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The Archibald Prize at the Art Gallery of NSW: what makes a winner

For heaven's sake, don't paint a politician. An illustrated guide to winning the famous face-off, according to statistics

It's a man's world: winning subjects by gender

It takes balls to win the Archibald. Quite literally. In the the prize's 96-year history, winning works depicting women have been a rarity. A portrait of a woman won in the prize's third year, but artist W. B. McInnes didn't bother to say who she was, simply calling his 1923 picture, Portrait of a Lady. Winning female subjects in recent years have included architect Penelope Seidler (painted by Fiona Lowry in 2014), Del Kathryn Barton with a self-portrait in 2008 and artist Janet Laurence (John Beard, 2007). The late Margaret Olley was the subject of two winning works six decades apart. She was painted by Ben Quilty in 2011 and by William Dobell in 1948.

Yep, definitely a man's world: winning artists by gender

Archibalds: winning artists by gender

Nora Heysen's win in 1938 upset the art world's boys' club. There were mutterings among disgruntled male competitors that women shouldn't be allowed to enter. Despite her early Archibald success, Heysen spent much of her career overshadowed by her famous father, the painter Hans Heysen. "Nora never really had a sense of what a great artist she could have been," Fairfax Media's art critic John McDonald says. "But she had real style."

It took 22 years for another woman to win (Judy Cassab with Stanislaus Rapotec in 1960). It's only in the last decade that female winners have become a regular event.

Arty types rule the roost: winning subjects by industry

Archibalds: winning subjects by industry
The rules state that an Archibald portrait must depict "some man or woman distinguished in art, letters, science or politics", but a quick glance at the winning works over the prize's history makes it clear that creative types are the best bet. Close to 70 per cent of winning works have been portraits of bigwigs who made their names in the arts: performers and writers are well represented (Louise Hearman won last year with a twinkly-eyed Barry Humphries) but it's even more common for the winner to be a portrait of an artist. From William Dobell, who won with a painting of fellow artist Joshua Smith in 1943, to Tim Storrier's self-portrait in 2012, painters have always drawn Archibald inspiration from close to home. So what's going on? Are artists just self-obsessed? Well, yes, says McDonald. "It's very hard to imagine anyone becoming an artist unless they want to get themselves noticed," he says. "A true artist is totally obsessed with what they do."

But there is more to the preponderance of paintings of painters; these days it can be hard to convince anyone else to sit still for long enough. "In the past, people of distinction would commission a portrait and it was a paid job," McDonald says. "Now people don't have time to sit around for portraits ... Often, artists find that almost the only people prepared to sit for them for any length of time are other artists. What's more, if the portrait turns out to be ugly or awkward, another artist is going to understand."

Stick to the middle: winning artists by age

Archibalds: winners by artist's age

The youngest ever winner was Nora Heysen – also the first woman to take the prize. It was 1938 and she was 27 years old. Her portrait depicted Madame Elink Schuurman, the wife of a Dutch diplomat. The oldest was John Olsen, who was 77 when he won with Self-Portrait Janus-Faced in 2005. In the main though, the middle years are the most likely ones for Archibald glory, with more than half the winners aged between 36 and 55. "Artists begin to hit their peak in their late 30s and, by the time they're in their 50s, they should be painting as well as ever," McDonald says. "People are winning the Archibald at the peak of their abilities."

What's more, he says, the gallery trustees have a tendency to award the prize to an artist who has made the final hang a few times but never won. "There is a tendency to give it to someone who has been around," McDonald says.
To self-portrait or not to self-portrait
Archibalds: self-portraits vs subject portraits

In one sense, a self-portrait is an easy option; no need to convince a sitter to pose. But there are some artistic challenges that come with painting yourself. "With self-portraits, they can be limited," McDonald says. "Artists are doing them in the mirror, so they're often painted with that three-quarter turn of the head, with one eye looking." There's more room to move in a portrait of someone else, so it's no surprise that the bulk of winners are artists painting other people.

In a a handful of winning works, the artist appears alongside other subjects, including Marcus Wills' The Paul Juraszek Monolith in 2006 and Francis Giacco's Homage to John Reichard in 1994.

Words by Louise Schwartzkoff

​The Archibald Prize is at the Art Gallery of NSW, July 29-October 22.