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The curious haste of the Metro project

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The Sunday Age has long commended the state government's agenda of supporting and commissioning major infrastructure projects.

The level crossing removal project will do much to free up Melbourne's congested suburban roads. Upgrades to regional rail will help Victorians who live outside the capital, and who have long wanted for better public transport. But it's the $10.9 billion Melbourne Metro Rail Project, and its tunnel and new stations for Melbourne, that is the jewel in the state government's infrastructure crown.

Heading into next year's election, Premier Dan Andrews is keen to be seen as the leader of a "can do" government, and one that can get the job done.

Labor is hoping to build those credentials on the back of projects such as Melbourne Metro. While the government should be commended for tackling such a major project, especially when the Baillieu and Napthine governments baulked at major infrastructure projects, it's not to say the plan is without its flaws.

As the state government has been keen to remind us, it will be the largest transport project undertaken in Victoria's history when completed in 2026. The project will undoubtedly help free up capacity in Melbourne's overcrowded and buckling public transport system.

It will also, as is the case with all major infrastructure projects, cause much disruption for the people of Melbourne. Such disruption is part and parcel of building for the future. The question being raised is whether or not all that disruption is needed, and if political gain is being prioritised over the needs and amenity of the more than 800,000 people who travel in and out of Melbourne every day.


There is getting the job done and getting the job right.

We have long argued for South Yarra station to be included as part of the Melbourne Metro upgrade.  Its omission means the project is only partially complete, especially as South Yarra is now Melbourne's sixth-busiest railway station. The Andrews government has already conceded South Yarra Station will need upgrading in foreseeable future.

Its inclusion, however, would have greatly extended the time needed to complete the Metro project.

Now we have learnt Melbourne's CBD will see more than 430,000 extra trucks rumble through it as part of the Metro Tunnel project.

Like the omission of the South Yarra upgrade, it would seem the reason for those trucks is to meet a tight deadline, rather than the needs of the city.

The timeline set by the Andrews Government is for work to begin by 2018, tunnelling and truck disruption to end by 2022, and the project to be operational in 2026.

In the four-year cycle of Victorian politics, all of those years are election years.  

Let us hope the government is not prioritising an agenda of positive news in an election year over the needs of a city.