprint. Making this a primo week to practise the art of well-wishing, eg: May your obstacles dissolve, may abundance besiege you… Socially awkward? Then just tap your wrist, hit Telepathic Send, and feel reciprocal blessings stream back to you through the ''memosphere''.


SAGITTARIUS: As you doubtless know by now, expectations are the shortest route to disappointment. But a take-it-as-it-comes attitude to this week will provide you with plenty of instructive scenarios and amusing companions. Call a moratorium on stewing and brewing – sort symptoms of disgruntlement, your own or others', before they escalate.

CAPRICORN: Planetary emphasis is back on relationships – again. All kinds. So be helpful where possible in abrasive situations. If that's not feasible then exit before you're the filling in someone else's spat sandwich. Try the creative exercise of finding something to compliment in everyone you meet. Express gratitude. Watch what happens.

AQUARIUS: With the current trio of outer planets retrograde, most interpersonal interactions are likely to raise questions. And in an ocean of inaccurate information, toxic gossip and fake news, the most instructive line of questioning is self-inquiry. This week the less is said, the least chances there are for misunderstanding.

PISCES: Watery Neptune retrograde in Pisces for the next six months highlights your astrological symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions. Unkind critics might call these flounder (if you're indecisive/unreliable) or flake (if you're forgetful/late). But you'll simply continue to baffle and bewitch them with the old Piscean voodoo that you do so well …

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