

Section 44 of Constitution must change after Larissa Waters, Scott Ludlam resign

Early in the evening of August 23, 2011, I went into the Senate chamber, and sat on the deep red leather seats in the advisor's box. It was a special moment, listening to Larissa Waters, my former talented student in Brisbane, give her first speech as a senator. She described herself having "determined optimism", and that certainly was the student I remembered. With a broad Australian accent, she applied herself to contributing to Australian political life.

Now, thanks to the arcane workings of section 44 of our Constitution, she is gone. Resigned because she mistakenly thought that, when your Australian parents carry you from a country at 11 months and never go back, and you are naturalised as an Australian, and have an Australian passport, and contribute for years to your country, you might just be Australian enough to hold office.

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Larissa Waters resigns

The deputy Greens leader becomes the second to resign in less than a week.

The Greens are busy promising to tighten their candidate screening processes.

But it isn't the candidate screening we need to fix. It's the Constitution.

Section 44 says a person cannot be elected to Parliament if they are "under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power". This means people with dual citizenship can't stand for federal office.

Yet citizenship is a useless test of loyalty. The fact this idea persists at all is evidence how little thought goes into the subject. Globally and throughout history, how many spies, agent provocateurs, or revolutionaries are foreign-born traitors? Hardly any. Subversion, infiltration, revolution – these are activities fostered by nationals in their own countries, not foreigners or dual nationals.


The insignificance of citizenship as an influence on loyalty is obvious from Australia's own history. Those times when foreign influence might have posed any threat to the integrity of our politics, it has been entirely home-grown. When communist influence spread through the labour movement and trade unions, it was through radical Australian nationals who would have considered themselves patriots. Australian politicians close to the Communist Party, such as Arthur Gietzelt, John Wheeldon or Tom Uren, were Australian-born or, in Gietzelt's case, born in the United States, but raised in Australia by Australian parents. Nationality was not just irrelevant – it was committed Australians who fostered linkages with the international communist movement.

In the mid-1970s, the United States took an active and hostile interest in the Whitlam government. Just how far this went is controversial, with circumstantial evidence of covert influence. However, to the extent the Americans sought to manipulate our politics, it was done through willing Australian citizens in elected or appointed office. Their "allegiance to a foreign power" was in no way related to formal connections to that country.

However, citizenship restrictions are not just irrelevant to protecting Australian politics from foreign influence. They are harmful. Citizenship requirements marginalise Australia's own people. Over a quarter of Australians were born outside this country, and that proportion has always been high. Sole citizenship is a requirement that needlessly restricts our own people from participating in public life. People who have made this country their home, often since childhood. People who have paid taxes here, voted here, and care passionately about this place.

There is a deeper question to be asked, too. Why do we think multiple loyalties are problematic? What about all the good things they bring? The motivation people feel to bring countries closer together? The greater cultural awareness and understanding that helps reduce conflict? The ability to facilitate skilled migration and integrate those migrant communities through leadership? The connections that smooth the wheels of trade, or open doors in international commerce? The genuine understanding of both sides of an international argument?

In a globalized world, we shouldn't discourage dual citizens from entering politics. We should do the opposite. These are the very people, international in outlook and circumstance, who we should encourage to hold office, and to engage with the world on our behalf. Nationalism is a sentiment that does nothing but harm, all the more so in a world of interconnection, travel, trade and security challenges. Demanding sole citizenship gives nationalism a dignity it does not deserve, and harms us all.

But don't take my word for it. Ask the Senate committee that considered the issue in 1981. Ask the Constitutional Commission that comprehensively reviewed our foundation document at the time of the Bicentennial. Ask the House of Representatives committee that reviewed the situation in 1996. Everyone who carefully considers this issue reaches the same conclusion: section 44(i) should go.

Senators Scott Ludlam and Waters are just the latest in a line of casualties, tripped up by a law that we already know should be expunged. It is a shame the two senators weren't government members. That might have sparked a move for reform. As it is, expect nothing to change.

Dr Ian Holland is director of Hamilton Stone consulting. He was lecturer in environmental policy at Griffith University 1993-1999, and a secretary to Senate committees 2005-2013.