Daily Life

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Dear Jess: How can I prevent my husband from blurting out my secrets?

Q. My husband just can't keep a secret. I tell him things in confidence and he'll later blurt them out, often in inappropriate circumstances so people are embarrassed. He says he can't remember what is secret, but it's a shame as there are things I just can't tell him now. Why does he always do this?

A. Secretive Spouse, how much are you now keeping from your husband? Sometimes it's okay to have some mystery – especially if these secrets have got nothing to do with your partner, and may simply involve problems relating to your friends. These issues are none of your husband's business.

Have you been told something in confidence which you then decided to tell your husband? Does your embarrassment come a little from being sprung sharing a secret? However, I am concerned that your other half shrugs off your distress over his unzipped lips with the feeble excuse that he doesn't remember what is confidential.

Of course he knows, and the next time he speaks out of turn at a social event, kick him under the table or tread on his foot! He'll remember that.

Q. During a recent visit to my dentist, I started chatting with the receptionist. Now she keeps calling me and wants to catch up for coffee! I was only trying to be friendly and don't have enough time to catch up with my real friends.

A. Waiting Room Chatterbox, I love small talk, just like you. It's bizarre how some people misinterpret that for "let's be best friends".

I would just keep ignoring this woman's calls. However, I get the sense you're more polite than me, so why not send a text explaining that your life is busy and you don't have time for a coffee?

These answers are simply my views, and I am far from perfect. I struggle through some days better than others with the help of my family, cats, chocolate and antidepressants. Unfortunately, I cannot personally reply to questions.

Contact me via Jessica.Rowe@fairfaxmedia.com.au. Instagram: @jessjrowe. Twitter: @JessRowe