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How to cut your power bill and even quit the grid

Would you like to free yourself of the undue, complex costs and, well, powerlessness so many endure in dealing with energy companies? Would you take it further and live in an apartment building or even an entire town that is off the grid, generating all the power it needs – and zero pollution – from the ultimate renewable energy source, the sun?

It might sound radical now. But it probably won't for much longer; it's starting to happen, and the momentum will be fuelled by the rapid improvement in storage technology – a battery breakthrough is burgeoning. Today's instalment of The (Ideas) Zone, and the online chat session in which you can participate below, are designed to help you beat the inertia so many of us feel when contemplating changing providers of the essentials of modern life – particularly energy, banking, telecommunications.

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Many of us have the potential to save on power by seeking expert advice. My colleague Marc Moncrief recently wrote of his jolting electricity bill of $10,000. Here, incidentally, are his five tips to avoid such horror:

  1. Know your rights: In Victoria, for example, an energy company can't charge you more than nine months in arrears.
  2. Pick the low hanging fruit: you know, stuff like changing to LED lights.
  3. Get an audit: Marc and his partner paid a few hundred dollars to an electrical engineer to come out and audit their house. ``We choked a little bit at the cost, but it was worth it."
  4. Shop around: A report from the Brotherhood of St Laurence found competition is failing to bring prices down in Victoria. Part of this is due to consumer fatigue and intertia.
  5. Go to the Ombudsman: ''She knows the all the ways around the bill," Marc says. ''Give her a call."

Marc and his family cut their bill by about a third. You can get advice right here, today. Just leave your questions and comments below for Alex Houlston and Tosh Szatow, who founded Energy for the People in 2012 to shake up the energy market. It is a certified B Corp – which means it is internationally recognised for its social and environmental purpose, as well as its business acumen – and was honoured this year with a 'Best for the World for Environmental Impact' B Corp listing.

Here they are, with Alex on the left, photographed by Simon Schluter at a St Kilda community house that is part of the company's push to democratise, as it were, power.


We'll come back to the community housing project, which is saving hundreds of thousands of dollars as well generating jobs for people at risk of homelessness.

First, though, let's look at a couple of even more ambitious, indeed groundbreaking, undertakings. Energy for the People is helping two towns – Tyalgum, a little inland from the North Coast of NSW and Newstead in central Victoria – transition from total reliance on traditional electricity generation and distribution companies to 100 per cent renewable energy. By 2020, they'll have the option to leave the grid.

Here is an image from the Tyalgum project's community Facebook page.

About 300 people live there, in some 120 houses. The project, it is estimated, could save the residents as much as $580,000 each year from a bill currently running at about $750,000.

Similar savings might be had in Newstead, but Alex reckons that community is less likely to go off the grid completely. Negotiations with the energy supplier are said to be at a highly sensitive stage, so stay tuned.

Another project being support by The People's Solar has just been launched in Darwin with The Balunu Foundation, an organisation that helps at-risk young people and families in the Northern Territory. The reason for the project, as the website explains, is simple and profound: ``It costs us more than $15,000 a year in diesel fuel and generator maintenance to supply electricity to our camps. By switching to solar power and batteries, we can use the money saved to grow our program, helping an additional 20 kids every year re-connect with Indigenous culture and prevent youth suicide in our region."

This incipient energy revolution, which is part of the rise of the so-called sharing economy, where people and organisations circumvent established commercial models by pooling resources to produce, consume and trade goods and services, will soon start putting pressure on property developers because people will be attracted to lower costs, increased reliability, zero pollution and a sense of community achievement and empowerment.

Here's how Alex puts it: ''They may not know it yet, but developers are facing a stark choice – to connect, or not to connect their next development to the grid. Like it or not, the risk of housing becoming outdated prior to completion, particularly in developments on the urban growth boundary, has never been higher.

''Imagine the scenario – you start building a greenfield development [a precinct which may span hundreds, if not thousands of hectares, and take a decade to build]. Two years in, and you find you're competing with developments which aren't connected to the grid, offering home-buyers 100 per cent renewable communities, with fixed energy costs for 20 years, and support for the local economy [in-perpetuity …

''There's still time for developers to ensure their precinct developments don't become outdated before their [completion] time. Rooftop power stations today, community-owned energy grids tomorrow."

A project in Melbourne, partly financed through Energy for the People's sister operation, crowd-funding platform The People's Solar, demonstrates the economic, social and environmental benefits.

The two-year project, called Transition to Zero, is designed to eliminate the greenhouse emissions of the 20 buildings (comprising 337 rooming-house units) run by St Kilda Community Housing. Here are Alex and Tosh at one of the buildings, with St Kilda Community Housing general manager John Enticott.

Natural gas is being abandoned by St Kilda Community Housing, and 150kW of solar installed, along with batteries. The other elements are energy management technology, LED lighting and upgrading hot water for heating and showers. They saved $30,000 upfront simply by switching to a more competitive electricity tariff. Once it's completed, John reckons it will cut the annual power bill by as much as $70,000, or close to a third of what they are currently paying.

Here's John: ''Meeting Alex and Tosh from Energy for the People was a light bulb moment for me. We were looking for solutions to our ever-increasing utility bills, and their highly innovative approach, combined with their passion and commitment to social justice, meant we could save money immediately, and develop employment opportunities for tenants at the same time."

Image: Jim Pavlidis

The name Energy for the People is a play on Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, one of the most feted rhetorical democratic moments, in which were uttered the words ''of the people, by the people, for the people".

New-generation (sorry) batteries mean that solar power is moving from being a relatively expensive way for concerned people to reduce their greenhouse emissions, to a competitive way to take control of your energy needs. Alex and Tosh's timing is excellent; the shift to a lower-carbon economy is fully on.

Morocco, for example, like Australia a nation with lots of sun and deserts, is about to switch on phase one the world's most extensive concentrated solar power (SCP) plant, after investing more than $12 billion. When the $12 billion project is fully operational, it will generate a third of Morocco's electricity, and save a fortune on oil imports.

Things are moving here, too. Here are some numbers, some of which come from a 2013 study by Climate Works Australia, an independent, research-based, non-profit organisation set up by the Myer Foundation and Monash University.

  1. Renewable generation rose by 12 per cent in 2013-14, comprising 15 per cent of total generation in Australia.
  2. Electricity generation by renewable sources (primarily wind, solar and hydro) has grown by two-thirds in the past decade, while generation by gas doubled.
  3. More than 1 million homes, or one in 10, have solar panels, and new offices these days use a third less energy than was the case a decade ago. In the past three years, the amount of energy needed to heat and cool a new home has fallen by almost a fifth.
  4. Emissions from power generation have fallen by more than 13 per cent in the past four years. This reflects a 5 per cent fall in demand from grid-supplied electricity (equivalent to the entire annual electricity consumption of Tasmania) since 2010, a rise from 7 per cent to 12 per cent in the share of renewable energy since 2004 and a 14 per cent fall in coal generation since 2004.
  5. In 2011-12, solar power costs dropped by 80 per cent and continue to fall.

Now, with the help of people like Alex and Tosh, it's time for households to fight back. Recent research by the St Vincent de Paul Society found consumers are being gouged in a market of 18 energy suppliers offering as many as 4000 products. The report concluded that the removal of price controls has resulted in soaring retail margins for energy retailers. Almost half the average electricity bill in Victoria is represented by that margin, with only about 10 per cent of the bill going to the actual cost of the power. In NSW, the margin is about 30 per cent.

It's our money. So, over to you: fight the power. Are you getting a fair go? Have you got any tips? Have you tried to get a better deal? Would you like to quit the grid? You are welcome to leave your questions and/or comments here.


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